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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Tue 13 Aug 2024 - 13:25

A lot of marked similarities between these colourful characters from home and across the pond, matching shades from the Dulux colour chart for starters.

Two peas in a pod or two segments of forbidden fruits? An alliance with the primary objective of whipping-up storm Beelzebub, devouring everything in it's path leaving nothing but a trail of lies, deceit and above all else (pardon the pun) assumed superiority.

A strange attitude for a couple who like to consider themselves unpolitical politicians, sort of businessmen with an eye for politics - control tactics?

Rumour has it their influence is fast spreading across Europe, a far right utopian vision that will only accept thoroughbred christian middle class pure white populations - that leaves an awful lot of us left to rot at the wayside and they have the bare-face audacity to use society's rejects to fight their battles, to further their cause?

Some might say double standards, some might say misjudgment, some might say pure evil!


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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Tue 13 Aug 2024 - 13:37

At any other time, this Trump-Farage picture would be funny

Rebecca Nicholson
Sun 13 Nov 2016 13.54 GMT

Here they stand, those two champions of the downtrodden and self-appointed scourges of the political class – at the gilded portal of the president-elect’s palace

A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Scree150
‘He was relaxed and full of good ideas. I am confident he will be a good President,’ tweeted Nigel Farage after he met Donald Trump at Trump Tower. Photograph: ‏@Nigel_Farage/twitter

You wonder how it’s possible to find the humour in the news at a time when the western world is starting to pivot towards an awkward dystopia and after a week when hostility and hate are no longer simmering just below the surface but are suddenly emboldened by Donald Trump’s election victory.

The sketch show Saturday Night Live gave up on comedy entirely, sitting Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton at a piano, performing a version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah. Rarely has the traditional “Live from New York, it’s Saturday night!” intro been delivered with such raw hurt and defiance. It was powerful. It was deeply emotional. But it wasn’t funny.

It’s hard to find much humour, either, in the picture of Donald Trump and Nigel Farage grinning as they meet at Trump Tower, the interim Ukip leader having secured a meeting with the president-elect ahead of any British politician. It might have seemed comical a week ago, but now nothing is the same. Farage tweeted the image with some razor-sharp political insight into Trump’s impending term of office: “He was relaxed and full of good ideas. I am confident he will be a good President.” He used “good” twice, as if it’s all he’s got.

Last week, if the politics of the two men in the picture repulsed you as much as they have repulsed roughly half of their respective nations, you might have said: look at the pair of clowns. Here’s Farage, usually pictured clasping a pint – your dad’s mate down the pub, the one who tells a rum gag through a haze of Embassy smoke that makes his friends laugh because someone else is the butt of the joke. And now he stands next to the president-elect of the United States, a man who got the job apparently because he wasn’t part of the establishment, because he wasn’t a politician, because he promised to break the system rather than play it.

Yet here they stand, a reality-TV star turning it on for the camera, his unnaturally white teeth bearing a smile – or is it a grimace? – and the man who looks as though he could be chairman of Trump’s fan club, typing up newsletters once a month, quoting everything he’s ever said back to him with exact dates and times, just six months away from a restraining order. Farage’s statement afterwards said they discussed “freedom and winning”

It should be ridiculous. The irony is too obvious. The image shows them flanked by the marble walls and glistening golden doors of Trump’s penthouse palace. Farage, a man who uses “political class” as an insult, despite striving so hard to be part of that political class that he has failed seven times to be elected to the House of Commons, is slick with privilege. And now, as he basks in Trump’s reflected glory, he’s not pretending to be anything else. Why would he? He’s bigger than Brexit now.

In time it might be funny that two men who claim they stand “for the people” are so quick to remind the people that they exist in a different world entirely. Today, though, we are beyond sense, beyond irony. These two men champion ideologies that purport to be a rejection of elitism. The only thing that’s laughable is how little they themselves even attempt to hold that to be true.

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Wed 14 Aug 2024 - 14:06

A bit earlier I was watching an interview with that Richard Tice bloke, one of the multimillionaires who bank-roll the newly reformed designer Reform (shouldn't that be deform) Party - emphasis on party!  The man has no leadership qualities, words spew forth with no true commitment nor understanding of the problems faced - how can he have any conception, he lives in another world isolated from the general population, the working class.

That in itself shouldn't be considered derogatory, anyone and everyone who works are working class in the true sense of the term but oh no, it has to be used to classify (pardon the pun) a particular sector of society considered to be more lowly by nature.  Seldom through fault of their own, more to do with birthright - king to pauper, no one can decide their own destiny at birth - not even Donald Trump!

Anyway back to the Tice off-duty, who first came up with the juvenile epithet 'two tier Kier'?  Someone on the right side of the block if I remember correctly but whoever, has society's 'foghorn' clique forgotten (or purposely overlooked) the fact that prior to the recent general election, the Conservative Party has been governing the nation for the past 14 years!?!  Two tier policing (whatever that might be) doesn't happen overnight, it's the result of a gradual erosion of policing standards created by oh so many contemporary influences  - swept into one phrase only .... 'political correctness!'.

Anyone with an eye on British politics and resultant mayhem will know the problem has been building over a number of years, not over night as Tice and such acolytes would have you believe.  I don't think anyone could fairly blame 'The Tory Party' for the state of the nation, nor do I think anyone could or should blame 'The Labour Party' which is what's happening right now.  The Tories greatest fault was a lack of cohesion, how can you ever be expected to govern a nation if you can't agree policies within the party?  Labour have yet to prove their ability but at least give them a chance and stop bickering about trivia, there are far more important issues to ruminate without worrying about who was arrested during rioting and why - that's a matter for the police, at least if they were left alone.  At the end of the day it's about what the rioters are doing not who they are and why they're doing it, if you break the law the consequences should be the same wherever you sit on the class/position spectrum. Unless of course you are Donald Trump who expects immunity to cover his every dirty deed.

Disregarding the lukewarm spiel presented by Tice, you can't reasonably compare nationwide rioting involving mindless violence, destruction, looting with the increase in local shoplifting and other more serious crime spates such as knife crime.  Besides, Tice opines about 'only the far right being targeted by the police' over the past week or so - does he seriously think the copper called to duty in the midst of serious rioting asks the felon if it is representing the far-right before making an arrest.  It was reported the youngest so far arrested was a 12 year old - a far right activist or a yob without portfolio!?!

By all means present a reasoned argument (if you have one) but don't nick-pick with political mumbo-jumbo just for the sake of it, in the long run it does you no favours when you rack-up month upon month of whining and whinging about trivia.  A picture starts to form, look no further than Nigel Farage's history in the public domain, you can't successfully go through life trying to deny your theatrics recorded and documented for posterity.

It's no wonder Farage powered in and relegated Tice to chief cashier sitting behind a desk with little power but cheque signing.  Farage doesn't possess that all important factor of ability but oh my, what a foghorn!  He certainly knows how to be heard,  only when challenged does his tongue tie in knots.

On that subject, the other day I watched Farage being interviewed on LBC by the ever indefatigable James O'Brien, who can so effortlessly and painlessly plug the foghorn's gaping gob with words a plenty!

Last night, yes you guessed it - GB News, it was reported a job, or percentage of jobs, had been given to an Asian rather than a thoroughbred white British person (know your history!).  'WOW - how very dare they!!!' I hear it bellowed across the air waves, no mention of the previously reported thousands who just can't be bothered to turn up for work or the thousands who aren't interested if the offer falls below a six figure annual salary.  Some people are just grateful to be employed!

You can easily see why the humorist targets the politicians!

There is clearly serious unrest spreading across the nation, the problems can't fairly be blamed on immigration nor any other specific.  The pandemic has a lot to answer for but even there the more talented nations have managed to turn tragedy into prosperity, rebuilding - yes rebuilding, with hope opportunity and resilience.  Even the immigrants play an important role in redevelopment, they are after all flesh and blood the same as the rest of us - in that respect there can be no discrimination!  Robots on the other hand ....

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Wed 14 Aug 2024 - 15:06

James O'Brien rips apart Nigel Farage's interview with LBC | LBC

11:43 minutes

7 days ago


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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Mon 19 Aug 2024 - 17:51

A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Scree154

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Orange Alert !!!

Post by Spamalot Wed 28 Aug 2024 - 13:51

There is something very worrying about the underhand tactics being used to champion the extreme right (no offence intended) anti-establishment propaganda.  The leader would appear to be Mr Orange himself, being the most prolific vocalist aside from Jack Griffin (the invisible man) currently residing somewhere off-shore but nonetheless present de facto.

Always an underlying message of revolt against anything and everything that's not 100% pro-right, unless the odd bod has £millions to splash out for the cause, then the standards are dropped like a ton of ....  That's truth and dedication for you!

That's all very well for the monopoly board but what is the outcome when applied to political policies and their effect on the people?  It's akin to a typical incident of conflict, the 'leaders' sit in their well protected ivory towers whilst dictating, yes dictating, when and where their army of enforced volunteers should strike.  Not why, only when and where!

Personally I'm not remotely interested in any party as such, my only concern is what they do, why, when, where and how policies affect or benefit the people.  The people who vote in a democratic system of governance - so say they, to decide who is elected to represent their lives, hopefully for the better.  The Orange Party however don't see things like that, their concern is not with the electorate who gave them the power to speak but with self-interest, the desire to see a nation of duplicates - single minded self-centered greedy power hungry elitists.  Those who claim to be for the people of the people but how can that be?  How is it possible for the rich and powerful, living in their ivory towers, to understand the daily struggles of ordinary people?

Kier Starmer is currently being roasted alive, since his party's election victory only a few weeks ago but be fair, he has inherited the foibles of 14 years Conservative Party trials and tribulations, which he is hopefully trying to redress.  He appears to be quite passionate and dedicated, he's so far delivered good sound proposals for the nation's future, although they might not accord with right-wing visions.  Starmer and his party might be a complete disaster in the long term but at least give them a chance!  What have you got to lose?  The party was legitimately elected by the people to lead the nation, perhaps as the lesser of two evils but still the Labour Party are currently at the helm.  If you genuinely want to see the nation moving forwards towards a brighter future then work with the party, not against them.

It is however a bit concerning to understand the very recent rationale of appointing and promoting the female person in every area of professional life.  Is it supposed to be a 50/50 balance?  I haven't counted, only realised how almost overnight women have a very high profile presence across the board.  I hope this is determined by ability and not sex.

The most recent in-house attack is a comparison between different incidents across the nation, public disturbances fueled by social media interaction - the Orange Party has coined the phrase two tier policing to illustrate government shortfalls.  Well yes, the softly softly approach has been adopted across the nation to avert tension, inflaming tensions across an already volatile underbelly of public dissatisfaction about anything and everything.  The underground murmurings are not confined to any one contemporary societal problem, they extend to any subject someone, or a group of someone's, decide they want to play with for whatever reasons.  They then use social media to incite unrest and riotous behavior across the nation - for what reason?  I'll wager a good number of the participants don't even know why or what they do.  A good example being the very recent riots said to be the result of the death by stabbing of three young children, it doesn't require a genius to fact check the detail - unless of course some prominent voice tells you the whole truth is not being divulged by the authorities.

See what I mean - rebel rousing!  Like pushing the button, you only need to say a word or two in the right place at the right time to achieve an objective. Enter the conspiracy theorists.  

The point is however, this situation is not confined to policing under the reign of any particular government, it's as easy and justified to accuse the leading parties, Labour, Tory and now the hopefuls - Reform of using the same tactics.  Stop and search was mentioned during the Orange Show - can you imagine what it's like to be randomly stopped and searched by the police for no reason but because you are of colour?  It seems the Orange Party's policy is to just rid the nation of anyone who's not the pure white christian and doesn't fit the thoroughbred British breed (?) - unless you can buy your way in, then and only then are you welcome!

The Orange Party's chief, the leader, spent an hour on his GB News throne (that very lucrative seat) last evening bringing down Kier Starmer and his party - what possible advantage is that?  Wouldn't it be more constructive to put your argument forward for a better Britain and work with the reigning party!?!  There is always so much 'they can't', 'they won't', 'they haven't' but never a solution proffered to resolve the problems Britain faces, they might talk a good job but actions always speak louder than words.

Government representatives are elected by the people, they are there to represent the people not themselves.

There is a deep problem with Mr Orange, he appears to be more of a rabble-rouser than a true believer of democracy and a true representative of the people.  There is so much hidden from view, the kind of things that would sway public opinion off the scale if ever revealed.  What is clear, Mr Orange likes to surround himself with yaysayers, he's can't cope when confronted by direct opposition - that I think tells you all that needs to be known about a fraud, a conman, a purveyor of porky pies, a deceiver, a potentially dangerous leader of self-interest.

Talk is cheap ....

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Spamalot Wed 28 Aug 2024 - 14:57

Talking of which, during last nights GB News party political broadcast on behalf of the Orange Party, there was an advertisement for massive price reductions at a garden centre in Clacton-on-Sea.

Now who has recently been elected MP for Clacton-on-Sea ....

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Wed 28 Aug 2024 - 17:46

It's quite incredible and very worrying what can be disguised under the grand umbrella of 'freedom of speech'.

A catchy little phrase so often used these days, the ancient philosopher Voltaire, writer and wit, is believed to have said .... 'I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'.

So an undesirable says to you, 'your wife is a fat ugly whore who will spread her legs for anyone wishing to enter, perish the thought! - what do you do?  Do you agree with that ancient philosopher Voltaire and defend the undesirable's right to say it, or do you punch his friggin' lights out?

With freedom of speech comes responsibility - that's to say should.

Others however think it perfectly reasonable to say whatever they like, without consequences!  The sort of people who will willingly destroy another's career, private life, safety - life, just because they think/know they can!  The same sort of people who openly support everything that's wrong under the guise of doing what's right - albeit covertly.   A chief executive can so easily be removed for decisions made by lesser beings within their organisation if the right moves are made, yet when the boot is on another foot the same voice claims it's not the responsibility of the chief executive to captain the ship - his ship ?!?

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Wed 28 Aug 2024 - 17:54

The people's channel..

Nigel Farage sounds the alarm over Elon Musk arrest as he issues free speech warning

A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Scree173

By Holly Bishop

Published: 25/08/2024

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, has been arrested in France

Nigel Farage has cautioned that Elon Musk may be in trouble following the arrest of Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app.

Durov, a Russian billionaire, had been travelling to France from Azerbaijan on his private jet when French police targeted him as part of a preliminary investigation. He will appear in court at a later date after being detained by police at Le Bourget airport.

No official reason has been given for his arrest, however, local media has said it was linked to his app, which has become the main Russian channel for conveying news on the Ukraine war.

Writing on X, owned by billionaire Musk, he said: “The arrest of Pavel Durov is worrying.

“Telegram is a secure free speech app. It may have some bad actors, but then all platforms do.

“What next... the arrest of Elon Musk?”

News broadcasters BFMTV and TF1 have quoted unnamed sources as saying the Russian-born entrepreneur was the subject of a search warrant.


Elon Musk is putting millions of Britons off from buying a Tesla amid support for Trump
Harry blasted for airing 'dangerous' opinions with attack on Musk: 'Hugely damaging!'
Elon Musk's X breaks records after UK riots and Trump interview, but does it suffer from fake news?

Both outlets have said the investigation into Pavel - who became a French citizen in 2021 - was centred on the lack of moderators on the app, as well as users engaging in criminal activity.

Neither French police, the Interior Ministry, nor Telegram have commented on those claims.

Musk, who purchased X - formally known as Twitter - in 2022, has voiced his support for Durov.

The 39-year-old, who is one of the world’s wealthiest people, used the hashtag #FreePavel and retweeted posts slamming the arrest.

“It’s 2030 in Europe and you’re being executed for liking a meme,” Musk wrote

.He also posted a message from his AI system Grok on his X account, with the mocking caption: “Check out this ad for the First Amendment. It is very convincing.”

In the post, Musk asked the bot if Pavel was arrested in Paris, and the AI server responded with details about the incident at Bourget Airport.

Pavel, also the owner and chief executive of Telegram, left Russia in 2014 after losing control of his previous social media company Vkontakte (VK).

He has consistently positioned Telegram as a champion of free speech. In an interview with Tucker Carlson in April, Durov said he was determined to keep platform "neutral" and "free from geopolitics".


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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Wed 28 Aug 2024 - 21:21

The same old names crop up time and time again in relation to the same old subjects.

Should we think of them as 'the crop circle' perhaps?

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Thu 29 Aug 2024 - 14:36

Spot the deliberate mistake..

I’ll never go to the pub again if outdoor smoking is banned

The Puritans are on the march. I expect the anti-alcohol debate, with corresponding levels of national propaganda, to now pick up pace

A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Nigel_10

Nigel Farage
29 August 2024 • 10:56am

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Spamalot Thu 29 Aug 2024 - 14:56

“Once you are able to speak the unspeakable people will begin to think the unthinkable and that is how you beat the establishment”

Nigel Farage

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Thu 29 Aug 2024 - 18:02

LONDON — Nigel Farage said he would stop going to the pub if Labour goes ahead with a plan to ban outdoor smoking in Brits' beloved watering holes.

The leading Brexiteer, known for downing pints in photo opportunities to boost his image as a man of the people, took aim after reports suggested the U.K. government is considering tighter restrictions on smoking outdoors as part of its ambition to phase out tobacco.

"The Labour party is showing its authoritarian socialist state control instincts and mentality," the Reform UK leader wrote in a Telegraph op-ed. "The rumored ban on smoking in pub gardens or on the pavement outside pubs will kill off the traditional pub forever.

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Thu 29 Aug 2024 - 18:11

A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Scree178


huck·​ster ˈhək-stər

Synonyms of huckster
: hawker, peddler
especially : one who sells or advertises something in an aggressive, dishonest, or annoying way
: one who produces promotional material for commercial clients especially for radio or television


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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Fri 30 Aug 2024 - 13:47

What a drama queen!

Whilst Rome burns there is great concern afoot over the issue of rumoured smoking restrictions in public spaces - it's actually been going on for about 20 years spanning many government powers but let's not let that stand in the way of a great drama.  It is after all the fault of the very recently elected government that the nation is in such decline, forget the preceding 14 years or Tory rule and concentrate only on the name Kier Starmer - the devil incarnate!

Back to tobacco!  If a non-smoker you will most likely welcome the gradual enforced restrictions, if a smoker you will curse the restrictions thinking it to be a civil liberty - an infringement of your rights.  You can argue government income through taxes till blue in the face but it doesn't, can't, detract from the fact that smoking is a killer, even the addicted know that - it is an addiction.  Okay so if tobacco is banned from society trading might well end-up on the black market just like heroine or cocaine or hashish but what is the answer - to legalize all noxious drugs so as to avoid illicit trading?  And please don't say tobacco is not a form of addictive drug because that's exactly what it is!

What's next on the theatrical political agenda - tobacco riots?  It is getting all the necessary attention to whip-up a storm.

Rumour has it further restrictions on smoking in public will kill the traditional pub that we all know and love - that's to say did, 40 years ago.  The traditional British public house evolves with time, it's not the product of an overnight decision about smoking.  There was a time some might remember when the pub clientele was segregated, the commoner in the spit and sawdust area and the well suited and booted in the saloon bar - indeed there was even an off-license attached where you could buy a jug or glass of beer!  Think on that if you can.

Over decades we've seen the pub changing with the times, attracting a more middle of the road clientele, the so called 'working class' elevated to the saloon bar (or their kitchen back home) and the middle class relegated to slumming it with the rest of mankind (or in their lounge back home) - unless of course you're a celebrity of sorts, then and only then will you be treated with greater respect courtesy, after all money talks doesn't it?  A private area where you can escape society's riff-raff and do as you darn well pleazy.

Such is class distinction.  Well for the most part it's not even class is it - perhaps it would be more appropriate to say wealth distinction, after all money talks doesn't it, very loud!

There is no such beast as the traditional British pub, only an establishment we remember according to age.  Older generations will remember the spit and sawdust era, younger generations will remember the class merger into one bar or establishment, modern generations will only know the noisy bustling 'cocktail' progression. There was once a little old tumbled down hostelry, hidden in the forest of trees and appropriately named 'The Fox and Houndsl', it would close every Sunday because in those days it was recognized as the Sabbath (Sunday that is, not the pub) - those were the days!

In short, there is no such thing as the traditional British pub thus changes have nothing to do with smoking restrictions, it's progression from generation to generation.  You might not like it but it can't be avoided.  Like everything else in life, if you don't move with the times you die prematurely, miserably and very alone.

Whip up a public frenzy by all means but you can't stop the world from turning, no matter how hard you try.  Remember that - eh?

Since the Reform Party happened upon new leadership it's taken on a revamp, a big adventure, a new identity with renewed vigour, a change of image - a cosmetic surgical intervention.  

Still you know what they say, if you shout loud enough be sure someone will listen ....

Why can't people see through the haze?

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Sat 14 Sep 2024 - 12:53

How will the British counterpart react to Donald Trump's latest (or one of them) abomination - will he stick by him with undying loving support or will he run for the hills?

We shall see I guess.

Whatever, Trump's more recent public performance is really quite worrying considering his strong sticky alliance with the colour coded British fully paid-up limited company, standing strong before the next general election.

He's lost the plot!

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Sat 14 Sep 2024 - 12:57

Trump vows mass deportations from town rocked by 'pet-eating' lies

Max Matza
BBC News

13 September 2024

Donald Trump has said he will mass deport migrants in a small Ohio town that has been rocked by baseless claims that its Haitian influx are eating pets and park animals.

"We're going to start with Springfield," Trump said on Friday, adding the town had been "destroyed" by immigration. He mentioned a second city in Colorado, which right-wing commentators have falsely claimed is in the hands of a Venezuelan gang.

Springfield officials say that the debunked claim of pet-eating has sent shockwaves through its community, and has led to violent threats that have shut schools.

President Joe Biden appealed for calm on Friday, calling criticism of Haitians in Springfield "simply wrong".

"This has to stop, what he’s doing. It has to stop," Mr Biden said of Trump's statements.

The Republican candidate's promise comes after nearly a week of false claims about migrants killing pets and children in Springfield.

The claims of animal eating, which Trump repeated in his debate with Kamala Harris on Tuesday, has been debunked by Springfield's police chief and mayor, as well as Ohio Governor Mike DeWine.

On Friday, three schools in Springfield were evacuated due to bomb threats. At least one of the threats made disparaging comments about Haitians, according to Springfield Mayor Bob Rue.

It comes after city hall and several other buildings, as well as one school, were evacuated on Thursday due to threats.

Trump was asked whether he was considering a visit to the town during a press conference at his golf course in Los Angeles on Friday.

"I can say this, we will do large deportations from Springfield, Ohio – large deportations. We're going to get these people out. We're bringing them back to Venezuela," he said.

The migrants in Springfield are mostly from Haiti, and have legal permission to be in the US under a federal programme for Haitians.

It was not immediately clear why Trump mentioned Venezuela. Although throughout his remarks he made references to an influx of Venezuelan migrants to Aurora, Colorado, and said deportations would also begin there if he won the presidential election in November.

On Friday, Ohio Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted posted a photo online of two migratory Canadian geese. "Most Americans agree that these migrants should be deported," he said.

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Sat 14 Sep 2024 - 12:59

Touché A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press 1f602 !

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Wed 18 Sep 2024 - 14:41

Mmmm ....

Nigel Farage reveals devasting details of phone call with Donald Trump - 'putting on a brave face'

8:21 minutes

18 hours ago

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Thu 19 Sep 2024 - 13:50

A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Scree205

Farage says there’s some truth in Trump’s claim Haitian migrants are eating pets

Nigel Farage believes there is some truth in Donald Trump’s claim that Haitian migrants are eating pets in Ohio.

The former US president made the claim during a live ABC debate with Vice President Kamala Harris earlier this month.

The Reform MP said he believes there is some truth to Trump’s comments.

Appearing on LBC on Thursday (19 September), Mr Farage said: “Whenever he says something like this that is absoluley crackers in the end there is always some truth in it.

“I’ll have a tenner with you that within the next month we find some evidence of it.”

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A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Empty Re: A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press

Post by Wisdom Thu 19 Sep 2024 - 14:11

Yeah, you bet somewhere down the line some 'evidence' will surface!

That's two alleged assassination attempts in as many months, one grazed ear and the other - well nothing really!

How many more alleged assassination attempts before it exceeds the 'well, what a coincidence' threshold?

Well suited and booted Nige does get his wig in a wobble when shouting from on high, doesn't he.

A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press Scree206
Ribbit Ribbit !!!

Again the trademark spluttering laugh .... 'would I lie to you?'

Sitting on his million $ per annum throne, he compared the recent alleged attempts on Trumps life to that of his own experience of being dowsed by a carton of yogurt - but he didn't mention what flavour.
Some evidence of a headline some time in the future  .... 'Reform MP's Assassination Attempt - Death by Yogurt' affraid !

A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press 1f3b6 'Me myself I, me myself and I, just me myself I'  A Very Likely Alliance - The Orange Press 1f3b6

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