CIVILISATION: Development of Society
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Onwards and Upwards!

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Onwards and Upwards! Empty Onwards and Upwards!

Post by Wisdom Tue 16 Apr 2024 - 16:37

A big welcome to anyone who finds their way here, better still who has the temerity to return. So many interesting aspects of life worth exploring further to broaden a stagnating mind - subjects that affect all our lives one way or another.

Where to begin, the beginning or the now - centuries of change in nature's evolutionary processes followed by the man-made good and bad effects on society.

Deep within the human psych nothing much has changed since the illusive Adam discarded the modest must have fashion accessory of the day - the fig leaf, in favour of the much needed instinctive realisation of procreation. A matter of personal choice if you feel inclined to follow the Adam and Eve line or prefer to stick with the more logical and scientific approach to evolution.

Whatever the preference, human beings have not evolved very much when it comes down to basic instinct, the need to protect itself, it's own and to survive, the only difference being in the way we approach the life in which we live today - the here and now.

Still with that basic instinct for self preservation, human beings really don't welcome change unless it directly affects their life in a good way.  Most changes are of course forced on us by laws and other forms of officialdom, there we have little or no choice but to go along with everything thrown in our paths, still there in the subconscious lingers that instinct to rebel against authority, to fight for what we think are our rights but of course in nature's rich cycle species do not have rights, they can only live by the laws of nature.  It could be argued human beings follow the same rule, we don't have natural born rights we just like to think and believe we do.

One thing can't be denied, changes brought on by centuries of development and progress on planet earth have created who we are today.  Just think where we might be if not for centuries of human migration (even animals migrate) and international trading - changes in every day aspects of life, what we wear, what we eat and drink, how we move about, how we think, how we behave - or misbehave.  All changes that should be welcomed by humanity as they offer us so much variety - an open window to everything the planet has to offer.  How could we not accept and be grateful for anything that makes life more bearable, more comfortable and more livable? Yet still that natural instinct to rebel takes over from the man-made fake image created by human progress and development.

Look back over the years, it could be said there is reason for everything, the human element determines almost every element of life with perhaps the exception of birth and death but humans even like to interfere with that natural process.

So life goes on according the to rules of humankind .... migration, international and in-house trading, architecture, medicine, art, culture, traditions, music, dance, fashion, science, travel, industry, locomotion, logistics, crime and punishment, the media (mainstream and social), the list is truly endless as it's effects life on planet earth floating around the magnificent to the truly bizarre to the downright evil.

So where would be without change, think what life must have been like for poor old Fred and Wilma Flintstone with nothing to entertain but clubbing with the neighbours at weekends and clubbing animals during the week with no transportation but a square wheeled bi-cycle.

Next time you have doubts or negative thoughts about the world in which we live - think again!

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