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Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time

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Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time Empty Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time

Post by Wisdom Sun 23 Jun 2024 - 18:12

Sorry good people, bare with us here..


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Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time Empty Re: Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time

Post by Onehand Sun 23 Jun 2024 - 22:45

on a phone call with detective mark from operation grange, who told her they did take a dna sample they would not send in for testing, the do not can use the public money for that. but that she is not madeleine mccann.

that there are 100's who called in to be madeleine. and he told her that calling with the english police, or would harass others, she could be arrested. in my words. i am 2.5 hours in, and have not heard anything new.

only that julia thinks the mccanns had not been on a holiday during the last anniversary, but stayed back in a car.

lots of pictures but none of the eyes, only by using pictures to show the next equal fleck to madeleine, you could see shortly a very perfectly blue eye, but that was twice kept out of sight.

something about blood groups that been changed, but i want to look tomorrow again to both bits of paperwork, the one of 2024 has a full blood group profile, ab rh+ , an older one shows o rh+ , but i have no idea if that is a result to read as her blood group or just the blood group of blood given to her by transfusion, what can easily be done with o rh+ if your own is a, b, , ab or o, as long as it is rhesus positive. but both are in polish, i have to look that up.
the 2024 seems to be one of a blood bank, that has the full profile with it, as is usual on blood donor carts.

and the first myth was already reborn i think, there seems to be a mix up in what and who did test her dna,what came out in the news about her dna not to be that of madeleine was from one of the ancestry companies, if i remember that correctly 23andme, what she arranged with that fia the faker.

and someone who did a superchat, but i did not see the usual money in numbers next to the message, that reacted to the peter ney and his maybe son, called micha that must be martin ney, so that poster told that martin ney worked as a handyman in the ocean club. i did when that story broke a lot of looking into it, but there seems no connection between a peter ney and a martin ney, who is in germany in jail for crimes like murder and sexual abuse of young boy. nothing ever surfaced that martin ney worked in the ocean club at all.

and even for the rumour he was working in any role for a church related organisation in portugal at that time.

also all what is none about martin ney is that his father died when martin was 13 years old, and he was born in 1970, i have to look into my notes to , this was used as an argumentation during his court case as a possible reason why he had such behaviour against young boys. so that would make year his father died 1983 or 1984, what is 20 years before madeleine mccann was born, and a few years less for julia wandelt.

ney is not a rare surname in germany too. ney is an older word for simply new.

and o dear the beach with the turtles was in it again, you remember the ones the children played with, well that cannot have been at praia da luz. that is one of the things i do like of the portuguese people, they are very fond to document what is around into extreme details. so on the beaches of the algarve sometimes sea turtles do end up, but they do not breed there. at least not in this age.
and white houses, near the sea or oceans are almost a certainty. france have them, portugal have them, spain has them, italy has them, greece has them, and all other countries too. so there is little in that memory to tell she made that one in praia da luz.

and it is back to the beginning, lots of people who the dna must be tested and that she has to get on with her quest.


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Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time Empty Re: Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time

Post by Spamalot Mon 24 Jun 2024 - 13:13

Julia's story told for the 101th time?

For goodness sake, the woman is either a con or she is mentally ill, either way should be ignored by the press and media. Shaun Attwood is another that needs a restraining order around his neck, using a very disturbed person to make money and a name for yourself is utterly despicable - no better nor worse than the person being used.

As for the recording said to be between the young woman and the Met Police, if there be any truth in it, what is Attwood doing with it? Aren't such interviews private and confidential?

The comments attached to the video show the basic lack of understanding displayed by internet users on a regular basis, for the most part just commenting because it's there and they can. No true commitment, no understanding, can't even bother to spell in accordance with King's English. If you're going to take any notice of a particular issue under discussion, at least do some research before commenting - and that also applies to the ex-coppers and video presenters and TV presenters who take it upon themselves to get involved.

I despair!

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Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time Empty Re: Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time

Post by Onehand Fri 28 Jun 2024 - 21:26

and it is not left with one tearjerker too.

they had an intermezzo with jon wedger too, no idea who the guy speaking is, it is on the same channel of the atwood guy;

and sunday there is another one; julia with some doctor. you would think she would be shy of helping doctors after the not so doctorish fia the faker adventure. but that was just two peas in the same pot.

all we have to wait for is the next gofundme, well another company that serves a great beggar of course, after the last exercises i think they would not take her on again.

the story is a bit different, this round we are allowed to simply say, of course she is not madeleine, but the horrible guys at scotland yard could at least have given that damned dna test to her.
forgetting the enterprise scotland yard has in the online worlds full of discussion not a great listing for organisation to have any trust in. so not only the julia, but her fans would never believe any outcome.

the julia that after her excuses through the bbc article, that made her into the subject of bullying online, have noticed her attention dried up, so she just got her old script out of the closet and dived in for another round.
what must be loved by the many ghouls she attracts on her ways.

but let stir the pot a bit, if any dna of the julia ever comes back as full blood british she still can never be madeleine mccann.


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Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time Empty Re: Julia's Story Told for the FIRST Time

Post by Spamalot Sat 29 Jun 2024 - 12:29

The dude from Atwood's video channel is some stranger who delves into the 'dark' web, just the sort of thing Wedger likes to stick his beak in.  I'm never too sure about these people who feign to work in the interests of children, to be avoided in my view.  Project ROOQ I believe.

If there were any truth in Jon Wedger he would have been found dead propped-up at the base of a forest tree long ago, not mouthing off about the atrocities of the world every given opportunity - and more.

He's not even accurate with his musings.

Dangerous territory.

In so many respects I curse the creation of the internet, whilst it has it's uses, on the whole it's nothing but a useful platform for spreading rubbish - quite frequently very dangerous rubbish. It will be the ruination of the world eventually.

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