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Barrage the Farage Indeed!

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Sun 28 Jul 2024 - 20:13

Never was a truer word spoken - in jest?  

He didn't really mean it back in those halcyon days on GB News before hitting the dizzy heights of Clacton-on-Sea candidature (where?) representing .... well yes, who.

Why himself of course !!!

A thoroughly jocular satirical take on a thoroughly jocular image of satire.


Barrage the Farage Indeed! Scree121
Limited edition

This is priceless ....

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Sun 28 Jul 2024 - 20:22

Nigel Farage’s Reform contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on – but who cares

This article is more than 1 month old

Mon 17 Jun 2024 18.32 BST

John Crace

Nige isn’t here to sell his fantasies, all he’s really selling is himself – along with disaffection and division

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Scree122

“What the fuck are you doing here?” says the cab driver. Fair to say he doesn’t get that many pickups from the Gurnos estate on the edge of Merthyr Tydfil. “It’s fucking rough round here. Everyone’s fucking mental.”

Say what you like about Nigel Farage but he gets to parts of the country that other politicians don’t. You wouldn’t have caught the Tories, Labour or the Lib Dems launching their manifestos on a rundown estate in Wales.

The kindest thing you can say about the Gurnos social club is that it is unloved. The building looks as if it is in need of urgent repairs and the grass outside hasn’t been mown for weeks. Inside is little better. The tiles are falling off the ceiling and are coated brown with nicotine. Things fall apart.

Not that Nige’s intentions are wholly honourable. Old dogs, new tricks. He hasn’t come to the Gurnos to make anyone’s life better. Rather, his plan is to park his tanks on Labour’s lawn. Having ripped chunks out of the Tories in recent weeks, he’s now got his eyes set on Keir Starmer. His message on Monday is simple: Wales has been under a Labour government for 25 years and all it has achieved is to turn the place into a shithole like this.

It’s not the most winning of opening gambits. Most people don’t like to be told they are living in a shithole. They take pride in their surroundings. But Nige is not bothered. It’s not as if Merthyr is a target seat for Reform.

Understandably, there are precious few local people in the hall. Maybe a dozen at most. The others are all Reform candidates, supporters bussed in from Cardiff, party apparatchiks and the media. There are only eight rows of seats laid out and even then there are plenty of empty spaces. Clacton, it isn’t. There are no hordes of adoring acolytes following Nige around. This is a strictly transactional, one-off visit. The Gurnos is as indifferent to Farage as he is to them.

There are copies of the manifesto laid out on every seat. Only this isn’t a manifesto, we are told. Manifestos are what other parties do. All lies. So what Reform is offering is a contract with the people. Because it says it will honour its promises. Only it obviously won’t.

Because this is basically a free hit. Just shove in everything people don’t like about Britain and say you’ll somehow fix it with five or six MPs at most. History lessons where children can learn that black people were every bit as beastly to us as we were to them. The civil service decimated. Free tax cuts for everyone. Anything you want. Ditch the BBC. Like most things Nige, this is an article of bad faith.

The contract isn’t even that subtle or plausible. It looks very much like the sort of 15-year damp-proofing guarantee that you know isn’t worth the paper it’s written on as the company will have been liquidated within months. The cover is a giveaway. A photo of Nige outside No 10, looking as if he’s just nicked someone’s wallet. A picture of Farage and Dicky Tice at the back after they’ve just had the most almighty row over Nige’s expenses. Increasingly, Dicky is only here to sign the cheques.

But then none of this really matters. Nige isn’t here to sell his fantasies. He’d be horrified were he ever to be taken seriously. Imagine having to do the grubby work of running the country. Far too much like hard work. Rather, he’s here to have his ego massaged. To feel as if he’s needed. All he’s really selling is himself. Along with disaffection and division. Nor does he care what Labour or the Tories say about him. They still cling to the life raft that people will turn against Nige if only they were to understand him better.

This is a category error. Everyone worked out Farage long ago. They know he’s a posh boy playing at being a bit of political rough. That he’s a fraud through and through. A member of the establishment who uses that protection to kick against it. But the thing is, his supporters don’t care. It’s enough for them that the main parties have right royally fucked things up and they want to give them a kicking. Nige likes to claim he’s not a protest vote. But if not that, what is he? He’s just a conduit for people’s rage.

Nige wanders in through the back of the room. Looking even more orange than he was last week. Dicky’s sunbed must be doing overtime. “Guess who’s back again?” he smirks. A narcissist is going to narcissise.

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Scree123

He then tells us that Britain is broken. In a sane world, this would have the audience collapsing in hysterical laughter. Because few people have done more to break it. Always the first to stoke up hatred. One of Brexit’s founding fathers, though he now likes to pretend it was nothing much to do with him. He bears some of the blame for the country being on its knees.

But we’re in an irony-free zone. Because Farage goes on to claim that people’s disillusionment with Brexit is nothing to do with him. Just as he insists his manifesto – sorry, contract – is binding while admitting that none of it is ever going to happen because Reform isn’t going to form a government any time soon.

So fill the vacuum with your 10-minute hate. Stamp out all crime. Don’t ask how. Forget net zero. Much better for the world to burn. Chuck out all immigrants. Don’t worry if the NHS collapses in on itself. Then, you know all this. As do his supporters. It’s just that they don’t care.

It’s not even clear if Nige believes any of this himself. Public speaking is normally something he does well, but now he seems relatively disengaged. As if his heart isn’t in it. No audience on which to feed. The closest he gets to applause is when a few Welsh people gave pantomime boos when he mentioned the 20mph speed limit. That bad. He seems almost relieved to finish. Strange for a man who lives for the attention.

Farage is delighted to hand over to Tice to deal with the money side. Dicky is in possession of a small fortune. Largely because he started with a big one. If he is Reform’s banker for shadow chancellor then now is the time to run for the hills and hide your cash.

His grasp of economics is laughably bad. His proposals make Liz Truss look like a pillar of reason. Trust me, no one’s mortgage is safe with him. Hard to know if Tricky is just deeply cynical or incredibly dim. The jury’s out.

Then the taxi ride back to the station. You couldn’t help feeling the driver had it arse about tit. The people of Gurnos were more in need of protection from Reform than Nige and Dicky were from them.


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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Wed 21 Aug 2024 - 14:54

One of these men believes he is the son of God, brought to earth to guide the people towards redemption. The other is a bloke pretending to be Jesus.

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Origin10

Earlier this week Winston McKenzie, UKIP's now-suspended candidate for Croydon North, compared Farage to the son of God: "Jesus was one man, we’re his army. Farage is one man, and we’re his army and that’s what it’s all about."

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Wed 21 Aug 2024 - 15:12

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen71Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen69  Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen70

1 Onward, Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
going on before!
Christ, the royal Master,
leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
see his banner go!

Onward, Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
going on before!

2 At the sign of triumph
Satan's host doth flee;
On, then, Christian soldiers,
on to victory!
Hell's foundations quiver
at the shout of praise;
Brothers, lift your voices,
loud your anthems raise! [Refrain]

3 Like a mighty army
moves the church of God;
Brothers, we are treading
where the saints have trod;
We are not divided;
all one body we,
One in hope and doctrine,
one in charity. [Refrain]

4 Onward, then, ye people,
join our happy throng,
Blend with ours your voices
in the triumph song;
Glory, laud, and honor,
unto Christ the King;
This thro' countless ages
men and angels sing. [Refrain]

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen72
Made in Chelsea

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Thu 22 Aug 2024 - 14:17

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Scree156

Trevor Phillips Destroys Nigel Farage With One Devastating Question

Kevin Schofield
30 June 2024

Nigel Farage clashed with Sky News presenter Trevor Phillips after he was asked why Reform UK attracts “racists, homophobes and anti-Semites”.

The pair faced off against each other after the party was forced to ditch three candidates accused of making offensive statements.

Farage distanced himself from Edward Oakenfull, Robert Lomas and Leslie Lilley during a brutal grilling on the BBC’s Question Time on Friday night.

Reform UK has also gone to war with Channel 4 after it broadcast secretly recorded footage showing one of the party’s canvassers, Andrew Parker, advocating shooting people arriving in the UK on small boats across the Channel.

Farage has insisted it was a “set-up” because Parker is an actor - claims denied by the broadcaster.

On Sunday Morning With Trevor Philips, the presenter asked him: “Do you ever ask yourself this question, in the words of the immortal Mrs Merton, what was it about you, Nigel Farage, that first attracted these racists and homophobes and anti-Semites to your party?”

Farage, who took over as Reform UK leader earlier this month, replied: “The candidates that we’re kicking out came when I wasn’t there, that’s the first point to make.”

But Philips hit back: “Come on, Reform is your party, you own it, they knew it’s your party. So answer my question, what is it about you that attracted them?”

Farage said: “Ironically, destroying the BNP, means people who are minded that way don’t any longer have a home to go to, and some will gravitate in our direction. When we find out who they are they’ll be gone.”

The presenter then asked: “Why do you think that is? Why do they think that you are the person that’s going to give them a home?”

But Farage pointed out that at a Reform UK election rally in Birmingham later today, the “star of the show” will be Zia Yusuf, who he described as “a practicing Muslim who is going to say things about the growth of Islamic extremism”.

He added: “I can assure you that anybody who has a racist point of view, I don’t want to know.”

Oooops - Awkward!!!

Zia Yusuf is another multi-millionaire - funny that isn't it?

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Fri 23 Aug 2024 - 15:05

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Scree159 Barrage the Farage Indeed! Scree158  Barrage the Farage Indeed! 1-3310

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Mon 26 Aug 2024 - 12:58

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Scree164

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Mon 26 Aug 2024 - 13:14

The Human Rights Act Article 10: Freedom of expression

Article 10: Freedom of expression

Published: 3 June 2021

Last updated: 3 June 2021

What countries does this apply to?

England Scotland Wales

Article 10 protects your right to hold your own opinions

Article 10 protects your right to hold your own opinions and to express them freely without government interference.

This includes the right to express your views aloud (for example through public protest and demonstrations) or through:

published articles, books or leaflets
television or radio broadcasting
works of art
the internet and social media

The law also protects your freedom to receive information from other people by, for example, being part of an audience or reading a magazine.
Restrictions to the right to freedom of expression

Although you have freedom of expression, you also have a duty to behave responsibly and to respect other people’s rights.

Public authorities may restrict this right if they can show that their action is lawful, necessary and proportionate in order to:

protect national security, territorial integrity (the borders of the state) or public safety
prevent disorder or crime
protect health or morals
protect the rights and reputations of other people
prevent the disclosure of information received in confidence
maintain the authority and impartiality of judges

An authority may be allowed to restrict your freedom of expression if, for example, you express views that encourage racial or religious hatred.

However, the relevant public authority must show that the restriction is ‘proportionate’, in other words that it is appropriate and no more than necessary to address the issue concerned.

Using this right – example

This right is particularly important for journalists and other people working in the media.

They must be free to criticise the government and our public institutions without fear of prosecution – this is a vital feature of a democratic society.

But that doesn't prevent the state from imposing restrictions on the media in order to protect other human rights, such as a person's right to respect for their private life.

Example case - Observer and The Guardian v United Kingdom [1991]

The Guardian and The Observer newspapers published excerpts from Peter Wright’s book Spycatcher, which included allegations that MI5 had acted unlawfully.

The government obtained a court order preventing the newspapers from printing further material until proceedings relating to a breach of confidence had finished.

But when the book was published, The Guardian complained that the continuation of the court order infringed the right to freedom of expression.

The European Court of Human Rights said that the court order was lawful because it was in the interests of national security.

However, it also said that that wasn't enough reason to continue the newspaper publication ban once the book had been published, because the information was no longer confidential anyway.

What the law says

This text is taken directly from the Human Rights Act.
Article 10 of the Human Rights Act: Freedom of expression

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.

2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.


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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Mon 26 Aug 2024 - 13:18

Read and learn, never believe anything an 'influencer' tells you without first fact checking for yourself.

Some people will only tell you a fraction of the story in order to get their 'message' across.

Thinly veiled subterfuge!

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Tue 3 Sep 2024 - 17:47

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Nigel_11 Barrage the Farage Indeed! 1-3310

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Thu 5 Sep 2024 - 16:55

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen77

'I'm just asking questions !'  -  Nigel Farage

2 weeks ago

Oh the irony - they don't like it up 'em!

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Thu 5 Sep 2024 - 17:08

3 years ago

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Thu 12 Sep 2024 - 21:48

Oh he's off again, making mountains out of mole hills - he just can't resist an opening to blow his foghorn. Another GB News presenter recently said the people are intelligent enough to make their own decisions, make their own mind-up about what they see, hear and read.


Then why do people listen to rot, why do people write rubbish, more importantly - why do people listen to the likes of Nigel Farage and believe everything they hear?

It's make your own mind-up time - but before believing, do a bit of background work for yourself. You know it makes sense..


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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 13:20

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Scree190

Roughly translated - could lose £1,000,000 per annum! Yes, that's one million quid, nice work if you can get it.

Cut to the chase why don't you ....

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 21:13

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen92
A drama queen ...

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 21:17

Blimey, what's going on here with the facial adornment..

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen93

Don't know about drama queen, looks more like a closet queen.


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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 21:38

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage channelled rapper Eminem on stage in front of supporters following a day of campaigning.

[channel a forethought]

The politician ended Thursday at the Imperial Hotel in Blackpool where about 600 supporters gathered to see him speak.

He entered the conference room to Eminem song Without Me, which features the lyrics “Guess who’s back, back again?”, and sang along as the audience stood and applauded.

Pyrotechnics which were seen on stage when rehearsals took place earlier in the day failed to go off.

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen96

[eat more fruit!]

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage urged people to stream Eminem’s song on Spotify

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen94

Mr Farage greeted his audience by saying “Guess who’s back” before appealing for them to stream the rapper’s song.

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen97
The Greatest Show on Earth - Reform Co Ltd

He said: “Please, please stream on Spotify, Without You (sic) from Eminem and give them some support.

“Because, though I’m normally an original thinker, we did nick it and they deserve a bit of support, so please do that.”

He urged the audience to be part of a “much-needed revolt against the failed political establishment”.

[mmmm .... revolting?]

He said: “We are unashamedly patriotic, we tell it how it is, we believe we can bring radical change, better change to our country over the course of the next few years.”

[money money money ain't it funny, in a rich man's world]

Eminem’s song was played for a second time as Mr Farage clapped along and waved to the crowd at the end of his speech.

[self praise is no recommendation]

Mr Farage spent the afternoon in Blackpool, where he unveiled a poster declaring the number of migrants crossing the Channel was a “national security emergency” and then watched part of England’s game against Denmark in the Armfield Club.

His arrival in the seaside resort was pre-empted by political campaign group Led By Donkeys, who posted a video of beach artwork in front of the Blackpool Tower featuring Mr Farage’s face and the words: “Friend of Putin. Enemy of the NHS.”

[touché - *splutter!*]

Earlier in the day, the politician took part in some clay pigeon shooting after meeting supporters at outdoor activity centre Catton Hall in Frodsham, Cheshire.

He hit four of the clay pigeon targets before being asked to pose for photos.

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Screen98

[pay back time - poser!]

He refused to point a gun at photographers, saying: “Never point a gun, even in jest.”

[does that include war?]

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Fri 20 Sep 2024 - 17:54

A parody..

Interview with Nigel Farage

JOB: Good afternoon Mr Farage and thank you for agreeing to join us today, particularly as you are such a busy man and time is limited.

NF: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to my adoring public.

JOB: So Mr Farage, the human cannonball of contemporary politics, over the past months and years you've given us such glorious insight as to everthing wrong with Britain today, can you now spare the time to give us an insight to your parties policies for moving towards a better Britain.

NF: Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to speak to my adoring public. Let me start by saying, eight years ago I rescued Britain from the clutches of the european union after much campaigning - we won!

JOB: Well not entirely, with respect, to this day there are many unresolved issues that need to be reddressed.

NF: I take no responsibililty for the bad management of others, it's not my fault. What I did was good, anything that's happened or not happened can't be thrown at my door.

JOB: Do you think perhaps you acted hastily by engineering a referendum to give the people the chance to decide their countries future democratically? Do you now think perhaps the people weren't given the full facts of the ultimate effects of leaving the EU?

NF: I I I I acted in good faith, I I I I can't be blamed if the public don't understand the implications.

JOB: Mmmm but don't you think the people should have been provided with a better understanding of the implications of leaving the EU before casting a vote?

NF: I can't be blamed if the people don't un derstand the basic principles of good governanace.

JOB: Isn't this point one of the fundemental responsibilities of a political party representing the nation - to spell out every detail in plain English?

NF: We did! We can't be held responsible if people don't or can't understand our policies or basic English.

JOB: What are your policies - can you tell us?

NF: Well, as I've already said, we campaigned long and hard to get Britain out of the EU, for that we should be applauded, not criticised.

JOB: Where does that success lead, what's the next step in your party's radical movement to build a better Britain for the future.

NF: Well yes .... *long pause* ...., that's a very good question and one that will become apparent as we move forward. The priority is of course to win the next election and rid the nation of the useless parties that have ruined the nation with their lack of understanding of the needs of the people.

JOB: Immigration we know is a big issue for your party, what do you intend to do about what you see as a problem.

NF: Well yes, it is a problem but something we can do very soon - if in power.

JOB: What will you do - remembering only a fraction of migrants that arrive in Britain are illegal. What are your proposals for remedying the situation, what do you intend to do?

NF: Well nothing really, there's nothing we can do unless we leave the ECHR, it's their fault! If we sever all connections with them, we can use brute force and ignorance - send them all back to France.

JOB: How exactly will that work.

NF: Well the Tories Rwanda plan didn't wlork did it. We can't say, we need first to leave the ECHR before even thinking about migration policies. But but but can I just say, if it wasn't for the bad decisions made by the former Conservative party and now the Labour party, we wouldn't be in this mess.

JOB: So you don't have a policy in place.

NF: If I can just say, did you know *laughs* the number of migrants arriving in Britain has grown exponentially over the past years under Tory leadership and clearly the Labour party haven't got any idea how to run a nation.

JOB: Isn't that surely natural population increase rather than the result of the invasion of migrants? Say for every couple a notional four children are produced - so on a so forth? Over the years you will f course see a population explosion.

NF: Ah yes, the children of migrants, not our children.

JOB: Sorry, I don't understand your point, a population increase is natural progression not necessarily the result of migration. Also, are you suggesting illegal migrants will procreate on British soil? Apart from confusion between legal and illegal migrants, you don't seem able or willing to quantify your views.

NF: Well .... are you suggesting I don't know what I'm talking about?

JOB: Frankly yes!

NF: Could you do a better job, come on, show us what you've got.

JOB: I'm not purporting to govern Britain but you are, so far you haven't been able to support your position in the political arena.

NF: Our party is of the people for the people.

JOB: I'm sure the electorate will be delighted with your assurance. When do you intend to present your policies before the electorate - before the next general election?

NF: Well that will depend on what happens between then and now. We, as a party, can't determine nor define policies without knowing what is going to happen in the future. How can we know what Starmer is going to do next or what the Tory party has or hasn't done?

JOB: Mmmm .... with respect, you say the voting system is all wrong, you claim to have won porportionately more votes in the last election than any other party - pro-rata, with only five party members?

NF: It's quality not quantity that counts *guffaw*!

JOB: Do you believe you can successfully run the nation with only five active members, more so if, like you, much of their time is spent away from politics doing other things. More lucrative things - is this even feasible let alone workable?

NF: Well if I can just say, I have not made a penny other than legitimate income - ask anyone, ask my bank, they'll tell you all my income is above board and legitimate. If anyone says otherwise they'll have me and all my supporters to answer to.

JOB: Okay but if we could get back on track. What has your party, all five of you, got to offer the nation? What is the way forward to benefit the people - all the people.

NF: Well if you going to start getting agressive .... I haven't got time for this. I agreed to do this interview in good faith and all I get is abuse. *rips microphone off*. You'll be hearing from my lawyers .... what was your name again?

JOB: Thank you for agreeing to join us tonight Mr Farage.


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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 3:23

Nigel Farage says plane tickets to US worth £30,000 are ‘not really gifts’

Craig MunroPublished Sep 20, 2024, 8:44pm

Barrage the Farage Indeed! Sei_2210
Nigel Farage made a quip about Keir Starmer accepting gifts of glasses during his speech (Picture: EPA)

Nigel Farage has dismissed questions over the £30,000 worth of plane tickets to the US he has received from friends, saying they are ‘not really gifts’.

The Reform UK leader poked fun at Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s taste for freebies during his climactic speech at the party’s conference near Birmingham today.

Taking out a pair of glasses from his pocket, he told the crowd they were ‘very expensive, but I bought them myself’.

Starmer accepted multiple pairs of glasses bought for him by Labour peer Lord Waheed Alli ahead of the General Election in July, worth a total of £2,485.

The Register of Members’ Interests, which lists gifts officially declared by MPs, shows Alli also gave the then-leader of the opposition work clothing worth £16,200.

But the same register shows Farage accepted gifts of plane tickets to the US for himself and a staffer, worth a total of £32,836.

When asked about the tickets after his speech, he said: ‘They’re not really gifts, are they?

‘I had a friend going to America, I hopped on the plane. Is that a gift?’

The Clacton MP states in the register that the reason for his visit was ‘to support a friend who was almost killed and to represent Clacton on the world stage.’

He flew out four days after Donald Trump was wounded in an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally, though it is unclear if he actually met with the presidential candidate during his time in the country.

In an interview with LBC yesterday, Farage defended Trump’s inflammatory claims that Haitian immigrants were eating family pets in the Ohio city of Springfield, which came up during the Republican’s recent debate against Kamala Harris.

No evidence has been produced to support the claim and officials in the city have denied that any such incidents have been reported.

Asked if politicians have a responsibility to fact-check, Farage told ‘Every time Trump says something that seems to be outrageous, in the end it proves to be true.’

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 3:28

How can anyone take Farage seriously, let alone believe him to be a suitable candidate for Prime Minister of a failing nation?

Is it not a possibility he is responsible for that failing nation, instigated by an inborn hatred of anything or anyone that doesn't conform to his idealistic vision of utopia?

Bah! Forsooth vile temptress ....

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Tue 24 Sep 2024 - 14:29


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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Wed 25 Sep 2024 - 12:49

The fun police are back, and they’re ready to make our lives even more joyless

By Nigel Farage

September 24, 2024

Speaking at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool, Andrew Gwynne, a public health minister, has revealed that the government is considering “tightening up the hours of operation” of pubs – i.e. forcing them to close early. Gwynne claimed this would improve people’s health and tackle anti-social behaviour.

What nonsense. Even if this policy was genuinely concerned with improving public health, it would fail dismally. People being cleared out of pubs and bars at the new closing time of, let’s say, 10pm would simply find somewhere else to drink, potentially ushering in a new era of the speakeasy. At the same time, the Treasury would notice a fall in revenue until, finally, scores more pubs went out of business. This in itself would have various knock-on effects, creating wider unemployment.

Whether or not Gwynne’s economically illiterate plan comes to pass, though, it’s his mindset that is so revealing.

It is the mindset of control.

This is the Labour mindset – steeped in the idea that Big Government knows best. It is completely detached from reality and it despises the notions of freedom and choice.

People like Gwynne object to the idea that someone might want to sit in a pub late at night having a drink and a chat with their family or friends. They want to remove that simple pleasure and they would use questionable health grounds to do it. We’ve already heard about Labour’s plans to ban smoking from outside areas like pub gardens. Now alcohol is in their sights.

In a way, this doesn’t surprise me. For an idea of how much Britain could change unless this socialist government is voted out at the earliest opportunity, look no further than Wales and London. Labour has been in power in both of these devolved areas for several years. They can be seen as the prototypes of life in future.

Those pernicious three prongs of equality, diversity and inclusion have taken root, elbowing the interests of those who do not obsess about identity politics out of the way.

Open war has been declared on motorists, who are penalised for driving their cars at over 20mph or – in London – within a “Ulez” zone. CCTV cameras are everywhere, spying on citizens and fining them via a system which is nothing more than legitimised theft.

All this has created a culture of fear among law-abiding people. The sense of liberty that we used to take for granted is slipping away, no doubt hastened by the ghastly lockdown culture that Labour embraced so vigorously.

Isn’t it revealing that Gwynne and his friends have nothing to say about the steep rise in those committing illegal activities such as taking Class A drugs or carrying knives? Instead, they only seem interested in chipping away at social habits that have been legal for centuries.

I would politely suggest that Gwynne, 50, has a limited experience of life outside the confines of the political establishment where he has worked since the turn of the century.

His outlook is that of the boring middle manager who doesn’t drink in pubs anyway. To him and his Labour colleagues I say: good luck.

Voters who live in Red Wall seats – indeed, most voters everywhere – detest being told what to do. They would never stand for pubs closing early. They will rebel.

Those of them who bothered to vote Labour in July will desert the party at the next election. It should not escape their attention that the Reform Party isn’t interested in banning things. I believe that life is for living and enjoying when time allows – and that pubs can keep whatever reasonable hours they wish.

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Spamalot Sat 28 Sep 2024 - 17:26

Well that's a turn up for the books, the right wing politician/company director, educated at the prestigious private fee paying Dulwich College in South London, is now a staunch advocate for youngsters to ditch any idea of further education at university level in favour of an apprenticeship to learn a trade - so say the ex-city trader turned right wing politician.

The true reason why so many youngsters opt for higher education this 21st Century is debatable to say the least.  Parental pressure, the chance to go it alone, to meet new people, better opportunities in the employment market, higher earnings from the outset, an excuse to avoid work, even perhaps for only a better education - I don't think it's possible to get a true picture but no doubt the statistician will think differently.  No doubt there are graphs and charts in existence to show a trend but like all 'models' they are not a true depiction of reality.  

I'm a great believer in the necessity for tradesmen, providing their future is not clouded by the prospect of automation, something that's been growing steadily for decades - even centuries!  Wasted years if you're likely to be replaced by a robot, still I guess you could still tighten their screws and bolts or fiddle about with their nuts.

There's something very hypocritical about this latest political move, it doesn't sit well with the overall image portrayed over the years.  A pie and a pint and a fag down the local doesn't signify, even Winston Churchill liked to slum it when not busy running a nation.  Smoking, drinking and eating is not a class distinction it's a personal preference.

Is it intended to reinforce the 'of the people, by the people, for the people' mantra, popularized by Abraham Lincoln during his Gettysburg Address back in 1863?

Power to the people!

It would appear the standard of education across Britain is at an all time low and there is of course a limit to the availability of well paid employment.  The populace don't appear to be very interested in actually doing a hard days work, they want big money for as little as possible.

Now who does that remind me of?

Meanwhile, a great hoo-ha is being made across the airwaves about the Labour Party members gifts and other goodies heaped at their doors - the airwaves seem to have very short memories, they do know this to be common place don't they?  They do know they are guilty of the same practices don't they?  Even party donations can be seen as gifts and there is no shortage there.  Who know who's lap (or off-shore account) the donations land or what use they are put to?

Not to say that makes it right but what's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.

Of the people for the people - eh?  Meanwhile the unheard starve and die.

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Wed 2 Oct 2024 - 13:46

For someone in his position, Nigel Farage is so unbelievably crass, it's jaw dropping hypocrisy personified.

The reason he invariably avoids interviews is because he can't cope with opposition, there's no problem if the interviewee or his guest on GB News is back slapping and lauding his every word - bring it on but just a hint of criticism and he loses control over his own behavior and words.  A damn good orator (if you're a disciple) when alone on his soap box but that's where it begins and ends.  He talks of things to impress the listener which works brilliantly - until he is opposed, then and only then does he make it apparent there is no substance nor truth in his words.

Why can't people see through his wily ways?  As can be seen during interviews with opposition, if the interviewer or panel keep a cool head and not allow him to stray - which he does every time, he reveals the true self.  He shouts over and shouts down his opponent/s with gibberish, ducking and diving the points raised with empty irrelevances.   A manipulative deceitful power crazed lunatic that should be distanced from politics and the public arena.

The gospel according to Saint Nigel - he's seriously a very dangerous man.

Every time something happens in the nation and/or further afield, he only needs publicly say those few words 'the people will revolt' to incite discontent and civil unrest, those few words coming from his mouth more and more frequently, no doubt he's seen how effective it can be.  He then sits back and watches the fall-out .... 'what me. what have I said?  I'm only asking questions'.  As if!  It only takes a cool head to show the man for what he truly is.

How he twists how he turns everything in his favour.  It's never his fault, it's always someone else trying to stitch him up or someone else's failure.  He's like a one man band who skillfully attracts an audience wondering how he manages to make such a big noise all on his own.  Does anyone really want to see the likes of Farage ruling the nation, that's his plan and he's 'telling' (dictating?) everyone what to think say and do - just think of the repercussions if that were Chairman Mao!

We'll gloss over his affiliation and staunch friendship with The Trump!


Who will rid us of this turbulent beast ....

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Barrage the Farage Indeed! Empty Re: Barrage the Farage Indeed!

Post by Wisdom Wed 2 Oct 2024 - 13:59


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