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Make Britain Great Again!

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Make Britain Great Again! Empty Make Britain Great Again!

Post by Wisdom Sat 18 May 2024 - 13:24

A slogan often repeated by those of a particular political persuasion, those who wish to see the British Isles segregated from the rest of the world as an autonomy in it's own right - that word again!  Self sufficient to the point of self strangulation by depriving it's people of the bounties of foreign lands and the richness of free movement without man-made imposed legal restraints.

So much for Great Britain but how 'great' is it really?

Here the word 'great' comes into question, it's true definition has never been correctly interpreted by today's political modernists - in short it's not 'great' as in the most important or distinguished, it is in fact 'great' as in comparative size.  Throws a whole new light on the word, doesn't it.

Britain has never been great in size nor bearing, it's struggled across the centuries to maintain some semblance of identity, to uphold a place in the world with a modicum of significance.  It could be argued that was a success to a degree but it's hardly ever been a great presence or formidable contestant on the world's stage.  It's adherence to the USA has significantly helped it claim a place of recognition on the step ladder of power but realistically that's all it is, a game of power.

No nation is superior within the laws of nature, the laws that dictate life on earth, their claimed superiority stems from wealth and power and foreign alliances to strengthen their resources.

There is talk once or thrice a year about our brave forefathers who fought for the nation during two world wars, to say nothing of the many other lesser emphasized conflicts, but did they willingly fight for their country, did they willingly put their lives at risk or were they ordered, worse still guilt tripped into putting themselves forward towards almost certain death?  For the most part the people were ordered to fight for their country, they didn't volunteer.  There is a significant difference when trying to rewrite history.

America is no 'greater' than Britain - other than in terms of land mass.  Accept who and why we are on this planet and work with that for a bright future, don't fight against it!  No human being is more important nor less important than the next, we are all equal in terms of being born to inhabit some little space on earth.  Opportunities and resources might not be equal but we, as human beings, are equal and thus deserve to be treated as such on the world's stage.

Bite Size wrote:Did you know the word 'great' is often confused with that of 'grate'?

Perhaps Little Britain might be more appropriate.

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Make Britain Great Again! Empty Re: Make Britain Great Again!

Post by Wisdom Sat 18 May 2024 - 13:32

The UK & Great Britain – What’s the Difference?

A common mistake to make, but one that can easily upset the locals! Read about the differences between Britain, the…

It’s a question we often get asked; The UK, Britain, Great Britain, The British Isles, England… what’s the difference? Well, being the helpful folk that we are, we’ve decided to put forward a helpful cribsheet on just that subject!
The United Kingdom (UK)

The UK is short for The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland… quite a mouthful! It is a sovereign state (in the same way as France or the USA) but is made up of four countries; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. For Americans, the best analogy would be that the UK is like the USA, whilst its four consistent countries are like states.

There is a long and complicated history that follows the formation of the United Kingdom, but here are the highlights:
c. 925 – The Kingdom of England. Established by the unification of Anglo-Saxon tribes across modern day England.
1536 – Kingdom of England and Wales. A bill enacted by King Henry VIII which effectively made England and Wales the same country, governed by the same laws.
1707 – Kingdom of Great Britain. The Kingdom of England (which includes Wales) joined with the Kingdom of Scotland to form The Kingdom of Great Britain.
1801 – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland joins the union, and once again the name changes.
1922 – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland (Eire, or ‘Southern Ireland’) withdraws from the union, leaving just the northern counties of Ireland. This is the UK that remains to this day.

So when was the UK established? Although some people argue that the UK was formed in 1707 by the Act of Union between England, Wales and Scotland, the name United Kingdom wasn’t adopted until 1801 when Ireland was brought into the union.

Great Britain (sometimes just referred to as ‘Britain’)

Great Britain is not a country; it’s a landmass. It is known as ‘Great’ because it is the largest island in the British Isles, and houses the countries of England, Scotland and Wales within its shores.

The name Britain derives from the Roman word Britannia, but there are two conflicting arguments about why the ‘Great’ was stuck on the front of it. The first is that it is used to distinguish Britain from its similar sounding, but much smaller French neighbour, Brittany. The second reason is due to the ego of a certain King James I, who wanted to make it abundantly clear that he wasn’t just the king of the old Roman Britain (which only included England and some of Wales), but of the entire island; thus he referred to himself as King of Great Britain.

The British Isles

The British Isles is the name of a group of islands situated off the north western corner of mainland Europe. It is made up of Great Britain, Ireland, The Isle of Man, The Isles of Scilly, The Channel Islands (including Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney), as well as over 6,000 other smaller islands.


Just like Wales and Scotland, England is commonly referred to as a country but it is not a sovereign state. It is the largest country within the United Kingdom both by landmass and population, has taken a pivitol role in the creation of the UK, and its capital London also happens to be the capital of the UK.

It is perhaps understandable then that England is often (although incorrectly) used as a term to describe the whole of the UK.

So there you have it! If you’re still a bit confused over the differences, here’s a quick summary:
The UK – a sovereign state that includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Great Britain – an island situated off the north west coast of Europe.
British Isles – a collection of over 6,000 islands, of which Great Britain is the largest.
England – a country within the UK.

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Make Britain Great Again! Empty Re: Make Britain Great Again!

Post by Spamalot Fri 16 Aug 2024 - 15:08

Rumour has it Great Britain is broken, quite how that epithet is determined I know not but let's just think of it as a generalization.

Immigration, the buzz word of the day, is being blamed for the 'broken' nation, with them the global destitute bring hostility and disease - they apparently don't arrive on foreign shores (it's not only Britain!) in search of a better life for their people, they arrive to invade our nations with impurity and ungodly thoughts and acts - but who said?

There are thousands upon thousands across the nation who welcome the immigrants with open arms, they don't see them as earthly vermin - the scum of the earth, only here to disrupt the cosy white christian beliefs of the nation. The nation's communities should know as they live side by side, they see the immigrants for what they are - decent law abiding citizens unfortunate enough to be born and raised in turmoil. The rabble-rousers will have you think the immigrant is only here for nefarious reasons, too many to identify any particular aspect so let's just say anarchy in general or to convert the nation into some religious alternative!

What they seem to forget, or choose to ignore, is the simple fact that over the centuries people from every walk of life have relocated in search of a better life. The rabble-rouser will shout about lies and deceit, there is no war or unrest in particular locations, the immigrant is using that as an excuse to leave their homestead. Well for a start, unless you live amongst these people you can have no idea what they endure, select any specific country - you might not find war or other unrest but that is not the only aspect of life the migrant wants to escape, indeed it might only be the climate!

Take another look at your homeland, every imaginable colour, nationality, faith, culture living side by side in harmony. We, as decent understanding peoples, learn from each other by peaceful integration and acceptance. Immigration does not create low quality living standards, it does not create crime per se, above all else it does not create division - it is the rabble-rouser and the system generally that creates that division. The immigrant can't be blamed for local deprivation, they are not personally responsible for poor communities - that should be effectively managed by the presiding government, that's what we elect and pay them to do!

Then the current situation of protests and anarchy across the nation seemingly but mistakenly targeting a specific genre of peoples because of their assumed heritage? It is not the immigrant destroying locations across Great Britain (!?!), it's the angry following of the rabble-rousers with nothing better to do with their time than join a campaign of destruction.

This current situation that's been on the bubble for a number of years is about unfounded hatred of a particular sector of society, urged by a gang of well suited and booted thugs who use the general population to fight their battles - literally! Until they are stopped there will be no hope of improvement - but they are crafty, it's never about them personally it's always someone else!

Don't expect the politician to understand the plight of the people on the street, they live in a different world, mostly coming from wealthy backgrounds - what can they possibly know about the daily hardships experienced by the ordinary people? An honours degree in economics doesn't provide knowledge of life on earth, whilst the ruling classes juggle their wealth about for wise or unlawful reasons Joe Blogs is somewhere out there dying of starvation or some sickness that can't be treated for months because of NHS management failings. Can Joe Blogs afford private care by the hands of the world's finest?

I'll take that as a no ....

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