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The Find Madeleine Fund

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The Find Madeleine Fund Empty The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Wisdom Sat 3 Aug 2024 - 21:41

A bone of contention if ever there was.

The origins of The Fund's set-up was curious to say the least, whatever it attracted much criticism from certain quarters - the main reason being the whys and wherefores at that particular time. It started with a title something like 'The Fight Fund' according to the press and media, the alleged title of which in itself raises an eyebrow or two but who's to say how much truth was in those words and more to the point, the rationale behind it's creation.

One thing for sure, it was professionally organised by a reputable firm so leaves little room for question, the only perhaps anomaly was to include the parents, Gerry and Kate McCann, as it's directors. For no other reason than the fact they where/are the parents of missing Madeleine McCann - legally it must be permissible nonetheless slightly out of form when viewing as an outsider.

To this day The Fund still attracts interest with the word 'fraudulent' always lurking in the background. Considering Gerry and Kate McCann's performance from the beginning and over the ensuing years, it's quite understandable that some might think the whole set-up a fake to assist the McCanns with their campaign of self-defence - but really? Would a well respected firm working within the confines of the law risk their livelihood and reputation for such a purpose to maintain the illusion to this day, 17+ down the line? Doubtful to say the least ....

It is of course possible they have been hoodwinked (really?) into believing the story told, if indeed they have been told a story, but something must have revealed itself over the years to cast doubt over their story - surely?

It is also claimed someone, a member of the public with no official connection with the case, has alerted the British authorities, in particular the police, to the possibility of a case for investigation but so far no evident take-up. The same source I understand has also alerted other official bodies to the possibility of illegal actions on the part of the Fund administrators and board of directors but again, nothing has happened as far as public awareness is known.

By all intents and purposes the Find Madeleine Fund is a bona-fide operation with good transparent governance, a company that wouldn't jeopardise it's professional image for the sake of two little Englanders who very carelessly lost the run of one of their little children.

If you listen to some sources across social media, it seems the case of missing Madeleine McCann has involved persons from every walk of life, from every profession and every caliber! Man woman and beast from every sector of society across the four corners of the world. Sounds a bit far fetched when put like that - doesn't it? But putting it like that is exactly what has been festering across social media and beyond for over 17 years. It's time a thick line was drawn under the speculation, at least the bizarre theorizing based on nothing but shifting sands.

No surprise the claim, or suggestion, fell on deaf ears - it is after all very very unlikely, though not impossible ....

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The Find Madeleine Fund Empty Re: The Find Madeleine Fund

Post by Wisdom Sat 3 Aug 2024 - 21:48

From the official Fund as of today..

The directors regulate Madeleine's Fund and they aspire to follow best practice policies and processes used by charities. The directors have reviewed its operation against “Good Governance: A Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector”. This sets out best practice requirements for charities.

The Fund also has:

a Financial Procedures Manual
job descriptions for directors, chair and treasurer
clearly laid out policies and processes for:
expense claims
risk management
whistle blowing
registering conflicts of interest

(6) Who are the directors of Madeleine's Fund?

There are six directors of the Fund. They are:

Brian Kennedy - Retired head teacher;
Edward Smethurst - A Commercial lawyer;
Jon Corner – Director of a media company;
Michael Linett - Retired accountant
Kate McCann - General Practitioner
Gerry McCann - Consultant Cardiologist

Even if the Funds board of directors appears a trifle suspicious they are still working within the confines of a professional reputable firm.

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