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EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’

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EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’   Empty EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’

Post by Wisdom Sat 29 Jun 2024 - 17:34

EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’

By Jon Clarke

June 6, 2024

THE Olive Press can reveal the emails Christian Brueckner used at the time Madeleine McCann was abducted in Portugal.

The German paedophile was using at least four accounts in May 2007, when the British toddler was snatched from her holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, on the Algarve.

The expat sex offender used one in his own name and another email to send and receive child pornography, which he bought and sold.

However, it has emerged that he deleted all emails from the inbox of at least one of the accounts from the beginning of 2007.

Detectives, who secured data from Microsoft and Meta from Ireland in 2019, believe they were deleted soon after an investigation into him over Maddie was launched in 2013.

The information on his direct links to the disappearance of toddler Maddie, then three, finally came out in a German court yesterday.

And today, the Olive Press can reveal the emails of two other accounts, as well as his online nickname on Facebook and Skype at the time.

We can also reveal how he was working closely with a shady undertaker based in southern Germany, called Frank S, who was helping him buy and sell his child porn.

In one alarming conversation from 2013 Brueckner – who used the nickname ‘Holger Wahnsinn’ meaning ‘Madness of Holger’ – told the man he planned to snatch a child and abuse her for days.

He added he would make ‘lots of short films’ and ‘document exactly how she is tormented’.

As well as frequent chats on Skype, he also used three other accounts, the Olive Press can reveal.

One of these was in his own name shortened to ‘’, another ‘’ and a third was ‘’, detectives in Germany have discovered.

One of these accounts – which Brueckner’s defence have been trying to get copies of – was described in court by a senior German detective as the ‘murder’ account.

While Titus Stampa insisted he was unable to discuss the emails in more detail – or confirm if they included any photos or videos – he confirmed to Braunschweig Court of their existence.

Speaking on Day 22 of Brueckner’s trial over five separate sex offences, including three rapes and two child abuse cases, Stampa referred to it as the ‘murder’ email account, which directly linked Brueckner to the abduction.

But, as with his boss Rainer Grimm, who took the stand last month, he said he could not divulge further details as it was ‘related to the killing’ of Maddie.

The experienced officer did however add that they had also got another external hard drive ‘also belonging to the killing case’.

The bearded detective, based at the BKA’s headquarters in Wiesbaden, told the court that Brueckner had allegedly deleted all emails from another account in early 2007, when Madeleine vanished from Praia da Luz.

“I can remember that things were ‘massively’ deleted in the inbox. There was nothing in there from January 2007,” he explained to judge Uta Engermann.

However, he added that they were able to secure a series of ‘disgusting’ emails in the sent folder.

He added they contained some of the ‘hardest child pornography’ ever made and he had sent it ‘back and forth’ with numerous online friends.

Stampa explained that Brueckner had even given his real name and phone number to one of these online friends, the undertaker, Frank S, who the Olive Press can reveal has been helping police in their investigation.

According to Stampa, Brueckner had used one of his Hotmail accounts to log into Skype to chat to other paedophiles in chat rooms.

It was here that he catalogued various sets of photos and videos and laid out a number of his sick fantasies.

Going under the pen name ‘Holger Wahnsin’ he started to create a rape fantasy involving a mother and a daughter who he captured and kept imprisoned.

Later, expanding it into a 24-page document, the ‘mother-daughter story’ involved him kidnapping a child and abusing her in front of her mother.

“It was remarkably brutal,” Stampa continued, adding it had been sent as ‘samples’ to various online contacts.

He added that Brueckner had told them ‘this is just the beginning’.

Stampa was one of two detectives, based at the BKA’s headquarters in Wiesbaden, who investigated and convicted him of an earlier crime of the rape of an American grandmother.

The Olive Press can reveal he went over to America to interview victim Diana Menkes before her trial in 2019.

She had been 72 when Brueckner had brutally attacked her in a long midnight ordeal in Praia da Luz, in 2006.

Brueckner is currently serving seven years for the attack.

He denies all five sex offences as well as his involvement in the Maddie disappearance.


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EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’   Empty Re: EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’

Post by Wisdom Sat 29 Jun 2024 - 17:36

Where is the evidence?

Yet another cryptic witness appears on the scene but not allowed to reveal all?

Pull the other one.

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EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’   Empty Re: EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’

Post by Onehand Sat 29 Jun 2024 - 22:11

it is actually a case of being lost in translation, because no such thing happened in the german court besides in the fantasy of this reporting entity.

what quickly became known in germany as the english slip, even inside the german court it got a not so honorable comment.

it is not even a very new finding, they are said to have them already from 2019 on.

the full worked out attention it got in the media for again a bit to overly fantastic musings of the same source, and it is expected not the last time, will be part of the cb trial storylines.

it all comes together as that for multiple cases is lokked at the same material, and that the connection to material that maybe once upon a time will become part of a courtcase about cb and about madeleine mccann is something they would not comment on.

but june was quite an adventure in court.

it never was found out if they guy talking that day indeed had this name, most likely if it was a used name it was a spoof.
and after a hans christian, an inspector grimm, maybe this one would not dare to tell his real name.

but it is sad that most english people have too often little knowledge of other languages, the result is many do not even know how much lies are sold by something that calls itself journalist, reporter or even media. this one is usually restricted to a free pick up paper thingy at a petrol station in spain, but it is one who sells his soul with effort to all uk tabloids.

there is said only one uk journalist that indeed is in each court day in this trial, and this one does speak and understand at least german. others who less often walk in, have been seen used translation apps. from the first days i remember a kind of sentence that it gave an impression the uk media delegation was quite surprised they did speak german in german courts.


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EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’   Empty Re: EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’

Post by Spamalot Sun 30 Jun 2024 - 15:21

Brueckner must be a bit dumb if he's been using a normal device for accessing and exchanging illegal content. Isn't there something called the deep or dark web that is more commonly used for illegal online activity?

You wouldn't wish to be so easily caught-out would you?

The criminal is always one step ahead of the law, they have to be otherwise their careers would be very short lived. If you care to believe everything you read (I don't), Brueckner's career spanned several decades ducking and diving, hiding from the law. Quite how he managed that I'm at a loss to understand but so say the press and media and various documentaries produced on the subject.

But of course, just like the Antipodean media, anything included in said documentaries can be spliced, edited and generally messed about leaving anything but a true depiction of fact!

Aside from the 'journalist' on location, most international news comes to us by way of a press association. They give the known information out for the respective press and media outlets to put their own slant, you see examples of this everyday if looking at broad coverage of a particular story. It's never an exact copy.

On which subject, I've seldom (if ever) seen coverage of court room proceedings, only the journalists slant which as we all know, can be anything from sloppy to vaguely accurate to wildly bizarre. After all their only real intention is to sell copy, truth doesn't sell copy but scandalous detail does!

One is no better than the other, they all work on the same premise.

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EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’   Empty Re: EXCLUSIVE: How email accounts used by Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner ‘tie him to the disappearance of the British toddler’

Post by Onehand Sun 30 Jun 2024 - 16:31

most criminals do stupid things, that is what makes it less hard to get them.

it is more cat and mouse then step ahead.

it is sheer guesswork, but if cb earned his keep by reselling dirty videos and pictures, he has to bow to his customers, and many are simply afraid to get caught if a server is raided, and hotmail was not that bad in that time, all you had to take care of was using connections that could mot easily traced back to you. so like internet cafe's, computers at charities and libraries.

and they know well that it does not matter that much to keep themselves hidden, it are the customers who lead easily to most of them, that are the ones who have to loose most, so are much easier to let them talking. so usually they all are linked together on multiple sources.

many are not even so dark net bound, cheap home build websites that are easy to hack can do that easily.

as with everything else, catching them is simply how much money can be spend, how many hours of manpower can you get, with some quality too of course, and even with that out of the way, there always is that you have to play it by the books of law.

and there is no real want to clean these circuits out, punishment is laughable, privacy of offenders is much better kept than that of the victims, victims have it so much harder when they want to make it known, victim blaming is still a given.

and it is hard enough because there are also too much false accusations, what makes it even harder for the victims.

most victims under minors are simply happening at home, in family even, what usually results in victims to get away out of their social network, mental help , well ring back in 3 months time maybe we have time for you.
so many land again in the same circles of abusers, until too old for the genre, and no one in society will be interested in them at all.

still guys like this one is left off easy, even when proving after founding out again simply not will stop, this guy already had 3 chances, and still will walk one day out in the open.

and he certainly is not a master criminal mind that knows how to escape justice at all, but again his privacy must be protected, so we let a prosecution media talking head loose on the world to tell the guy is a murderer. but we have to dig ourselves through the snippets to know it is a often caught criminal. over 10 convictions, 3 times extradited back to germany, that does not happen to the criminal master minds. you have to get them before that all can happen.

and all they found out now is mostly because most people have no clue what is stored where on their computers, their minds still live in the times of a paper trail by real paper letters.
and even the true crooks want to believe promises about encryption, dark nets and get the feel they become invisible.
all it needs is one that is a bit sloppy and that is gone, and full clouds empty themselves where they are not the greatest fans off. but it will be the available budget that decides how many you can take down.


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