CIVILISATION: Development of Society
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A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress

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A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Empty A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress

Post by Spamalot Mon 22 Jul 2024 - 21:27

A Night at the Opera

Once upon a feeble fable there was a curious specimen from down-under, that's geographically speaking not you know where *wink* - for arguments sake let's call this oddity 'behind the lens' as little or nothing is known with any conviction although the evidence doesn't point in that direction.

Who wouldn't or couldn't be in awe of anyone with the technical skills to understand and work with technology, it's a mystery to most of us poor uneducated mortals who don't know the difference between social media and the Klu Klux Clan secret society.  The juveniles and muppets of the 3rd world working for a highly secret service that prides itself on infiltrating even the darkest murky holes where no man (or woman) has dared to enter before - thank goodness for the super intellectuals who can differentiate between right and wrong, good and bad, margarine and butter, cabbage and cucumber.  Where would societal society be without their knowledge acumen and inborn talent to recognize infiltrators infiltrating (penetrating) a barren land that is such a threat to life as we know it.  A life that allows freedom of speech, alternative viewpoints, discussion about every aspect of societal safety and life on earth - crime and punishment.

Belt and braces at the ready!

The authorities need to be aware of what they are facing, a public - well almost, forum that allows - no encourages, positive alternative thinking and public discussion about anything and everything - well almost.  Just as long as there are no dissenters trying to infiltrate for some reason, worse still insisting from afar that the 'owner' close the forum down because it's upsetting someone/s.  Who that someone/s might be can't be specified as whoever didn't leave a name or point of contact, although thoughts lead to the remains of a former famous composer no longer approachable by phone or email or psychic intervention.  Mmmm, penetration might just work?

The human mind works in mysterious ways.

No matter, the amateur detective is on the job!  Another one to be silenced by the mob should word get out in the public domain that truths are to be spoken unbridled - beware o unbridled one, talk is cheap and so are eggs if you buy at the right time and the right place - the place on the left.

But we digress .... onwards and upwards!  Let no man (or woman) be cast asunder - especially man (or woman) with opinions that differ slightly or even widely from the agenda dictate.

May you live long and prosper in further ignorance - peas be on you!


Video moved to Member's Lounge - Mod.

Posts : 267
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Join date : 2024-04-25

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A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Empty Re: A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress

Post by Wisdom Tue 20 Aug 2024 - 21:03

The Owl and the Pussycat

By Edward Lear

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!"

Pussy said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-Tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.

"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will."
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.


For the hard of hearing..


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Join date : 2024-03-31

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A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Empty Re: A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress

Post by Spamalot Sat 24 Aug 2024 - 14:03


NOTE: Copied over to Member's Lounge - Mod.

Posts : 267
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Join date : 2024-04-25

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A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Empty Re: A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress

Post by Wisdom Tue 27 Aug 2024 - 17:34

A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Scree171 A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Scree172


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A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Empty Re: A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress

Post by Spamalot Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 17:55

The Pirate of Pizzazz!

A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Scree103

A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress 1f3b6
So I'd like to know where, you got the notion
Said I'd like to know where, you got the notion
To rock the boat (don't rock the boat, lady)
Rock the boat (don't tip the boat over)
Rock the boat (don't rock the boat, lady)
Rock the boat

Ever since the voyage began
My patience has been swept along with the wind
And your charm has pushed me into the rolling sea
There's always been a dirty side of you for me
Our time was like a ship on the ocean
We were sailing with a hull full of empty devotion

So I'd like to know where, you got the notion
Said I'd like to know where, you got the notion
To rock the boat (don't rock the boat, lady)
Rock the boat (don't tip the boat over)
Rock the boat (don't rock the boat, lady)
Rock the boat

Until then we sailed through many storms
I've always had the wherewithall to keep it norm
Oh, I needed to have the strength that grows in me
But you pushed me away my dear, but you I can see right through
Your ship is now lost out on the ocean
You are sailing with a cargo full of dying devotion

So I'd like to know where, you got the notion
Said I'd like to know where, you got the notion
So I'd like to know where, you got the notion
Said I'd like to know where, you got the notion
To rock the boat (don't rock the boat, lady)

Rock the boat (don't tip the boat over)
Rock the boat (don't rock the boat, lady)
Rock the boat (don't tip the boat over)
Rock the boat (whoo-ooh-ooh!)
Rock the boat (rock on with your bad self)
Rock the boat (rock on with your bad self)
Rock the boat (rock on with your bad self)

Roll yeah, roll yeah, roll yeah, lady
Roll yeah, roll yeah, lady

Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
Rock the boat
A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress 1f3b6


Posts : 267
Points : 325
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2024-04-25

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A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress Empty Re: A Night at the Opera - A Work in Progress

Post by Sponsored content

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