CIVILISATION: Development of Society
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Once I Was ....

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Once I Was .... Empty Once I Was ....

Post by Spamalot Wed 12 Jun 2024 - 13:51

You can be the nicest gentlest kindest most tolerant sympathetic person one could ever wish to meet but there will come a time when you are faced with an irritant not easily overcome, that tries your patience to the extreme

It's got to be that nauseating persistant irritant that survives on imagination alone. That know-it-all itch that despite rational combat and reasoned argument can't somehow break those chains of make believe. Totally absorbed by gangster rap and high ranking American gangster movies. Obsessed by weaponry, as long as there is a target and it's still loaded, the weapon will stay focused until made obsolete by the common grace of decency.

Like an airborne allergen lurking on and around until the opportunity gives itself to strike, then there is no stopping as anyone subjected to allergies will know full well. They will also know there is no cure nor treatment to rid the body of that unwanted space invader. Wherever, whenever you go it follows you like a bad smell, the smell of rank decomposing flesh that stays with you for a lifetime - at least that's what it feels like.

The irritant niggles and niggles and niggles, you can put obstacles in the way to weaken it's hold - like antihistamine but that only adds to the never ending niggles, it's useless - you're hooked. there is no escape!

In days of yore there was good chance to fight back, if you knew someone distantly, personally or somewhere in between, you knew roughly what you were dealing with and could act accordingly, however in this age of advanced technology we've all but lost that chance of equal sides in the field of battle. Now we resort to anonymity making it nigh on impossible to know the enemy - or in this case, the allergen. So many airborne irritants are above below and around us to attack from every angle, as fast as you scratch the more you itch!


Unbelievable how many sneaky little hide-outs a woodworm can find to live comfortably without fear of insecticide attack - or wormicide if you prefer. It's hard to believe how the woodworm is given the freedom of open space to essentially deposit it's detritus without being relentlessly followed by a vacuum cleaner to suck-up the waste products. Not only is the woodworm left to 'do it's own thing' (so to speak) but it's openly encouraged to keep on giving.

It is evident from the woodworm wanderings that outside it's evolutionary environment, the woodworm is effectively clueless - useless. No doubt happy and content chomping the wood but given the freedom of movement outside the woodwork it is unable to cope rationally - taken outside it's comfort zone it loses all sense of identity and worth.

A place for everything and everything in it's place, so where exactly does a woodworm belong - in the woodwork destroying only one specific environment or left to freely wander about unleashed, always ready to invade personal space where it is clearly unwanted? Academic study has long ago identified the merits of a woodworm in the chain of biodiversity, it has also identified the nuisance value outside it's rightful place on earth - the woodwork!

Who will rid us of this terminal woodworm ....

Once I Was .... Screen23


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Join date : 2024-04-25

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