CIVILISATION: Development of Society
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What is a Country's True Identity?

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What is a Country's True Identity? Empty What is a Country's True Identity?

Post by Wisdom Fri 17 May 2024 - 17:43

The simple answer to that question can only be .... 'no country has a true identity'.  

Human's have been wandering about planet earth since they grew legs or some other form of physical locomotion, thus today's humans are all a mix from past travels and consequent interbreeding.  Rape and pillage in days of yore were not looked upon as an atrocity like the more modern day puritanical has dictated but more a way of life, par for the course so to speak.  The modern human is nothing but a text book, a walking book of rules and regulations formed by centuries of governance - invariably self elected leaders who ruled nations with threats and violence.

So here we are today.

So much talk about a countries identity, who should be allowed in and allowed to stay.  They must be suitably booted and documented to retain a foothold on someone else's territory - are they even wanted or are they a burden on an already unstable creaking society resulting from decades of mismanagement and corruption?  Of that there can be no denial, there is no honesty nor integrity in the houses of the ruling elite, they are a rule unto themselves with self interest behind their every move.

Thus can be said of the past and how it fits in with society today, the very society that demands closed borders and territorial isolation to keep the riffraff out, the great unwashed again.  How do they think the occupants of foreign lands felt when they, those European superpowers (they thought), invaded foreign lands and took up indefinite occupation - exploiting the nation's natural bounty?  Do they truly think they are thoroughbred stock untouched and untouchable by the world's great unwashed?  Do they truly think white is right to the damnation of all other shades, the great unwashed not fit to roam planet earth?

You hear loud cries echoing  through the hills declaring the US of A to be a Christian unity sharing Christian values and beliefs to the exclusion of all else but wait .... have they forgotten something important?  Yes, the majority of the population across the pond are indeed immigrants spanning centuries from the corner's of the globe.

It is in fact the indigenous peoples, the true Americans, who have been stripped of their land, their traditions and their identity - stolen by the immigrants that populate the nation and claim right to ownership of someone else's land.

America is but an embryo of earth's inhabited lands, a comparatively recent invention but possessed by thieves and bandits on the right side of their own created laws.  Whilst Europe and surrounding regions languish steeped in a history of territorial conflict, invasions and unlawful occupation.

So dear people, where is your holier than thou attitudes that you think give you the right to rough shod over other's land and steal what is rightfully theirs?  Did you sow your seeds and impregnate those who you forced into submission to live under your unlawful regime of hostility .... murder and pillage?

A trifle arrogant and hypocritical don't you agree?

Just remember, planet earth belongs to nature not to humans, we are merely squatters with no right to ownership, anymore than any other of earth's creatures.

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