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Things in General

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Wisdom Mon 5 Aug 2024 - 14:08

Be careful who you vote for ....

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Wisdom Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 13:44

Nigel Farage: I Didn't Have Anything To Do With Riots

28 minutes ago


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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Wisdom Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 13:56

An then..

How to stop the riots

Nigel Farage

Things in General - Page 2 1f3b6 Me myself I me myself and I just me myself I Things in General - Page 2 1f3b6

Empty words, so easy to disassociate yourself from another in the public eye.

General Election 2024

Tommy Robinson throws weight behind Farage

By Thomas Foster

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Plus Reform UK launches its manifesto and forces candidate out after calls for BNP vote

Things in General - Page 2 P_5-we10
Tommy Robinson has called for a vote for Nigel Farage (Photo: wikimedia)

Fascist Tommy Robinson—founder of the English Defence League—endorsed Nigel Farage and Reform UK in a social media video last Sunday.

“Nigel Farage’s winning over the people and he’s putting across our arguments to the nation very skillfully and in a great way. There is only one option at this election and that is Reform UK,” he said.

The fact that Robinson—an Islamophobe who calls for “foreigners out” and dubs Palestine protesters “terrorist scum”—gives them endorsement is a testament to how vile Reform UK’s racism is.

And Robinson has called for a protest on 27 July—a “march for freedom”, in his words. He will spew his vile racism out on the streets.

Speaking about the demonstration, he said, “You will realise on 4 July how desperately we need a cultural movement. On 27 July, we’re going to take over London.”

Robinson and his street thugs must be opposed. Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) has called a counter-demonstration—anti-racists from across Britain must fight to show that fascists are not welcome on our streets.

So far the election has been one full of racist attacks on migrants and refugees. It’s been one where both far-right Farage and fascist Robinson, enabled by the Tories and Labour’s peddling of racism, have been trying to mobilise people around them.

We need a principled anti-racism that fights back—and makes no compromises with racist lies.

SUTR Unite Against Fascist Tommy Robinson demonstration, Saturday 27 July. More details released soon

Racists want refugees to die—and less tax for rich

Reform UK launched its manifesto on Monday—a document full of racism towards refugees and tax cuts for corporations.

It promises to freeze “non-essential migration” and “pick up illegal migrants out of boats and take them back to France”. Reform UK would rather refugees drown than reach safety.

It promises to “protect our culture, identity and values”, force through £50 billion in austerity cuts, and abandon all net zero climate targets.

Nigel Farage says this is necessary because Britain is “broken socially” and “in decline culturally”. “We have begun to forget who we are, what our history is and what we stand for”, he said.

It’s all lies.

He is selling racist myths in exchange for votes.

Farage claims to be different from the political class—but he’s one of them, just another politician at the top seeking to divide ordinary people.
Bigots attracted to Reform

A Reform UK election candidate previously urged people to vote for the fascist British National Party (BNP)—and was forced to resign by Reform UK last Sunday.

Grant StClair-Armstrong, who is standing in the seat of North West Essex, posted, “I could weep now, every time I pick up a British newspaper and read the latest about the state of Britain.

“No doubt, Enoch Powell would be doing the same if he was alive. My solution… vote BNP!”

He’s calling for a vote for a Nazi organisation that was dedicated to creating an “all white Britain”. To have a candidate that calls for a BNP vote shows the racists that Reform UK attracts.

And StClair-Armstrong used a blog to post “jokes” using racial slurs about Chinese and Pakistani people and a “joke” about “female hormones”. Reform UK was forced into action after his comments attracted outcry. It was fearful of losing votes. But there are many more like StClair-Armstrong in its ranks

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Spamalot Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 16:53

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Andrew Tate pictured with Nigel Farage in a Facebook post by Tate from March 2019. The caption read: ‘Brexit baby.’ Photograph: Emory Andrew Tate/Facebook

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Spamalot Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 16:54

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Spamalot Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 17:13

James O'Brien rips apart Nigel Farage's interview with LBC | LBC


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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Spamalot Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 17:27

So many things said over the past decades can't be wiped-out by a wave of the hand and an accentuated 'ha ha ha boyish pranks - what's the big deal?'

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Spamalot Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 17:41

James O'Brien is a brilliant presenter, he ties them in knots with straight talking and admirable patience.

It doesn't matter what side of the political arena he represents, what matters is the content.

Sorry to flood this estimable forum with heavy weighted political stuff but anyone interested should listen to this.  The poor caller is roasted alive but still wants more..

James O'Brien's mammoth 21 minute call with Nigel Farage supporter | LBC

2 months ago

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Post by Spamalot Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 17:56


Nigel Farage v James O'Brien - Interview In Full - LBC

10 years ago

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Post by Spamalot Wed 7 Aug 2024 - 18:03

‘He was a deeply unembarrassed racist’: Nigel Farage, by those who have known him

Some say the Reform UK leader is kind and entertaining, but it is striking how many enemies he has made, even among those close to him politically

Daniel Boffey Chief reporter
Fri 14 Jun 2024 14.32 BST

At the point Nigel Farage announced his intention to stand for parliament “my heart sank”, admitted Trixy Sanderson, 42, formerly known as Annabelle Fuller. “It’s very triggering,” said Farage’s former lover and press aide.

The overriding emotion of Doug Denny, 76, a former member of Ukip’s ruling body, was frustration. “I don’t like frauds,” he said, with a shake of the head. As for Nikki Sinclaire, 55, one of Farage’s former MEPs, she said she felt cold anger.

It was inexplicable to her that this particular political bandwagon was still rolling on. “I get very frustrated because the media have had the tools for many years to down Farage.”

That collective sense of foreboding deepened on Thursday night as Farage’s Reform UK party summoned up Rishi Sunak’s worst nightmare, nudging ahead of the Conservatives in a YouGov poll for the first time, with its support reaching 19% to the Tories 18%, while Labour powered on at 37%.

“This is the inflection point,” said Farage, 60, in a hastily shot video for social media. “The only wasted vote now is a Conservative vote. We are the challengers to Labour. We are on our way.”

For all of Farage’s apparent national popularity, it has not been an entirely comfortable opening to his eighth attempt to gain a seat in parliament, this time in the Essex town of Clacton-on-Sea.

He has been drenched in banana milkshake and been forced to duck projectiles thrown at him while on a bus tour through Barnsley town centre. Yet as unpleasant as those scenes have been, the truth is that such scuffles have long been part of the campaign appearances of people as divisive as Farage.

There is, however, something quite peculiar about the level of antipathy that is also felt towards the Reform party leader by so many of those who have worked closely with him over the years.

Grudges and gripes are nothing new in politics. It is arguably inevitable that Farage would have picked up enemies over his long political career, even among former confidants; and he does have friends, of course.

This April, 300 people, including the former prime minister Liz Truss, joined him at a boisterous 60th birthday dinner at Boisdale, in London’s Canary Wharf, to which the former US president Donald Trump sent a video message of congratulations. Some speak of his private kindness and entertaining company.

It is, however, striking, and possibly instructive, how very many enemies, often of his own political hue, Farage has accumulated since he swapped being a trader on the London metal exchange for politics more than 30 years ago.

The reasons given for the often deeply felt dislike – mainly varieties of the claim that he is a power-hungry narcissist – also potentially offer an insight into his intentions for Reform, described as an “entrepreneurial political start-up” in which Farage is the company’s director and majority shareholder.

He has promised, in time, to democratise the party, which has 45,000 paying supporters, but does not seem in any hurry to give up control.

Observers see parallels in his conversion of Ukip into a one-man show, although a spokesperson for Reform said the party leader and party chair had never taken a salary or dividend.

Sinclaire said: “The thing is, with Farage, he plays the same game over and over and over again.” Arguably, the game started at school.

Chloe Deakin, an English teacher at Dulwich college, wrote in 1981: “You will recall that at the recent, and lengthy, meeting about the selection of prefects, the remark by a colleague that Farage was ‘a fascist but that was no reason why he would not make a good prefect’ invoked considerable reaction from members of the common room.

“Another colleague, who teaches the boy, described his publicly professed racist and neo-fascist views, and he cited a particular incident in which Farage was so offensive to a boy in his set, that he had to be removed from the lesson.”

In Michael Crick’s biography of Farage, One Party After Another, those who shared a classroom with Farage at the private school in south-east London expressed the full range of views on him.

One Jewish pupil claimed Farage would sidle up to him and say: “Hitler was right,” or “Gas ’em.” Another claimed Farage had a preoccupation with his initials, NF, as they were the same as those of the National Front.

“He was a deeply unembarrassed racist,” said David Edmonds, who was in the same class as Farage when they were about 15. Others told Crick they did not hear such comments and that they regarded him as neither malicious nor exceptional in the views he held.

In his autobiography, Fighting Bull, Farage admitted some people were alarmed by his admiration for Enoch Powell, and when confronted in 2013 by Crick he admitted saying “ridiculous things” but “not necessarily racist things”.

What was undeniable, he conceded, was that he was a “difficult bolshie teenager who pushed the boundaries of debate further than perhaps I ought to have done”.

It could be argued that Farage never really grew up.

Ukip emerged as a political party in 1993 and Farage was determined to be there at the start of it, aged 29, having been propelled to live life to the full, he has said, after being knocked down by a Volkswagen Beetle and then having his left testicle removed due to cancer.

He quickly fell out with Ukip’s then leader, Alan Sked, a rather unworldly academic who would come to complain that Farage was turning up drunk to meetings of the party’s national executive committee.

But Farage had a penchant for snappy rhetoric and attracting media attention and in 2003, three years before he became leader, he also displayed a flair for making money, albeit with an outcome that would make others feel uncomfortable.

Alan Bown, a retired bookmaker and Ukip donor, had offered a former betting shop in Ashford, Kent, for the party to use as a call centre, recalled Denny, the treasurer for the south-east, where Farage was an MEP.

The operation was run by Farage and it was a huge success but concerns were raised over time by Denny and others as to where the money was going, including £211,267 that turned up as “other costs” in the call centre’s books.

There is no suggestion of wrongdoing by Farage, who has denied that any money went missing and described the operation as a “spectacular success”.

“But it was never investigated properly,” said Denny. “Thing is, I quite like him in some respects because, he’s like Boris, he’s just a bit of a buffoon, and is great fun in a pub with a pint and a fag in his mouth and so on, but the man’s a spiv.”

Denny added that those who challenged Farage were dealt with swiftly. “Any other people who were potentially leaders would be, well, he made their life so untenable they either left the party entirely, or they were sidetracked, or whatever,” he said. “That was the reason I resigned. I was actually deselected [as a candidate MEP], not by him, but by a minor party official who became the electoral candidate selection officer or something. It was a bogus bloody situation, but that’s how it was done.”

Questions around money would be a source of difficulty for years to come.

Sinclaire had been elected as a Ukip MEP in 2009 but was expelled over her rejection of the party’s membership of the wider Europe of Freedom and Democracy group, which Farage had championed despite the bigoted views expressed by some of its members.

On 12 March 2014, her longstanding frustration over the Ukip leader’s use of parliamentary allowances bubbled over. She raised a question with him in the European parliament in Strasbourg.

“With unemployment still a problem across Europe and and indeed across the UK, does Mr Farage thinks it is a fair use of taxpayers’ money, namely his secretarial allowance, not only to employ his wife, Kirsten, but his former mistress Annabelle Fuller? Is this a responsible use of taxpayers’ money, Mr Farage?”

Farage responded: “I don’t want to answer that at all, thank you.”

He later claimed the allegations were “nonsense” and “malicious”.

The genesis of Sinclaire’s question, made under parliamentary privilege which gives her protection from the defamation laws, lay in Farage’s insistence in 2004, shortly after his election as leader, that Ukip MEPs would not employ their partners, a policy that he had personally and quietly ignored. He had also promised to hand over the extra unspent allowances he received as an MEP to the party’s central coffers.

“Of course, when he got elected he didn’t want to give the party any money unless he has control of what it was saying,” Sinclaire said. “An MEP can legitimately claim about €200,000 (£169,000) a year. So it’s a huge amount of money.”

A Farage spokesperson described this allegation among others as “historic comments from people with an axe to grind”.

The woman at the centre of that scandal, who had been his closest adviser, press aide and speechwriter, now involuntarily shakes at the mention of Farage’s name.

At the time, Fuller and Farage vehemently denied they were in a romantic relationship.

She only admitted in an interview in 2017 that they had been having an on-off affair for more than a decade. She changed her name to Trixy Sanderson eight years ago in an attempt to draw a line under an unhappy period.

“He is a narcissist,” Sanderson said. “I’m not a doctor but people are disposable to Nigel. When you are in his good books it feels like a great place to be, but then he chips away at your confidence. For me, it was: ‘Well, no one else will employ you.’ You know: ‘You can’t have a relationship with anyone else because they will only want to know about me.’ And then it’s his way or no way, which I am sure Richard Tice [the former leader of Reform] is finding.”

She added: “I mean, the thing is, he is incredibly charismatic. He is a brilliant communicator, but, but he’s also very dominating. If he’s angered about something, that’s it, you are shut out. And he’s never wrong either.”

Announcing his candidature and leadership of Reform, Farage explained that he had decided to stand after being approached by people disappointed with his previous decision not to do so.

Ann Widdecombe, 76, a former MEP for the Brexit party, Reform’s previous name, said Farage had been under “massive pressure” to rethink his position. Gawain Towler, 56, one of a handful of confidants who have loyally worked with Farage for decades, and is Reform’s director of communications, said he had been with Farage in Skegness when the pivot was made.

“It was people basically saying [to Farage]: ‘Really pleased to see really good campaigning but why aren’t you leading it? You are letting us down, mate,’” Towler claimed.

Hermann Kelly, the president of the anti-immigration Irish Freedom party, who was also a press aide to Farage for years in the European parliament, claimed his former boss was genuine in being driven by his belief in social conservatism and a small state, citing JS Mill’s On Liberty as an inspiration. “I remember him making a comment to me: ‘Nice suit, clean shoes, on parade,’” Kelly, 55, said. “This whole idea: we’re in a war of ideas and the suit is the same as a uniform.”

It had not been without cost, he said. Farage was lucky to survive when his two-seater plane towing a “Vote Ukip” banner crashed in Northamptonshire in 2010, and he is said to still struggle with the injuries. Kelly said he had seen Farage cry twice. Once when talking about the difficulties of being away from his four children, to whom he remains close, and on a second occasion when he was shown an article in Conservative Woman in appreciation of his work. “We were in the smoking room in Brussels, and he says: ‘That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever written about me,’” Kelly recalled.

It was undeniable Farage could be politically ruthless, Kelly conceded. “If a job had to be done, Nigel would make sure that the job was done,” he said. But he was effective. Kelly added that when he was working with him, Farage had saved just six numbers in his mobile phone and for a long time struggled to send a text, but that he was quick to see the value of YouTube, TikTok and X, for which he dictates messages to his press aides.

Farage’s YouTube channel, which has 379,000 subscribers, is just outside the top 1,000 most popular in the UK, according to analysis by Who Targets Me, and he is said by friends to be “obsessed” with his metrics. A spokesperson for Farage said: “Nigel is back because there is a gap in the political market.”

Sanderson, who now works in medical technology, said she was not looking forward to seeing more of Farage in the media. He had become more of a “white nationalist over time”, she said. “He used to talk about trade and fishing and now it is all immigrants.” She said she thinks she understands why he has made his comeback.

“He had serious fear of missing out. Because he was campaigning he wasn’t able to do his GB News show because of Ofcom rules,” she said. “So, all of a sudden, the spotlight’s gone, right. And I think, in fact I know, he would have also thought, ‘No one else can run a campaign like me’ – and that’s probably true.”

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Wisdom Fri 23 Aug 2024 - 17:29

The UK has gone stark raving bonkers..

The Telegraph

Teacher sacked for calling pupils ‘chattering monkeys’ loses tribunal appeal

Max Stephens
Thu, 22 August 2024 at 7:04 pm BST

A Year 6 teacher was sacked for her “racist” description of pupils as “chattering monkeys”, a tribunal heard.

Charlotte Moore, who was a teacher at Trinity St Mary’s Primary School in Chelmsford, Essex, was investigated by police after parents complained her remark was “very racist” and constituted a hate crime.

Pardon me for breathing ....

Here we have a teacher put before a tribunal on the charge of a hate crime (do they hate monkeys?) and there we have a disguised thug threatening/injuring police officers and destroying  property yet defended by a particular faction of political rightness because he/she was provoked - apparently !?!

Dear dear dear, where will it all end?

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Onehand Mon 26 Aug 2024 - 21:54

no cheapy at the chippy...

sometimes you see news in the netherlands we would not expect, this time we are told the british staple of fish and chips reached the price of 10 pounds.

the only thing we know about the national dish of the lower classes is that you still got real fish and real chips, what always gets our minds in a twist, because the rest of the world calls it simply patat or friet, or frites. and that can bring the dutch and the guys to our southern border from belgium in a fight, if it must be patat, what in dutch are chips, and in belgium just cooked potato's, so they prefer frites or friet, depending which side of the language borders you live of course.

what the rest of the world cannot get his mind around, is the strange habit of putting vinegar on chips. were simple salt and soms sauce on the side to dip the product in, okay most would count on mayonaise, but the belgium have many good sauces to pick from.

or in the dutch way, patat special, what means mayo, as we call mayonaise on the bottom, than some chopped raw onions, and topped with currysauce, what is a sauce that has little to do with curry, but it has things in it as appelsauce,lots of spices and will give it more of a kick.

or patatje pindasaus, that could be translated into chips with a thick sauce made from peanuts by orgin from indonesia, the sauce, the potato's we can grow over here well enough.

there is also patatje oorlog, aka in english chips war, what is a layer of mayo with a topping of the peanut sauce over it.

and who would order fish with it, if there are things like croquettes, frikandel, a bear bite, or one of many other products.
and in this modern world sadly all fried in vegetable oils instead of the good old lard.

but really to have to pay over 10 pounds for a bite of fish and vinegar baptised chips, you would think that would be hard questions in parliament, but it seems no fans there, the article on the nos did not even catch one. and i think that would never happen in the netherlands and even less in belgium!

the link in dutch of course;

at least the picture can hardly be very new, quite a choice still 6 pound 50 for cod and chips is not very bad at all, we have to pay for usually quite sad looking cod in its raw state such prices in euros and have to do the rest ourselves.


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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Wisdom Tue 27 Aug 2024 - 17:05

Things in General - Page 2 Scree168

Not much private to be seen there ....

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Post by Onehand Thu 29 Aug 2024 - 17:45

poor trump.

the guy seems not even being able to find likable woman to support him, so instead some fixed pictures seems to been reused for praising the orange geezer, with a bit of software in the works to fit some extra memorabilia in the pictures, very non european woman have to do the job, not that they are asked to do that, no, they are abused without their knowledge and not even paid to play the cow on x.

so dutch, danish and german influencers active on other social media have their pictures nicked to be made into an pseudo american account supporting trump.

i put a bit of the article in dutch from this link and fed it through deepl;

‘Very angry’
Photos of Dutch influencer Demi Maric (27) were also used without her knowledge. They were featured on the X-account @queen0_gabriela, which has since been deleted. At the top of her timeline was a pinned tweet with photo that kept changing. ‘If you support Trump, I want to follow you,’ her message read. It is a call similar to posts on almost all the 56 fake accounts that CNN and CIR analysed.

Besides the fact that the accounts seemingly use the same scripts, it is notable that they often retweet each other in an attempt to reinforce the messages, CNN and CIR's analysis showed.

German fashion influencer Debbie Nederlof (32) is also one of the victims. ‘Every day my face and my body, my photos, my identity are stolen, and that makes me very angry,’ she told CNN. ‘Because I have nothing to do with the United States, with Trump, the political stuff there. In a small town in Germany, what do I care about American politics?’

link to original full article in dutch;

links in it send you to other sources in english;

it seems to be unknown who arranged it, but quite sad their are not enough american beauties to serve a cause. and on the cheap side too.
as if it was already not stupid enough to see european people telling other european people how great it is to vote for trump, pretty useless of course to people who never could or would ask to vote for an american politicus.
okay, most times they are at least of the same age group as trump, most identify as woman too, but why would you make yourself campaigning for another country. what use can it have.


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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Spamalot Thu 29 Aug 2024 - 21:37

I seriously think the Trump has lost the plot, admittedly I don't follow him around like a dog on heat but snatches here and there of his latest escapades suggest he's not of this world.

Even ABBA (or spokesperson thereof) have complained about his pinching their music/songs.

Maybe Kamala Harris is proving to be too much for him to cope with after relying so heavily on Joe Biden's declining mental state.  Trump can't so easily get away with mocking Kamala Harris as he mocked Biden's senility.

Despicable man, if you can't fight your political battles without resorting to personal abuse then it's time to leave the stage.

Goodbye Mr Trump!

I wonder how the other orange is going to talk this away. A match made in hell.

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Onehand Thu 29 Aug 2024 - 22:56

isn't nicking the music not a traditional habit during election times?

it is a bit useless to invest in usa elections, i mean i have no say in it at all, so it can hardly matter what i think, it is not up to me.
i find ours already worse enough. politics are even worse than betting on a horse. there always will win one, and the others are still not liking that.

we only get the more spectaculair moments of course, and i have a habit of reading it still, but i never got it beyond mostly fake and and unrealistic makings. on all sides of the sheets.
and it seems unrealistic to get leader material out for such positions. no longer the ones you can find much in to look up to, even if they are not of a party you favour more.

how many words do they still speak that are their own words, instead of from a legion of often self-inventented pr stuntmen and women. maybe that is why when they do speak in their own words, it sounds so silly at best. the rest is usually forgotten when the numbers are not even published.

trump is also aging, and it is simply a risk of having years on the clock, it could happen tomorrow to him, if it not already did. you can no longer be sure what is true in such matters. there seems to be only two flows, one high as a kite and the other as low as you can go.

it is the only reason why i am glad we still have royalty, not that i am that dedicated to that system, but we escape every 4 or 5 years looking for the next.


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Post by Onehand Fri 30 Aug 2024 - 11:47

no breaking news!

by an article in the dutch newsoutlet, they have still a paper version too, but this one is only for the readers with an abo.

it was made known that the searing is not going ahead as planned/forecasted/or otherwise said and told, because the ice on antartica is not willing to melt in the given scientific explanation it has too.

so at least that will be again no sea view for me, or at least not as soon as it was promoted.

aha, there are versions in other sources in english too, and not behind a paywall;

and here too;

how could i miss this? i mean every time they got a new report with some number fixing, it was all over the internet, at least over here. okay it is still hotnews today, or must this be ice cold news?


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Post by Wisdom Sat 31 Aug 2024 - 17:29

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Post by Wisdom Mon 9 Sep 2024 - 13:56

This brings a whole new meaning to wet and windy..

Couples may soon be able to marry in the sea in Cornwall

Bude Sea Pool could become what is believed would be only the seawater wedding venue in England

Things in General - Page 2 Scree185

Oh well, whatever floats your boat ....

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Post by Onehand Mon 9 Sep 2024 - 18:26

and easier to see what you actually get, i mean, most would not keep it with the usual bridal attire.

we almost has something like a indoor wet wedding, for the third time in 2 months the cellars of the council house had been under water. so we had to share the office with large amounts of old registers and records books that had to dry again. and we had not even to pay anything for that setting.


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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Wisdom Mon 16 Sep 2024 - 15:07

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Wisdom Thu 19 Sep 2024 - 13:28

Working from home..

Things in General - Page 2 1909-m10

Things in General - Page 2 Telemm61

Variety is the spice of life?

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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Flight diverted after passenger finds live mouse in meal

Post by Wisdom Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 14:51

Flight diverted after passenger finds live mouse in meal

Jack Burgess
BBC News

20 September 2024

Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) has said one of its flights had to make an emergency landing after a mouse scurried out of a passenger's in-flight meal on Wednesday.

The aircraft was flying from Norway's capital Oslo to Malaga in Spain and was forced to make an emergency landing in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The diversion was in line with company procedures as the furry stowaway posed a safety risk, airline spokesperson Oystein Schmidt told the AFP news agency.

Passengers on the flight were later flown to Malaga on a different aircraft.

Airlines usually have strict restrictions involving rodents on board planes in order to prevent electrical wiring being chewed through.

"This is something that happens extremely rarely," Mr Schmidt said.

"We have established procedures for such situations, which also include a review with our suppliers to ensure this does not happen again."

Jarle Borrestad experienced the incident first-hand, telling the BBC News Channel in a recorded video that the mouse escaped from the box of food that the woman sat next to him on the flight was opening.

Mr Borrestad said the situation was very calm and that people "were not stressed at all".

However, he admitted that he did put his socks over his trousers so the mouse did not crawl up his legs.

Mr Borrestad said that while the flight was diverted, it only added a few extra hours to the journey.

It is the second rodent-related travel incident in a week.

A train service in southern England had to be terminated mid-journey after two squirrels boarded a carriage and one refused to get off.


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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Spamalot Fri 4 Oct 2024 - 17:17

Things in General - Page 2 Scree104

They want to have salmon babies?

Have you seen the price of salmon? It's got to be cheaper to grow your own, even if you are a rich celebrity.

From little tadpoles do mighty salmon grow.


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Things in General - Page 2 Empty Re: Things in General

Post by Wisdom Sun 6 Oct 2024 - 15:26

Blimey, that's a new one, who did she think she was Margot Fonteyn? The dress sense must have been quite a distraction for the opponent - didn't they have referees in those days?

Things in General - Page 2 Scree240

Perhaps she walked into the wrong set - Swan Lake's through the other door!

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