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Photographic Evidence - or Perhaps Not!

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Photographic Evidence - or Perhaps Not! Empty Photographic Evidence - or Perhaps Not!

Post by Wisdom Wed 29 May 2024 - 14:00

In order to 'prove' Madeleine McCann disappeared sooner than the documented timescale recorded by the Portuguese Judiciary, the indefatigable armchair detective's evidence centres on one photograph, that said to be the last photograph showing Madeleine McCann taken on the afternoon of Thursday 3rd May 2007.

They say the camera never lies but in this digital age the camera itself can't be said to lie but the humans behind the camera can certainly manipulate images for a desired outcome.  Takes the art out of the skill but that's for another time.

So, the photograph of Madeleine McCann taken at the Ocean Club poolside.  The entire building is constructed on this foundation, without which the building is razed to the ground without the use of any wrecking ball - it's self destructive!

The photograph did not form any part of the Portuguese police investigation, according to press reports the photograph was released by the parents on or around 24th May 2007, three weeks after the event.  This would coincide with Gerry McCann's first return visit to the UK but that is not the issue here, brushing away the cobwebs the photograph has collected over the years we return to basics.

The emphasis and key evidence used to suggest the destiny of Madeleine McCann hinges solely on the time and date the photograph was taken so let's look at that in isolation - how do we know exactly when the photograph was taken?  There can be only one way without access to the camera itself and other first hand evidence attached thereto - yes, the EXIF data which is exactly what has been used to prove a point, or provide the necessary evidence if you prefer, that the time and date stamp of the photograph is a forgery but is it?

A very important question needs to be asked before embarking on a journey of conspiracy, a question that has been asked many many times over the years but never answered, not even an attempted answer - only conveniently ignored!  So at the risk of being repetitive ....

What is the provenance of the EXIF data circulating social media for the past 17 years ?!?

Where did it come from, who first published it and why?  There can be no advantage for team McCann by publishing such information, it wasn't included in the Portuguese police photographic evidence so where did it come from and why?  There is no EXIF data published for any other photograph of Madeleine McCann or any other aspect of the investigation so why this particular photograph?

There have been many individuals and groups over the years who have feigned information connected to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann - burial sites;  alleged phone calls (claimed to be obtained by fair means or foul!);  mistaken identities;  guilt by association;  makeshift monuments;  sightings; inside information;  visions;  car trails;  political intrigue; wild imaginings;  hearsay and worst of all - character assassinations!

There are of course other issues to be factored in when trying to analyze the poolside photograph.  The weather conditions have been closely examined without due consideration to nature's peculiarities and other environmental phenomena, it has been known for a cloudless sky with warm (even unseasonal hot) springtime sun to be above when 5km down the road it's cloudy dank and wissing with rain, the research undertaken by some on the subject of weather conditions uses a location many many kilometres from the resort of Ocean Club, Praia da Luz. It is no guide, as said local weather conditions can vary considerably from area to another. To this point, if holidaying off season also take a look around at fellow tourists, half dressed, leaving the beach or swimming pool soggy wet whilst local residents are wrapped-up in winter woollies to guard against the cold and seasonal viruses.  

Another important consideration - when constructing a hotel with outdoor swimming pool and bar/eatery, it is always designed in such a way the area is a well protected sun trap and pools are usually heated to standard temperature, depending on weather conditions and the time of year.

As an aside, surfers and divers tend to wear the appropriate protective clothing all year round, come rain or come shine.

So, where did the EXIF data for the poolside photograph come from and why !!!

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