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Just a Thought!

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Just a Thought! Empty Just a Thought!

Post by Wisdom Mon 10 Jun 2024 - 13:56

A reiteration, there is more unknown about this case than there is known, not perhaps from the perspective of the official investigation but the circumstances that led to little Madeleine McCann's untimely disappearance from the face of the earth.

Much emphasis has been put on the possibility of sedation, both in the public domain and the investigation itself but there is no evidence to support the theory. It's just a working hypothesis. Had there been forensic evidence uncovered that might make the theory more realistic then it might be worthy of serious consideration - but there wasn't. thus it is nothing but theory.

Two things are abundantly clear, a three year old child disappeared without trace and there was reason to be sure her journey from life to death was concealed forever.


Accidental death through drug ingestion could be explained relatively easily - the child was restless, got up and found something the parents had left laying about, took it and died as a result. Unfortunately this scenario is not unheard of and chances of the parents being prosecuted for neglect or some other reason back in 2007 are unlikely unless it could be proven deliberate attempt to harm. From what can be seen of the parents McCann there's no reason to think them bad parents or bad people, only guilty of making a massive mistake which changed their lives forever.

So what reasons could there be for the need to ensure the cause of death, the reason for the disappearance, be concealed for eternity?

Recreational drug use?

Apparently it's not uncommon for middle class professionals to participate in recreational drug use, the holidaying group were all professionals with the exception of Fiona Payne's mother, Dianne Webster who appeared to tag along to help out with child care.

If a substance such as cocaine had been left laying around for childlike sticky fingers to find then almost certainly they would face prosecution - a postmortem would soon be able to identify substance ingestion. They, as parents, would lose everything!

Sometimes the simplest explanations are the most likely.

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Just a Thought! Empty Re: Just a Thought!

Post by Onehand Mon 10 Jun 2024 - 15:49

it is a realistic thought, to look for a reason to hide a body forever.

but we do not know this was truly meant when it started on as hiding a body. even well experiences criminals know that bodies simply will be found, and hiding is not so much used as a forever solution, but much more to break the connection between parties, so perp and victim, or per, victim and crime scenes, because victims and crime scenes makes finding traces realistic, and that makes that connection a high risk situation of finding out who had a hand in it.

keeping a body found in 5a just there, would staging much less feasible, that is the difference between a missing for unknown reasons, you could give multiple reasons why there was no scene left to the police. with missing comes a natural instinct of searching, so any disturbance, change or contamination of the scene would much harder to explain, with the sorry guys, we had to look first. first aid and even reanimation can still be tolerated very near a body. it woulds be even much harder to get a lot of other people into unit 5a. missing or wounded have that instant wanting to help. with a dead body that is a very different level.

you see that back too, because no one, not even people that came into unit 5a refer to it as a crime scene. in total somewhere between 12 and 20 people have simply walked in before the officers of the gnr arrived, and with that even much more.

but if the only need that was in thoughts that only distancing from unit 5a and a body was all that was act on, just because distance brings in a lot of other possible culprits. even medications, signs of abuse, that are in reality not always as clear as we dare to think there must be, still could be written to the name of the unknown bogeyman. and time until found at that time of year there would bring back many traces quickly.

for only distancing you do not need that much.

and in this case there was a period of a few hours the parents have no alibi at all, only a excuse of searching, but that could be long enough to say good bays, but also getting into ideas about what they themselves found acceptable and what not.
and that is something you have to take in mind more when this is about a person part of this family, and even more because it is a child. even if still undecided, they could have used hiding it better could give them more time to find a more respectful solution, all in their opinions of course.

there was a lot of contact by phone that night between alarm to the world and the next morning, there is only the direct phone traffic to their own numbers, but not between that of family or friends home. what is said during these calls is unknown.

all they need was someone with property in that direct area, that was in one of the networks of their own contacts, that without knowing still could help them out. this is not fantasy, i have to look a bit through the files again for the names, but a guy was called by a friend of the mccanns , and was asked from the uk to go to the mccanns and give them the help they needed.

all they would need was another of such a person, that had property and simply offered it for something like family that came over to portugal to stay in, or for taking a time out, or for use when they had to find accommodation outside the ocean club.
it is very common that keys are kept somewhere on a property for emergency access.

or if they had so early told a source back home what happened, that person could easily rent a property last minute near enough. before schengen that was much harder to arrange and you could work from the obligatory guest list often to show or give copies from to the police or a mayor.

help is not only possible through they who know what the accepted help is used for.

so not having means of transport does not mean you cannot pull such things off.

the first circle of in the know are still the parents themselves, and if they had others like from the tapas 7, that would double the resources to look for help or solutions.
the paynes had family in the north of portugal, and been able to arranging a hand over of some prepaid not to them registered phones, at the morning of may 4, on the stairs of the police offices of the pj in portimao.

one of the sisters of gerry mccann had friends in portugal, who lent them the car they used to get from the airport to praia da luz.

I was woken by the phone ringing at about 23.30. It was Gerry telling me that Madeleine had been taken. He was very upset on the phone, it was the worst phone call I have had in my life. remember asking him for contacts of people in Portugal so that we could call them. Gerry was in no state to say much.

We went to Manchester and stayed at a friends house before catching the first flight of the morning, on Saturday 5th May 2007.

We arrived in Portugal on Saturday morning, where a friend lent us a car to use and we went to Praia da Luz.

we have no idea who in all these growing together networks of all people could reach out to. and how quickly.

there have been hardly trained searchers in tow that first night, and even well trained and experienced searches can easily miss a small body, most of the first searches also have concentrated on a living child, for places a child could go on its own, many properties around that been fenced of, with no one there, even a no trespassing sign would not work if you need to hide something for some time, but most untrained and trained searches would still obey it, even more when it looks like a small girl could not get access to it.

there are bodies found even in council greens of at best 200 m2, near an entrance to an flat, that been at least been there for 6 weeks. with continuous daily traffic of people on foot, with dogs.

and if one trip with a body, to a forever resting place was not the goal, all you need would the luck that it was overseen.

it is not very hard to make multiple hypothesis that could work, but none has brought any information as yet.

ending up dead that same evening from accidental overdosing on medication would even be much harder than hiding a body.
they travelled by plane, so it would be quite risky to get the true heavy stuff over to portugal.
overdosing is usually not very quick. oral medication needs usually time before it ends up in the bloodstream.
it is not impossible, but it is much harder than thought.


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Just a Thought! Empty Re: Just a Thought!

Post by Onehand Mon 10 Jun 2024 - 17:45

this is the example that made it into the pj files. through pat perkins, this guy was send out to help;

He is the owner of the Pacifico Bar situated in the Vila Lusa building, rua Clube Nautico in Vilamoura, which has a land telephone line number ******. On the night of the events being investigated, the witness made two calls from the fixed line in the bar to the number ******** belonging to Kate McCann. These calls were made at a time he does not remember, but it was already night time, the first call was made at about 00.30 on 4th May 2007 and the second was made about 30 minutes later.

He clarifies that before making these calls he was contacted by an English customer and friend of his, called Pat Perkins who says that she was at the house of some friends in England, called Sue and Brian and that they had received the news that their grand daughter, who was staying in Lagos on holiday with her parents, had disappeared. Pat Perkins asked the witness to help the girl's parents as much as he could, giving him the number ******* to contact. The witness made a phone call to the PJ and another to the GNR to find out whether the authorities were aware of the disappearance and established that this was the case. On the other hand, after this he contacted the number he had been given by Pat Perkins to offer his help in any way he could be of use. He spoke twice to a male individual who spoke English. The first time that he rang he said that he was a friend of Pat Perkin's and then tried to find out if they had contacted the authorities and was told they had. He told the individual that he would find out whether the authorities were already making inquiries and get back in touch with him. He said that the individual did not really inform him about what had happened, in other words he did not tell him whether the girl had disappeared or been abducted or anything else.

The second time he phoned the number that Pat had given him he told the individual that the authorities were already involved in the situation and offered his help for whatever was necessary and making his telephone number available to the person he spoke to. When asked by the individual he said that he was in Vilamoura, about an hour away and the person told the witness that if he needed his help he would contact him later. After this the witness called Pat to tell her what he had found out and what he had done. He did not have any other contact with any other person related to the events and knows no more about the incident. He is totally unaware of the circumstances surrounding the disappearance apart from what he has heard from the news reports. But he adds that some days later, on 7th May, Pat sent him an email again asking him to help look for the girl and sending him a photograph of her. As said before, this was Pat Perkins who lives in Liverpool, England and who is a friend of Kate's mother and who was at Kate's mother's house when she phoned him to ask him to help the McCann couple.

pat perkins was a friend of kate her mother, she also send out a lot of emails on may 7 in her own network.

this one was found out about because he was given kate mccanns direct number. but we have no insight in contact that used the family members in the uk as middle man.

it also never became very clear when gerry mccann got on using a laptop from the moyes family that stayed also in block 5, 2 floors above unit 5a. the laptop gerry mccann later on rented is checked for information.

the idea that people have been alone out there is a idee fixe, given their social circles, the already easy use of emails, and in 2007 it was not a problem to send one mail to a few 100 people with one click. the story of little girl lost, abducted will overtake many scruples to offer help. going by some names their netwerk can be expected to be have a very wide reach to many, even in the first hours.
there was no time difference too, and the story sounded urgent enough to make most people who been contacted through that network would not mind a call. you can easily search with a mobile phone in your hand.

and even when you look at the technical side of hiding this body, 90 cm. height/length and around a 15 kilograms, that is not something that asks for more than the average parent, that already is used to carry their children, often way beyond 4 years of age.

and it is simply unknown how many times this body travelled from one place to the next until it reached a place to stay.

from the pj files, and the interviews and books of amaral, the pj was not that vested in one very detailed hypothesis.
amaral is always pretty strict in explaining it is not his opinion, but most of what is going around is simply part of the many lines they worked from a hypothesis.

and you can see that in the consensus of the first investigation too, by how the most promising hypothesis lead to a consensus resting on, accidental death, concealment of a cadaver and staging the scene of an abduction. if they already had figured out many of the steps and reached consensus into that, it would be part of the summons in that report.

From everything that was exposed from the AUTOS, we conclude that:
A) The minor Madeleine McCann died in the apartment 5A of the Ocean Club resort, on the night of May 3rd of 2007;

B) It was performed a simulation of kidnapping;

C) In order to avoid the death [alarm] of the minor before 22H00, it was created a situation of the children's surveillance by the McCann while the children slept;

D) Kate McCann and Gerald McCann are involved in the occultation of the cadaver of their child Madeleine McCann;

E) At this moment, there seems that there aren't strong indicia that the death of the minor didn't happen due to a tragic accident;

F) From what was obtained until now, everything points out that the McCann, as self-defence, didn't want to deliver immediately and voluntarily the cadaver, existing a strong possibility that the same was transported from the initial place of deposition. This situation is susceptible to raise questions about the circumstances under which the death of the minor occurred.

So we suggest that the 'Autos' be sent to the Sr. Procurador Geral da R'ublica [General Attorney], in order to:

G) New interrogation of the Arguidos Kate and Gerry McCann;
H) Evaluation of the measure of restraint to be applied in this case;


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