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Quality v. Quantity

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Quality v. Quantity Empty Quality v. Quantity

Post by Wisdom Tue 3 Sep 2024 - 13:56

Mmmmm, which would you rather - a deliciously scrumptious hand crafted burger prepared with time and passion or a pasty mass produced stodgy bun with some sort of questionable stuffing poking through the sides?

No contest really is there?

But doesn't this small matter of quality over quantity apply to just about every aspect of life - or at least consider the merits of one weighed against the other before deciding your preference.  Okay so time's up!

Quality surely ....

Social media being the flavour of the day, the majority it would seem prefer quantity over quality, it's so much easier and less taxing to just read a sentence or two, add you five eggs with a sentence or two - so on and so forth but does this trend of life add quality to your very being, does it satisfy your soul, or does it only pass the time of day when you perhaps should be doing something more constructive with your time.

It is worrying for life on earth to witness daily the obsession with technology, it is after all an artificial world of make believe, virtual places to visit without moving a muscle over and above a digit or two.  Places where you can spend hour upon hour saying whatever you like wherever you like whenever you like - is that a healthy way forward for a nation obsessed with health and fitness?  One seems to counter the other through the eyes of the casual observer.

Today's news talks of restrictions being imposed on toddlers using i-phones and other devices - what are toddlers even doing with such things to play with?  Hardly educational is it?  Whilst sectors of the world condemn social media sites for their lack of moderation little children have access to anything they want to see - could this partly be the reason for the increase in child criminality?  What are children between the age of 12 and 14 doing murdering an old man for crying out loud?

The internet is awash with nonsense and a whole lot more sinister activity but no one seems to really care, certainly not prepared to take responsibility.  A current case in the news features a woman, the wife of a Tory party member, posting rather nasty inflammatory comments about immigrants - I think setting light to establishments housing immigrants .... burn baby burn!  

The wife of a Conservative councillor who was convicted for stirring up racial hatred on social media did not violate X's rules with the post.

The regulatory body for x (twitter) seems to think that's okay thus doesn't contravene their policy about posting

X's rules, external explicitly prohibit "threats to inflict physical harm on others, which includes threatening to kill, torture, sexually assault or otherwise hurt someone".

In response to the complaint, X emailed: "After reviewing the available information, we want to let you know our automated systems found that [Connolly's X account] hasn't broken our rules against posting violent threats.

So there you have it, despite stringent rules about post content Mr Robot has a very limited moral compass.  I guess it's all down to much the same as the electronic moderation of social media platforms in use for a long time past - thou shalt not use naughty words or say naughty things that us robots identify by some obscure methodology.  Otherwise you can say what you darn well pleasy!

Don't bother trying to let us know how you feel because we can't cope with one to one interaction.

Social media is a strange world in which to submerge mind body and soul, it eats you up leaving nothing but a remnant of your former self to spit out like indigestible grizzle.  There are many platforms in which to dive but for the most part they are all much of a muchness, with perhaps the exception of the blog and forum, much like this, privately administered and thus censored.

That doesn't however preclude the blog/forum from applying reasonable administrative control, the blog/forum owner has the freedom to manage their own domain with due consideration for rational content, truth, membership or any other aspect of running a tight ship - hopefully!  In short preferences in the majority of platforms seem to lean towards quantity as opposed to quality.  As previously said, the audience appear to prefer quantity over quality, an enigma in itself.  You can't expect nor hope to lift yourself from the mire of life if you don't open the mind by removing it from the cesspits of modern life.

In days of old, would you go to the library in search of global gossip or would you go to learn?  Would you fix your endeavors on an Elon Musk guide to what not to say rather than a history of communication?  That's precisely what the internet has done to the modern mind, turned it from a rational moralistic decent human being into a barbarian.  So much for progress!

You can say or do whatever you like without interference of any sort, so say the internet and all who govern it!  Not only that but it reflects on life in general, in short it's used as yet another tool for advocating that ever present misused phrase of the day .... 'freedome of speech'. I don't agree with what you say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it !!! [sic] - very!

Can quality go hand in hand with quantity?  No!  With quality comes the well measured mind with rationale and quality thinking, with quantity comes the idle mind quite frequently with mischief a forethought.

Isn't it preferable to have a few reasonable members with something interesting to offer, rather than a few hundred/thousand/million filled with nonsense and/or venom - or created for effect?  Remember - a forum/blog visitor is not necessarily there because it likes or agrees with the content, a forum/blog visitor number is not necessarily a true depiction of flesh and blood.  There are ways and means.

Food for thought ....

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Quality v. Quantity Empty Re: Quality v. Quantity

Post by Wisdom Tue 3 Sep 2024 - 14:13

5 Reasons Why Quality Is More Important Than Quantity

Raj Shamani

Nov 7, 2023

In life, we often grapple with a common dilemma: should we prioritize quality or quantity? This decision can apply to various aspects, from the number of movies you choose to binge watch over weekend to the number of people you keep close to yourself. I came up to this dichotomy recently, when Abhishek Bachchan appeared on my podcast, Figuring Out. As an actor, his whole life revolves around this question. So, let’s find out why you should prioritize quality over quantity.

1. Satisfaction

Quality-driven endeavors often lead to greater personal satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. When you take the time to do something well, you experience a deep sense of pride and fulfillment. In contrast, simply pursuing quantity can lead to burnout and a lack of personal satisfaction, as you may never feel truly accomplished or proud of your work.

2. Greater impact

Prioritizing quality means you don’t need to rush through a high volume of work in a limited time. Instead, you can allocate your efforts evenly across your tasks. This approach results in the creation of exceptional work that impresses your clients and leaves a lasting impact on those around you. In many cases, a single high-quality item can have a more profound effect than a multitude of average ones.

3. Longevity

A quality work lasts for years and continues to inspire many others. While something may be trendy or popular for a short period, it’s the quality that ensures its longevity. Classic literature, timeless music, and enduring works of art are prime examples of how quality stands the test of time. These creations continue to resonate with people across generations.

4. Building trust

In business and personal relationships, quality plays a crucial role in building trust and credibility. When you consistently deliver high-quality products, services, or interactions, people are more likely to trust and rely on you. Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship, whether it’s professional or personal.

5. Efficiency and resource management

Focusing on quality allows for better resource management and increased efficiency. When you prioritize quality over quantity, you can allocate your time, energy, and resources more effectively. Instead of spreading yourself thin by trying to do everything, you can concentrate your efforts on what truly matters and deliver superior results.

If you really look at it that way, quality might be more important than quantity. While the pursuit of quantity may be tempting, it often leads to short-term gains that can be detrimental in the long run. Prioritizing quality in your work, products, and interactions can have a lasting positive impact on your reputation, resources, customer satisfaction, innovation, and sustainability. By focusing on quality, you can ensure that what you create and offer will not only meet but exceed expectations, leading to success in both personal and professional endeavors.

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