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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Mon 24 Jun 2024 - 14:50

christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

a male german citizen with quite an criminal past, the part of this story of his career starts in 2017, when another convicted criminal, also a german citizen called from greece to the uk, the guy called helge lars busching had a memory he had to tell to; well that does change sometimes, he has called it the special tipline of madeleine mccann at scotland yard in 2008, but it could also be the special maddie tipline that connected to some shady detectives that worked for the parents mccann in 2008. and also there is a story about making it known to the portuguese police in 2008.

helge lars busching, in short after this going by the initials hb, was a mate of one of cb his cronies in the same business, theft of sun panels, and some diesel, and a lot of drugs, selling and marketing of the stuff, mostly the simple weed stuff.
hb seems to have sold cb once upon a time less than the promised amount of drugs, but by hb his words they had to meet up in spain, during a kind of rave called the dragon festival near orgiva. and also in march 2008, both met up during drinking a beer and by hb his impression they had a conversation, two others manfred s and michael t supposedly must have been present too, but have no active memories about it.

after cb had asked hb if he still goes to portugal, hb supposedly mst have sais , no, because of that missing girl, there is police all over the place, and that it was strange the girl made no sound, what supposedly made cb the remark, no, she has not screamed/cried out. the original words are all in german of course. but that simple remark made hb his mind up, that cb had taken the child.

he already know of how nasty of a guy cb was, because in the spring or early summer, when cb and michael t both got arrested for theft of diesel from a lorry and ended up in jail from about april 8, 2006 to just before christmas in portugal, hb together with manfred s. decoded to rob the old finca cb lived in near praia da luz to steal what was to their liking. hb liked the idea that cb must had a large amount of diesel on the terrain around the finca.

both later on told in court the door was already open and they walked simply in, hb found a video camera, but they also took at least an alarm pistol, a car and an amount of diesel, hb calls it to be 200, 300 or even 500 liters of diesel, manfred s, told about a few jerry cans, but it is unknown if manfred s.told that to the court, he did tell it before in his many appearances in documentaries about cb.
hb supposedly also stole a set of lock picking instruments. no exact date is known, but they told they did know cb was in jail, so it must have been in 2006, and in one of the manu documentaries the lady from next door that looked out on the property for the owner, she and her daughter cleared the place out of cb his belongings, because because of his jail time was no longer paying any rent, they did it in summer, but also without an exact date.

with the video camera hb took a tape, back at their layer near santa clara, hb decided to take a look at the video’s, on the camera itself, this was shortly after the theft in 2006, the story of the tapes are not very detailed, some been from holiday makers, and came supposedly from stolen cameras, but one had two scenes of what hb first thought to be porn movies from the internet, but in one he was very surprised to see cb his face after the male figure in the movie had took his mask of.
that video is at the moment part of a court case in germany as an unknown woman of about 70 to 80 years old that was raped in lets call it a kind of sm bondage setting, where it took place is also still unknown, no one came forward to say she was the supposed victim on the movie. hb said in court and to the media before that that the female spoke english.
manfred s. who only took a glimp tells about a female between 40 and 60, and she cried out for help in italian.

on the other movie was a young woman, of at least 14 years of age, the age of consent in both portugal and germany, manfred s. said 15, 16. hb a bit younger. this young woman her identity is still not known, but she was bound to a wooden pillar in the old finca cb lived in, and was instructed into a sexual act on cb. the young woman called him chris and spoke in german.

at this moment there is an ongoing court case in germany that mostly is linked to this part of the story, and 3 others.

but i already named madeleine mccann and scotland yard, well the story of the theft and finds of videos is part of a packet deal, and because the both very deviant short movies been the reason why hb thinks that cb has taken madeleine mccann too.

the guy at scotland yard who had the task to listen in 2017 to the recording of incoming phone calls mark draycott told in court he heard what hb had to say, and was also part of the team that got over to greece to interview hb. that was the madeleine case and both ones in the videos.

hb was pretty fresh out of the greek jail for human trafficking, hb not only told his story to the uk police officers, but also to a greek paper, called to vima. the story was that same summer of 2017 pick up by an uk expat newssite, called keeping it greece.

no other media found out about it, so the rest of the world had to wait much longer, and only much later could find out what had happened after hb told his story, the uk could not work with a case on portuguese soil, only the supposed victim was a uk national, by supposedly the hands of a german citizen, that wandered between portugal, spain all countries in between these and germany.

it was a lucky streak that cb was in jail for other offenses, i must have a file how that worked exactly, but i will spare our readers the headache, cb had two cases against him, one in the district of niebüll about selling drugs, and another one of a sexual offfence against a young german girl, and a find of child porn in braunschweig. cb escaped justice by habit, he done it after his first two offences of sexual harassment against two also young girls that were his first adult convictions, when he wandered out of germany with a girlfriend silke b. to portugal. this was the second half of the nineties, and in 1999 he was caught by the portuguese police and extradited to germany to do his time for these case, after that he travelled between portugal and germany mostly.

but by the often strange workings of the german mill of justice, cb was left out of jail during all the turns of the braunschweig case, cb just did a runner to portugal again, in 2017 he was upheld in an affaire of a playground late at night during loca;l festivities, children said he showed his male parts to them, the defence team explains cb only wanted to pie. but a police officer of duty made contact with the police office and an outstanding warrant was found to the name of cb, and he was for the second time extradited to portugal. when he was doing time for the braunschweig case, the even older drugs case from niebüll also brought on a conviction, but the mill of justice tools its turn, so they had to leave cb first out, before that sentence could take on. that time cb took a bus is said, german police officers supposedly had to keep an eye on cb, but lost him, the bus was an interliner that took cb to the netherlands, where he caught an interliner to italy.

for unsure reasons, loss of his passport is often said, he was upheld by the italian police and again a warrant for his arrest was standing out, so his third time of extradition brought him back to germany to do his time again.

so because scotland yard could themselves do nothing with hb his story about cb, they asked germany, and germany has law that does not like it to hand over their own citizens to other countries, so as cb was at that time already in a german jail, they took the other elements of that bit of law on, and that is, they would handle such own citizens as if the case happened in germany in a german court under german law.
this happened pretty quickly after hb spoke to the british officers. portugal was already out of the question, even as the case of madeleine mccann happened on portuguese soil, germany would not extradite cb as being a german citizen.

so from late summer 2017 cb became a case in itself. based on the movies seen by hb and manfred s. they asked portugal for outstanding cases with the same m.o. and for outstanding cases of sexual harassment against young children in the south of portugal.

portugal found a file about a older lady that was sexually harrased and robbed in her own home, this case will be called here further as the 2005 rape case. this took place near praia da luz, and on little distance of the finca cb lived in then.

the movies the two, hb and manfred s, supposedly have seen are never found or been part of any process in their true form. only the words of both are how both movies are known.
in the 2005 rape case in portugal there was still some evidence left, some clothing of the victim, and sheets from her bed. germany found hairs on the sheet, about 12 in total, and in the results was supposedly one that matched the profile of cb and another one that of the victim. this case was in portugal itself not classified as rape in the legal sense, all based on the medical report, in germany the law is changed some years back, and the result is that their definition of rape includes this kind of sexual harrasment too. so in germany this is a rape case by law.

the victim in the 2005 rape case could based on the physical description of the supposed victims on the supposed videos not be the same person. the single hair was when some weeks ago the judge of that case testified in the ongoing court case the major evidence for a guilty verdict, the testimony of hb and manfred s. was of much lesser qualification in that.
cb keep saying he did not do it. his weak explanation , the hair could be transferred by a cat this lady held, and cb in passing often give a nice scratch.

this case is in parts of the public not seen as the most secure one, because the victim described her assailant as well muscled and with dark eyes she could see through a mask.

last week in court came out that there actually have been multiple cases with a likewise mo in portugal in the same period of time, but these cases already had another male convicted. these cases are not been made known, because germany explicit asked for open cases.

the defence has tried multiple times to get the 2005 rape case reopened, but are turned down by the courts because of lack of new facts. so cb still is in jail after he was convicted to 7 years doing jail time for the 2005 rape case.

all this happened in silence, out of most media. in 2019 goncalo amaral, the former coordinating officer of the first portuguese investigation told to a podcast that the germans would work on a german patsy, that was already in jail in germany. what lead first to a resurfacing of martin ney, but there were at least 3 possible other names including cb.

it took the germans to the beginning of june 2020, when it was made known, in the german tv program; aktenzeichen xy…ungelöst!, this is the original format used nowadays still where a mix of infotainment comes together with questions to the public about crimes, that cb was the latest suspect in the murder of madeleine mccann.

in that episode one of the heads of the bka, the police force in germany working most serious crimes had to ask some questions about cb in relation to the case of madeleine mccann.

they had found a phone call, in the large list the portuguese pj had asked from all providers there, and supposedly that number could be traced back to cb, and must be made in the vicinity of unit 5a of the ocean club. that there was no specific phone tower dedicated to the ocean club they had forgotten, there was only one, and that one can catch quite a large area, triangulation was not possible based on the data present, because of the single mast. even experts cannot agree if it was a circle of 8 km or up to 40 km around that tower.

it was supposedly as phone call that lasted about half an hour, on a prepaid number and the other one was out of range of this tower. still there seems not to be anything that truly can prove, cb owned and used that number, and did that too on that night.

it still shows up in many discussions, as well of course the guy lived there, but in 2007 he no longer lived in the finca just outside pdl, when he was left out of jail just before christmas 2006 he was fitted by a family of acquaintances, family p. with a vw campervan to stay in, and he travelled with that everywhere he liked, including germany.

for some time fingers pointed to a guy who worked in the ocean club, but people forgot that mobile phone numbers are often quickly recycled and given to a next client, based on the age this guy could not been the other side of that phone call.

also they had a story about the re-registering of a car, a burgundy old jaguar in germany on may 4, 2007. that goes around still too, but it took the german media little time to find how that story had played out. cb was used to keep most of his cars registered in germany, and used other people to get that on their name, and also the insurance would be in their name,
he used for some time a guy in munchen, but that guy no longer wanted to be responsible for it, so another german friend in augsburg ab took over, they had by the story as told by ab spoken for weeks about it, and it was fully circumstantial ab got round to handle the paperwork in person that friday. you have to do that still in person, with the paperwork and usually it is not even handled in one go.

the other question was if the public could tell more about the finca, recognised some pictures from the inside and another property known in the media as the old school.

the german information is still there;

go to the button other languages and it is there in english and portuguese too.

it was all that was needed to bring back a media circus, and it hardly ever is silent again.

the press officer of the prosecution service hans christian wolters(hcw) travelled the world to tell us about the monster, at least that is cb made out in australia, but also in portugal; with tv host sandra f., also showing of the suspect in documentaries made by germans and english media.

from if you know what we know, you would agree cb is the murderer of madeleine mccann, and a war about how concrete concrete must be, because they had concrete evidence.
but still had no liking to bring charges on cb. there is no arrest or even spoken with cb.

there was a kind of endgame solution when germany asked portugal to make cb arguido and suspect, what they did, and cb did not comment to any question the germans asked on behalf of the portuguese.

after some time the germans found a great excuse, if they wanted they could bring charges, but as cb is still in jail for the 2005 rape case in germany, they will plod on to get to the best burden of evidence.

many words are written and spoken around cb, but last year that ended in the wish to bring charges to the name of cb, only not in any case with a victim called madeleine mccann, but 5 other cases.

2 from the videos, no other people have ever seen besides some other crooks hb and manfred s. both with unknown supposed victims, one said in a holiday rental, the other as happened inside the finca.
the case of the arrest in 2017 on the playground in portugal, one old case from 2008 on the beach in the algarve portugal in april 2008, with a then 10 or 11 years old victim.

and as fifth case the one of the irish holiday rep rape case of 2004, with as victim hazel b. her brother saw some media around the time cb was made known as a suspect in the madeleine case, and his latest conviction he heard things that sounded likewise as in the story he known by his sister hazel. hazel sought contact with the police herself.

the court case got delayed because of differences of opinion about jurisdiction of what german court must handle this set of 5 cases. the defence argued that cb lived on an old boxfactory terrain he owned in neuwegersleben in the state of saksen-anhalt, but the prosecution of braunschweig in the state of niedersachsen wanted to see cb in their court.
first round was on the defence, the second decision did land the cases back in braunschweig.

germany is not simply one country, it works pretty equal as the usa, with many states, or bundeslander as they call them that form a federal republic together, but many things in justice are handled in the different jurisdictions of the separate states.

they have quite a complicated law about what your official address is, and when you have not registered or changed that after moving.

but the court decided it could be go to trial in braunschweig.
and on februari 16, 2024 the first court day took of, and off again. but that is for the next post.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Tue 25 Jun 2024 - 13:42

the next series of postings are reused, i made them before on another forum, there are 22 days been in court for these 5 cases around cb, this week supposedly had to be 3 new days, but because of sickness of someone with a role in the case only friday will be a day, mostly is said about technicalities.

after friday there will be the last court day in this case on juli 5, 2024, after that there is a four weeklong holiday of the court, so it will be going on from 5 august , 2024.

at the start the agenda was set to have this court case concluded, but at least 11 court days including august 5 are also making it after the summer holidays. at the moment iot is known the defence team has asked the court to stop this process now, because by opinion of the defence team there is still nothing proven as being the truth.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Tue 25 Jun 2024 - 13:43

cb, the trials. the intro

what is at stake in this trial, well it are still 5 different cases with crime’s of a sexual nature, all against women. the germans use a different umbrella term to catch all kinds of these type of crimes together. they changed around 10 years ago the explicit crime’s under the heading that can be translated as all things of a sexual nature, without consent. the consent is since seen as more important than what took place in itself. so instead of the traditional view that needs to reach quite a threshold of elements before it could be called rape, or any other of the sexual crime’s, now the consent is seen as most important, so against the will counts much heavier than the elements in the crime.
and even the age of being able to give consent is still pretty low in germany, at 14 years of age for all genders, it also gives the ability to see all crimes of a sexual nature against all under the age of 14 as more serious. the result is, it would met much earlier what in other countries is still know as rape. there is simply no hassle about this or that must be have happened otherwise it cannot be counted as rape, does not matter in the same ways as before.

an example of this we can see in the case cb is in jail for doing a sentence of 7 years, that in the media is usually named in english a rape case. this case after it happened resulted in portugal not prove of a rape that happened. this gave a lot of frowned eyebrows, but in germany the act of a sexual nature in that case and a victim that could state there was no consent, still reached the german threshold to handle it as we in other countries would handle it in court as a rape case. not the rape or if it was rape or ot, the no consent counts much heavier.

so in the court publications you will see that show up as; against sexual self-determination, where the prosecution keeps it easier to sexual crimes.

all elements and factors that are part of these crimes will still be part of the case, and weighted to get in the punishments.

so all 5 cases that now under trial are in germany, in a court in braunschweig, part of niedersachsen, germany works a bit the same as the usa, separate quite independent states under one flag.
what played a role in this case, because you have to be handled in the court of the state you love in, mostly to decide by where you are registered on an address, or when that is missing, there is a load of little rules to decide what will be the correct court.

again very strange to see such things, if that court does handle cases that all happened on territory of portugal.
by court decision this court in braunschweig still could handle the case.

all 5 cases are cases against the sexual-self-determination.

this is copied from the prosecution publication of what is part of this trial;

who want to use their own translation app, this is the link used, and only the case descriptions are translated through use of deeple.

1. on an unspecified date between 28 December 2000 and 8 April 2006, to have surprised an unidentified 70-80 year old woman in her holiday flat in Portugal in her bedroom. The masked accused then allegedly tied up and raped the victim. He then allegedly struck the victim several times with a whip. The accused is said to have recorded the entire incident with a video camera.

2. on a further day between 28 December 2000 and 8 April 2006, which can no longer be precisely determined, the accused allegedly tied an unknown German-speaking girl aged at least 14 years naked to a wooden post in the living room of the house he lived in in Praia da Luz in Portugal. He first beat the naked girl with a whip. The accused then allegedly brutally forced the girl to have oral sex. The accused also videotaped this offence.

3. on 16 June 2004 at around 03:00, the accused allegedly gained access to the flat of a then 20-year-old woman from Ireland via the balcony in Praia da Rocha in Portugal. The sleeping woman was then woken up by the masked accused at knifepoint and brutally raped. The accused then bound and gagged the woman to a table and raped her again. He then whipped the victim on the back with a whip he had brought with him and finally forcibly performed oral sex on the victim. The accused filmed large parts of the incident with a video camera he had brought with him. While the accused later fled over the balcony, the victim managed to free herself and, crying, asked for help.

4. on 7 April 2007 at around 3.30 p.m., the accused allegedly ambushed a ten-year-old German girl playing on the rocks behind a hole in the rocks on a stretch of beach in Salema in the district of Faro in Portugal, wearing only shoes and otherwise naked. He grabbed the child by the wrist and began to perform masturbatory movements on his naked penis. Grinning, he asked the girl to look at his naked genitals and the masturbatory movements he was making in order to get sexually aroused. After the accused ejaculated, he let go of the girl and fled.

5. on 11 June 2017, in the early hours of the morning at around 2 a.m. during the so-called snail festival at a playground in Bartolomeu de Messines in Portugal, the accused made eye contact with an 11-year-old Portuguese girl who was sitting on the swings of the playground there. The accused then pulled down his trousers and pants while maintaining eye contact with the child and masturbated with his naked penis in order to sexually arouse himself until the frightened girl ran to her father seeking help. The accused was arrested on the spot by the Portuguese police.

and even as it are 5 different cases it is hard to follow how the court works, we are already 4 court days in, and even by german law , each of these cases need their own conviction, they look to be handled not case by case. the building of the case is like the investigation more build around the defendant, than starting case by case.

in germany the court has no jury of peers, but judges, and the judge has the task to seek the truth in the matter. also all that happens before the court is always under guidance of the judge(s). the judges have the freedom to ask their own questions. also before the trial the judges already have gotten the prosecution files to study. and the judge also decides what and in what order the witnesses get to be heard in the court.

during the case the prosecution and the defense can put in motions and the judges have to decide if they are accepted, and if that can happen direct, or decide out of court before the next court day.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Tue 25 Jun 2024 - 13:46

cb, the trials. day 1, 16 february 2024.

day one made directly clear we are looking more to a drama series, than a true courtcase.
against what we are used to from the germans, there was no pünktlich this round.
there was massive media attention, even when there was a accreditation beforehand and also the common public wanted to take their ears and eyes to the case.

the most time was consumed by the higher security measures put around these trials. so with well over half an hour extra the court was seated.

and it was expected as always, that day one would start with reading out the charges, only that never happened. the defense team had a urgent motion, about one of the schöffen/lay judges. one of them had in her past been active on twitter and had called to kill an brasilien politician. and the defense team was of the opinion such habits could be a flaw in the lady her opinion, about upholding the principles of law in a fair manner.

so that gave a bow of the hammer, and the judges took some time out of the courtroom to decide about that matter, and if that schöffen could still take part in the trial or not. after that it was presented that this was not to decide that morning, but would looked in later that week. and all could go back home.

on tuesday after it was decided to took that lady schöffen out, and put a reserve from the list.

and going by the words of some reporters of the uk, it was quite a deception, because they could not understand more than just about 4 words, well we cannot take from that some came very prepared, because what did they expect, it is a german court, in germany, with germans who are the important part of it.

there is also no live stream, or handing out transcription, they are not allowed to film the court besides a short entry shot.
and this case only looks to be a big one, but in reality it is not. besides some, really good by the way, local journalists, it is not the big headlines in the national media, yeah, it gets attention, but pretty late, no live blogs or so. the only uk live blog was not quick or very alive, and with older opinions made by their titles between them.
no activity on all social media.

i am most impressed by the local online news outlet of the braunschweiger zeitung, pretty fast updates from the court, and only for when later on the afternoon also had time in court, it had a bit of time needed to see the full right up. but in a nice neutral manner. a shame for us we cannot read all their work, they also do articles with a bit more debt behind their paywall.
still pretty cheap, but not very usable to use material from.
and it helps quite a lot if you manage the german language well, all have usually quite an impressive wall of cookies,that not always translate directly. a tip could be, if you see the euro sign and numbers, it is the choice for a paid version.

and of course the local journalist, yes they do deserve that title already, has a much easier task than the tabloid reporters, just telling what happened must cost them much less time, than to have to fiddle some nasties, flawed opinions and keep the trill in-work of the reporters of the tabloids. but yes the uk titles can be a bit if a maze to reselect their pieces for some facts about the case, but we have to work with what we get.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Tue 25 Jun 2024 - 15:12

cb, the trials, day 2, 23 february, 2024.

on day two getting the public and media in, did go much better, so it started in time.

As they have not even got so far on day 1, even the identity of cb has to be established. Per media and quoted his leading lawyer, cb has chosen to not speak during this trial, or at least until they think there is a need for later on. So even to the question if he was indeed cb, his lawyer answered for him.

the charges got read out. and this is not just reading the lines i copied in the intro out loud, but the prosecution used much more detail in each case than there is used.

who wants to know what was said, the daily mail broke the tradition, to use a restricted version of the charges as read out in court, first because you usually do not want to be confronted with the nasty details in these cases, or they better not read when doing things like browsing some news during the brunch.

i do not even want to put the link out. the brave can find it for themselves. that these details usually stay in the court, was once a code for journalist, most times not even written code, there are in crime different levels of gruesome, the first at the scene where something has happened. that is mostly restricted to third parties who simply have other reason to walk up into such a scene and first responders. and maybe some investigating parties after that.
the next level is the description of the case, pictures and film, as it will be used in the investigation, and often is used during the court itself.
the third level is for the public, and even if the public want to see more, it is often better to not allow that, and also because we better keep the morbid curiosity out of returning to victims or their loved ones.

to use the wording from inside the court, and yes the court is open to the public, but that is a choice, put it out on online news or in print has so much wider reach, and do we truly have to know about all the smaller details. because behind the details still is a victim, and that has no say in everyone knowing it into the fine details. so even in gruesome cases, a bit of restriction on what gets out to the streets can still be a wiser choice.

but this was also the day there could come a reaction of the defence, and the defence decided to make a short intro and told he wanted a free leave the court card for his client.
The prosecution protested against a by their words opening plea, and it is unusual in german law, but not against the rules.

And the defence did not stop at that. They had been informed by a former worker of the german serious crime division, the bka, that she on order of other workers had to place a installation on the phone in the hearing room, cb would have to make use of for getting in contact with his defence team by phone. The lady included even pictures of the installation cables.
The prosecution thinks that has nothing to do with these 5 cases, only to the madeleine mccann case, that still has no charges brought.

But after that motion, the court rested for the day.



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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Tue 25 Jun 2024 - 15:14

cb, the trials, day 3, march 1, 2024.

today the day of the first witness, and in this case we will see little unknown faces, and the number one is no exception to that, after seen many articles about this guy, and he was almost always present in the many documentaries about cb and a mix of cases, but mostly all sold on the name of madeleine mccann.

the court got even 6 hours to ask questions and listen to the one and only manfred s.
a guy who became a drifter once upon a time, and is known to have had a preference for the sunny south of europe. he is now in his late sixties, and presented himself this day in court in his drifter outfit. he was an ordinary sight in the drifter communities, travelled mostly with a camper van. earned his living by selling astray he made out of coke cans, and solar panels he stole. and often is spoken he was not shy from the petty crime.
he told how he met up with cb, one day on the algarve when his vehicle came stranded for lack of fuel, he was travelling with a companion drifter, an austrian guy named michael t.. michael t. had supposedly already known of cb his existence and got arranged a meat up with some fuel and cb offered them to stay at the terrain around the little finca near praia da luz.

manfred s. told the court he got an aversion to cb, because cb was arrogant, and not sound of mind, because cb supposedly told him about his break ins in holiday lets, and that cb always was in a black jacket, why manfred started to call cb the waiter.

there is no verbatim report of what this witness exactly has said in court, just snippets. Nothing is verbatim, and that results snippets from earlier days get out at all times, and it takes at least two sources to think they indeed been part of the trial.

manfred s. Is in court to tell about video’s he supposedly has viewed, and that have been found by him and an accomplice during the period cb was in jail in 2006, in the little finca.

these videos are never seen by anyone, they are not available to the investigation or the court cases. These video’s or better the testimony about them and a hair supposedly with the dna of cb are being the major evidence in the 2005 rape case of an older american lady near praia da luz in 2005, the case cb is convicted to 7 years jail time and that he is currently serving.

the importance of this testimony is a major part in the 2 cases of unknown supposed victims, all knowledge of these cases is a direct result of the testimonies of manfred s. and his accomplice helge b.

both these case are in this trials because they are spoken about by these two men. I will leave helge b. mostly until he has testified this time.

what is to get from all stories told and some paperwork around the conviction in the diesel theft in 2006, cb ended up in jail in portugal, together with the same michael t. so from around the start of the second week of april 2006 cb had no longer access to the little finca, somewhat later on, a neighbour in the area of the finca and her daughter got in the little finca to clear it out, because it was a mess inside, no rent paid and the owner would bring it up the market again, it is very unclear when the people in this case tell they visited the little finca, no exact dates, so it must have been after the start of the second week of april, and going by how that story was told before the summer tourist season started.

somewhere in that period of time, manfred and helge, knowing cb was in jail, decided to take a look at the finca, because of a story that cb must have had quite a lot of diesel on that property. that ended up to be a disappointment. they only found some, the amount differs from statement to statement and the two.
they also got in to the little finca, saying the door already was unlocked. They both describe it as quite a mess the found. and looking around helge b, supposedly found a video camera and some material on tapes or other storing devices with it, or in it.

from their media presentation they stole more, like a car an opel by helge, manfred took a weapon, and both saw different things that made their return in the 2005 court case.
both already have the same description of the girl older then 14 years, manfred called het 15, or about 15 or 16 years in different moments. only the other video both described have almost certain differences in the female supposed victim.

the story goes they gone back to their drifters base a bit more north, and manfred threw away the weapon in a lake at a dam. a different one, than played part in the summer searches of the german, portuguese and only there to look uk police forces.

manfred tells that helge took the videocamera, and a bit later showed manfred the horrible pictures on it, of quite brutal rapes of a older woman and a very young girl/woman. only manfred description when he declared to the bka was to be from a about 40 years old woman, or what he later in a documentary said, an age that was still in his date range for woman. manfred told also that the woman asked to stop in italian.

but later on the age of the same of one of these two video’s during this time during court became about 60. He could not explain that when the judge asked why the age difference was there.

in the earlier 2005 rape case, the testimony of manfred and helge was accepted and believed to be true, because of the kind of description, that had much in common to the story of the victim, only then was already decided manfred and helge had not seen a video of that rape in 2005, because the posture of the women wat too different, and also other details had been different between the story of the victim and the pair.

so there never was a video that showed the rape taking place from 2005. And no video is ever come to light that shows cb in such a video.

manfred his latest testimony was different in another matter, in a documentary manfred had told he recognized cb because at the end of the video a male came into vision, and that took of his mask, so manfred recognized cb immediately. Instead he told the court this time he recognized cb by his voice.
the defence team had the take from the documentary to show in court.

manfred only got out with the same, the pictures on the video had been not his liking at all, not his world, he wanted not to see more of it, he only looked for a few minutes to 2 video takes on the video camera.

he could not explain to the judge how the differences in his statements happened. the defence even asked if he had memory problems, like through alcohol, or if he had alzheimer, the answer was no.

at the end the defence asked manfred s. when he had last been in contact with helge b., manfred stated the day before, after that the defence asked if his phone could be checked, the phone was handed to the court and in the court they found 4 calls between the pair in the last 24 hours, and the last just before he arrived in court.
the judge reacted by telling that being in contact is no crime, but lying in could about it is. and also asked what other parts of his testimony had not been okay.

on unknown time during the six hours in court, manfred also told he had a visit of the lead lawyer of cb in italia, who came together with a journalist, and that manfred who kept in contact with helge, who supposedly has been in witness protection, through facebook, had the idea that someone after that visit has used his account to find helge, because helge answered to a message he says , he never send. manfred said no, he had not given his password to a journalist a bit later.

It is not strange or against a rule to seek contact with witnesses in a case. there are usually no witnesses very specific to the defence or prosecution, all in court is just part of the court.
there are no endless or relentless interviewing of the witness, questions to ask will still be under the ruling and responsibility of the judge(s) in court.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 8:05

cb, the trials, day 4, march 14, 2024.

day 4 started later on the morning from 11.00 hours. the first part was used for a witness statement on video, made earlier, the witness german national christian p. lives in cambodia, and was back in germany around christmas 2023, and that opportunity was used to take his statement.

the second part of this day in court was mostly used to collect the motions of the defence team.

the witness, already known to the public from the media, and the witness stated he indeed was paid for multiple media outings.

this was mostly a indirect witness, at most his words told about his impression of cb and his way of living.

christian p, got acquainted with cb in or around 2003 on a concert or music festival, and had an understanding to help each other out, christian p. was a musician at that time, but also had his expertise in it and computers. cb had expertise about car repairs and maintenance, they used each others competences to each their own profit.

christian p. only can reflect on cb, because of what cb told himself about how he earned his money. christian p. decided to keep some more distance. but most of his keeping some distances was said to be the result of cb always wearing a sports jacket and driving a jaguar, and the state of the inside of the finca.

when cb ended up in jail in 2006, cb asked him to save some bags with material from the little finca, to hand it to a friend of cb to be kept save.
when christian p. arrived at the little finca, cb his then girlfriend marina was said already there. marina had already packed some bags together.
this bit sounds different from the media interviews, marina is lacking from that.

earlier i gave this witness the position of the man who is able to double amounts in passports and video’s. and the information from the trial is not given verbatim in the media.

so it still is not really clear when christian p. had noticed a large stack of passports on the mantle of the fire place, before the trial numbers had been out for the stack between 40 and 100.

the other part we already heard about was earlier a collection of multiple aka 3 stacks of video’s, sometimes called taped, other times cd’s. their number did grow between earlier statements in the media.

the witness states that he asked questions of cb about the stacks of passport, after which cb would have told him, that he cb, climbed into building to take what was to his use and liking.

this witness seems to have had a problem too, in not introducing madeleine mccann into these trials. he states that cb described buildings a like as these where madeleine mccann got missing.

the packed bags that supposedly been handed over to the witness had by his words contained a large amount of cd-coms, the brand your own type is to understand from his statement in court, some had neatly handwritten titles on them.

and at this point the uk media start to call it child porn found, the germans kept it at titles that did christian p. understand had been about sex with animals, lesbians and anal sex.
the witness stated because the family he was to hand over the bags had children,, the witness decided to interfere and take the bad ones out to throw away, so the children could not come in contact with such movies. the witness described it as movies downloaded from the internet.
i can not say i have seen the german media restricting to name child abuse, or child porn, or be shy to report about it if it was said. the media from abroad are not facilitated by a translation in court through the court.

only one uk source in the media before the court day also implied this witness did look at some of that material, meaning the recording itself. none of this ended up in the german news outlets.

the result of this statement was not in any way contributing to any of the crimes under trial.
so it only could be at the most a statement that told about habits and living circumstances of cb.

so not really anything like direct knowledge from the witness, only hear say of what cb supposedly has said to this witness, and not even a direct bond between the material in the bags and cb.

the witness also regretted he had put his own profit over going to the police to inform them of the passports and the way cb told him they ended up to be in the little finca.

and it is quite a strange event when you look at how functional this witness is, certainly in these cases. the telling of cb about climbing into buildings could be of use in the 2004 rape case around hazel b., but hardly in the other 4. in the two cases with the unknown victims in one it supposedly took place in cb his living quarters, so no climbing needed at all, and in the one with the unknown address there is nothing in the statement about that one, about how the entry of cb had happened at all. the other two are cases in an open air setting, so it does not matter at all.

also this moment used to bring attention to the case of madeleine mccann, that is not part of this court and not even has charges brought.
also who are following that case can know, the disputed point of possible entry an open window, never noted by any one outside the parents, did not show signs of disturbance in any way, the thin layer of lichen and algae was also undisturbed.
and it was a unit with ground floor access, with an said open patio door and easy access from a public road, so no need to climbing in, using trees, rain pipes or other usable things.
the rest of the day is used to bring motions by the defence team. the reporting about this , is all over the place, so it is hard to get what was handled and how.

there was a bit of a row about at least one of the motions.the defence team want to hear the former worker of the bka, that brought out the information of a placing of a system to be listening in on conversations by phone between cb and his defence team, in court.
the prosecution does not want this, and supposed to have stated, this was not in any way part of these 5 cases, but only reflected on the madeleine mccann case.

also the defence team asked to be hand over all case information and files of these 5 cases, and all the files available in the madeleine mccann case. as expected the prosecution refused that.

the defence team also wanted to speak in court with an expert that concluded about the dna in the earlier case of the 2005 rape case, cb now is doing his time for.
understandable, because there was only one hair found that was directed to cb based on dna. In a german podcast there is been another expert on dna that came to a different conclusion.

even the verdict in the 2005 rape case is long reached its finality, this case can be seen as a foundation on 3 cases that are part of these trials.

another motion from the defence team was about wanting to know why the date on the files of the details of the findings during a raid on the terrain of the old box factory cb owns was 4 days after the findings had been done opened.

this became a larger row, the prosecution took the declaration of the defence as if they implied the bka had interfered with the findings, and made them up.
it is still unclear if these findings in a different german state have influence in this series of 5 cases in this trial.

the expectation lives at the defence it could be, because the mostly uk based media citate the press speaker of the braunschweig prosecution service as told to them, that under these findings are documents supposedly written by cb, that often are called to most likely be auto biographical works, they are known for years as ‘das buch’ and ‘das buch eins’.

the prosecution seems to be of the opinion these files could be autobiographical works about crimes committed by cb and his pals, in other moments they are said to be proof of cb his fantasies and by that warped mind(my words).

the prosecution reacted madly that there was no made up evidence, but the defence reacted it was not about fiddling, but why the date was not accordingly used to the common protocol.

so between all these motions spoken and the next court day on; april 3th 2024, the judges have to work out which of these motions, must have what answer and need time to be handled in open court.

it also means that because of the short pause there is extra time to put some extra information to what is already in the public court.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 8:05

out of court information.
part one; by his own doings.

this trial with its 5 cases is a strange one. and how they came together is something that has a need of some explanations.

on their own, all 5 cases, and also the case to the same defendant known as the 2005 rape case would never seen a court on their own merits.
and they will part of law history because how this came together, there are so much exceptions used and that together, with what can only be called a mass hysteria in the media, and maybe even mass hysteria in the communications of the prosecution, it also resulting in a lot of confusion.

what started of this juridical event?

there are two points of entry that ended with the figure of cb becoming under attention.

the first is one of his own making. there never was much dispute about these crimes and convictions, so we can accept them as sound enough.
cb has indeed a long list for being caught out after his criminal offences. It starts at a still young age given around 14/15 years of age, with a break in, with other parties. followed by two convictions for crimes of a sexual nature with very young female victims.
before he ended up in jail after these cases could deliver him there, he fled around 1995 with his then girlfriend to the portuguese region of the algarve, to escape doing his time.

on a unknown time he was hold up for something in portugal and because there was a warrant out for cb, he was extradited to germany for the first time, do do his time in jail.

he must have travelled in the years after many times to germany, because he was many times caught out there for mostly drugs offences, carrying a weapon without a licence, driving without a licence, driving an insured vehicle.
from portugal there is spoken about incorrect behaviour against an officer of the law. And also the better known diesel theft he landed in jail for from the first half of april 2006 until around christmas 2006.

the listings are no longer public, and without them it is pretty hard to sum them up in a coherent way.

as far as known pretty early after arriving in portugal, cb stayed, with his girlfriend of that time, in the little finca near praia da luz. there are many relations to women named in his history, older and younger.
cb lost his rented property when he was no longer paying rent during his jail time in 2006.

the years before 2006 show that cb most likely lived longer periods or stints in portugal.
after losing the rights to that little finca, he became truly a drifter, as a person without a set address. the wrote in his first letter to members of the public, that he travelled mostly up and down between portugal and germany, but also took trips through spain, and was living of earnings from drugs trading, selling and trafficking larger amounts of soft drugs from the iberian peninsula to germany. but also sold to tourists around the portuguese south coastal area.

in the years after 2006 he ended up more in germany, it is known he kept a kiosk, with a back room to party with others and sell booze. he used or rented multiple spaces at so called garden allotments, these are mostly of a kind with very basic housing or sheds in combination rto ground to recreate, and or start some home produces veggies. It often grew into self-sustaining and self-ruled sub communities, people could also stayed more permanently, or others just for the summer. you have to now the places to get a sound idea of who are the people and why they are there. It are not simply places that only criminals are to find, often it is a mix of all walks of life, with their own reasons to make use of the grounds.

in later years cb was able to bought in open sales a plot in the neighbouring state of sachsen anhalt, it was a old box factory ruin, on overgrown terrain.

during his stint at the kiosk, that also had living quarters cb beat up his then girlfriend and that resulted in a search of the building and under his belongings indecent images of a sexual nature been found, the 5 years old child was the daughter of a once girl friend of cb, it is not known if it was the same he had put his aggression too that time.

there also was a pending case about drugs offences to cb his name still out.

sources do mix up both these cases often, but one of these cases and the outstanding conviction made cb out of germany again, and back to portugal.
most likely it was the outstanding conviction in the childporn case that put again a warrant to his name, that was seen, when cb got arrested in the playground case of 2017, this is one of the cases that is part of the trials that are now underway. this was his second extradition back to germany.

there was an administrative mix up that resulted in a pause between doing the time in jail for the one case and the start for the other, so cb got free. it is said he was under travel restrictions, and the story goes he was under direct surveillance, well cb was still able to travel, as said per bus to the netherlands, and got from there on a international travel bus to italy. often it is said he travelled to amsterdam, but never became clear, and there are also direct international bus lines to italy from the eastern cities of the netherlands.
so he fled from germany again, and ended up in a conflict with the italian police because he had no longer valid papers. of course there was a warrant out for his arrest again, so he was send back. he was put in jail again.

this part of the casehistory served as being in a german jail, and made cb simply available when the next part came through.
many smaller details will maybe become more clear during the trials still underway.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 8:08

with a little help of a friend.

this is the second part that is the reasons there are trials ongoing. even when we can understand talking cb into the madeleine mccann case, it did not stop at that.
one trial already has resolved in a conviction to cb his name, wilt out the ‘friend’, that case would never had seen the courts. and this case, what will be used by the name of the 2005 rape case for short in this write-up.

the full details are not in the public domain, only bits and pieces, but many could be reused during parts of the now ongoing trial, and can be handled in due time.

the complete event around cb started when in the spring of 2017 a guy called helge b. found some time to make a call to an ongoing investigation in the uk by the name of operation grange.
helge b. brought his story our after he supposedly had seen a tv program in relation to madeleine mccann 10 years missing.
by his words it was not his first outing to make know what he knew, sometimes he reflect to have sought contact to the pj in portugal, but more prominent he tells in his own words in multiple media appearances about a phone call he made very specific said to the special helpline for madeleine mccann at scotland yard, both contacts are supposedly placed in spring 2008.

only scotland yard had at that time no command or public contact displayed anywhere, the police of leicester still had the gold command and worked the uk sides of this case, there is nothing to find about a tip line from scotland yard about this case anywhere in 2008.

but what was the story and who was this guy.

helge b. is a convicted criminal in his own right. there are still old online news articles around from a time he mishandled quite violent a young polish woman in her lower twenties in italy, to rob her of her last 20 euro’s. both lived at that time as homeless.

helge b. is also convicted for human trafficking in greece, he tells it as giving just a lift to some immigrants, but the greek justice system has a different view on that, he is been in jail for it, but much later after this conviction was done, helge b. left greece for a time, and after his return in greece he was caught and had to do time.
it is still a mystery how he got so soon out again, and it is not known if him geting out can have a relation with helge b. telling his stories.

helge b. said with little declaration he was already given leave from jail. it seems that helge b, again had joined up with manfred s. but unknown in what form, operation grange did speel to helge b, in a greek hotel. manfred is been telling in documentaries for tv, that helge after that meeting had money available to get booze, helge supposedly did not had available before that meeting.

but helge b. has been many years living in camper vans and living the life as a drifter, and earned his money by stealing solar panels from roofs, and even drug trade is known from words told around the connection to cb. helge became a part of the drifters community, mostly of german nationals and in may 2007 he was eve in the algarve. it is said helge be has a residency address in france. he looks to have travelled mostly through the southern coastal areas of europe, portugal, spain, france, italy and greece.

there looks to be a small group of people who knew each other with manfred s. at the center. manfred his friend from austria michael t, is also known as a pal of cb, they joined both in the diesel theft in 2006. manfred was with michael t. underway , ending up without fuel he was introduced through michael t, to cb. also manfred s. had joined with helge b. living in the drifter community at the santa clara dam im portugal.

there is a pretty vague meeting between the 4 and helge b. got a dislike to cb, because cb saw opportunities in theft and selling of solar panels, still there must have been some contact, and they are said to also had a meeting up at a property in a now unknown address in portimao, where cb was staying at that time. all these meetings are told without dates or other information that can place them in a timeline.

helge joined up with manfred in the weeks after half april 2006 , when cb and michael t. had been in jail, they had the plan to rob cb his diesel stored at the little finca. by manfred there was little diesel, helge b. supposedly thought about a much large amount stored there.
both agreed before in the media the door to the little finca was already open, and the interior had signs of disturbance, manfred took a gun, helge b. by his and manfreds words, stole a video camera, helge also has told about swimming goggles that had been blacked out with grey paint. both together stole a canister of diesel, and by manfred helge b., took also a car, the opel from the terrain. in much later media stories helge supposedly also found a set of lock picking keys, and told cb was very good with them. think this all took place first half of 2006. the time is restricted because also in the media the neighbour and her daughter took it up them to empty the little finca for future renting out, she was given to be a kind of caretaker for the owner.

after arriving back in the drifter community around the santa clara dam area, helge b. looking better at the video camera, it gets a bit fuzzy, because in the media most times was spoken about video tapes, and it not even became known, if the storage of the material he looked at was only on the camera itself, or if he took multiple devices that can store video footage.

helge had at first glance the idea it been pro made porn movies but during looking he supposedly recognized cb at the end of the video that supposedly had the content around the older woman in the case now under trial. helge always made a description of it being a much older lady, so the estimate of 70 to 80 years of old seems to come from helge b.

both manfred and helge have told about a video scene where cb at the end put a pillow on the head of the victim, sat down and then took of his mask. manfred had forgotten this part during his recent statement to the could. also helge b, always told about a english speaking person, and manfred most likely italian, because of the words that mean help in italian. and manfred tells of an age of 40 to the bka in statements to the 2005 rape case, and changed that recently to around 60 years of age.

helge b. told already he got a very bad take on that kind of behaviour by cb, such a man was able to anything.

helge b. became known as the friend to who cb had told he took madeleine mccann. first that friend thing is a media choice. In march 2008 helge b., manfred s., michael t. and cb ended up on a kind of hippy festival, near orgiva in spain, festival is a big word for the culture of the unhinged, displaced and unwashed travellers from everywhere, partly even a loose community year round, that caught a lot of drifters. in later years dismantled by the police.
cb was is said to buy some soft drugs and helge b, had been his supplier before, during that selling before helge b. was paid for the kilo, and cb ended up with only 3 quarters of that amount. they are not described as friends or good pals by the others, even more as became unfriendly after that deal.

manfred s. and michael t. are placed by helge b. near where cb has told helge about his taking of the little girl. both others can not remember such a seating and conversation did happen.

helge b. Took part in a video interview with kai feldhaus from bild, a german paper and online news outlet, and decided to tell the public about the confession of cb. that was quite a bummer, because they supposedly rolled in a bit of conversation about did helge still travelled to portugal, helge had said no, because of the police because of that little girl there, and would have remarked how strange that was how she could so easily disappear. After the confession was in helge his understand the words, yes, she did not cry out at all.

from that moment helge b. knew that cb had taken the girl. these words with the video’s he had seen before on the stolen camera, and the finds of the lock picking keys, helge was sure, cb did it.

if we are lucky we will hear a version of all of that during helge b. his time in the witness stand, said to be in april, that means on one of 8 dates.

and operation grange at that time in 2017 took helge b. serious enough, only they could not work that as a case themselves, the asked the germans to handle it and they did.

they used the description of the two, maybe 3 t ask portugal for a list of unsolved rape cases with some of the characteristics and unsolved crimes against young female children in the algarve.

that resulted in the 2005 rape case. what was one single case. also the 2007 case on the beach, assault on a young female victim. the two cases on the trial now with unknown victims are just from memories by helge b. and manfred s.
the playground case of 2017, that already led to the extradition back to germany,that is from those files. and after the german police sought the help of the public, and it landed in the media, it is said a brother of victim hazel b. In the 2004 rape case recognized bits of the mo, and hazel called her own case in.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Spamalot Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 12:57

Curious, at least to me, how many of these alleged incidents occurred on or around the Luz area of the Portuguese Algarve, coincidentally the very place little Madeleine McCann was staying with her family when she went missing.

A bloke who spent most of adulthood dodging the radar - until more recent years when, on the word of a handful of fellow felons he gained quite a reputation amidst the criminal world of Europe.  Where does all this information come from imparted by the British press and media together with similar outlets for the German market?  What sort of legal proceedings are adopted by German authorities that enables them to throw someone behind bars for an alleged rape case with little evidence but a hair - then put them on trial for hearsay?

It seems strange that a petty thief roaming Europe (some of the time - allegedly) is suddenly being stitched-up for a string of sexual abuse charges with no evidence but word of mouth.  Where is the proof?

I've no interest in Christian Brueckner other than anything that directly concerns missing Madeleine McCann but it does seem to me like his name has been used to concoct a connection - a connection that hangs on alleged location in May 2007, video footage that no one but a couple of thieves has ever seen, a phone call said to have pinged a local Luz antenne the same night Madeleine disappeared and again, the words of a felon who appeared to be paid for his trouble - 'she didn't scream' !!!.

To say nothing of the German lead in all this, who blabbers to the press and media on a whim and fancy

Poppycock balderdash and piffle!

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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 15:59

for me it is more about how the law is used here, and how near it can come to abusing the law.

the whole story has a lort of what is called; cop shopping, what usually is done in the same jurisdiction, it means just looking for a police force that with some semi-dodgy approach can work a case, where others have said no.

to see it over multiple very different countries is pretty rare, at least in this way. for me people like cb are in my own opinion best taken out of society. it is a shame the paperwork of the older cases are taken offline some months after the world heard of cb in june 2020. somewhere in september it was still open for view and gone.

but from what i read there there are already 3 cases around sexual abuse of 3 very young children, german children in germany, the first was in court and during the last fase, he took his second victim, both girls saved themselves from more than being grabbed and shown his male parts. his first time only was punishment on porobation, with the second one that made in into doing time, there was already word this guy would not stop. he also took flight to portugal.
the third german case was when het used the very young daughter of his lady friend, by now we know her as pretty naive, because she was a witness in the court case that is going on.

there seems to be little want to make laws in germany to keep such people out of society, i think it is sad that we only now see a trial about the same guy with cases all in portugal, and a very loose connection as best, words only, that the law by mouth of a prosecution media officer is telling a tale of want to keep this horrible guy in for longer.

i think this is quite weak if you did not have enough with 3 sound convictions with german victims on german soil, how much chances are these figure get?

and why these 3 cases are not enough to tell this guy will not stop his actions. and being raped looks not to be a big problem, there are home bred german cases waiting for almost 2 years, because they cannot deliver the court time in parts of niedersachsen.

also a bit strange is that the same person in the eu, that is not obeying the law of one of the eu countries, can be send to another country, to have a chance to get convicted for cases that in the territory where the same offence is still punishable, when it in the territory were it happened no longer is.

the 2005 rape case in germany is not a rape case in portugal, but germany changed its law, in itself that is even a good thing, but what classifies much earlier sexual harassment as rape. sexual deeds or even advances against a minor under 14 years old classifies also as rape.

but because germany does not want to extradite their own citizens to others, they do make use of that law to get them back in.
in stead they bring them before a german court, but under the full working of the german law.
knowing that the burden of proof is so much lower, indications can be enough, hearsay is accepted, even hearsay that is out there by illegal actions of a witness, it get a bit of a tombola.

and like most people, i hope, i do not care at all about cb as a person, he had his chances and made a choice to be a criminal,
but this same law will be possible on true innocent, cq falsely accused people, and even cb can be still falsely accused in these 5, or at least some of them. and if you step aside from the principle of law that only the guilty will receive punishment for THEIR
deeds, where will this end...?

also all formality is out of the window, a prosecution officer that takes the seat of the judge, that speaks out someone is guilty for sure, but even after over 4 years cannot even bring charges to that same person is very strange.

but also the use of the 5 cases now still under court, where i already way before landed in the idea, these cases are used to get some things accepted in a court, or even a second time, to make what is too weak strong enough if they ever find the guts to try the guy in a case around madeleine mccann.

these 5 cases do have real victims, and are simply used to get another case going on. we have no insight how much influence the german police has been put down in their heads that cb is their perpetrator, but there is a large chance the victims are only used, or better just abused again, to be just the tools to fix up a guy for another case. not theirs at all, means no true justice for them. as i said i do not care about cb, i think we do society a big favour if we keep these people out of society, but i do mind about the victims. the way to get it into court is not nice or easy for them, but but what is there still to get for them in justice if at any time it gets found out, they put all their efforts and emotions in s fata morgana.

also it opens up a nasty cans of worms too, we have a police officer that walks on without permission or warrant on private property, lies a story together to use findings, and even let it through her partner slipping into the media as it seems.

and usually this simply means illegal access is none usable findings as evidence or indication in a later court case, and inside the bka the german police because this all happened in end 2015 to spring 2016, in the neighbour state of sachsen-anhalt, and there never was an independent trial about the findings on the old box factory terrein ever.

also placing a installation to being able to hear what is said in the room, used for convicts in jail to converse with their lawyers.

you start to ask questions if this all is still about law and order. it lost indeed all smell even of the well known german pünktichkeit and belief in their legal system.

and it is already showing poor , when you cannot put a guy with 3 sound convictions out of society, but need to get old cases from another one to tell the worlds you want that.

and it is not much respectful to the judges too, they have the hard task to get a nasty guy but still need to look in each of these cases if they have indeed the right guy, but it will also as a process have to go the walk of shame by how the prosecution handled it. you cannot say it is a fair job that is asked from them. these judges know exactly about his past, but that means they also understands that declaring him not guilty what they send back into society at the end of the year, when the time for the 2005 rape case is done. a guilty declaration based on the words alone can hardly be called sound enough to stand the time.

and what goes wrong here is not that 5 cases come together during one trial, that happens often, more usual with small crime even, one case against one defendant about 20 or 30 punishable offences like for burglary or theft are pretty normal, only usually because there is and a fair bit of confession, and through that connections between these cases with evidence of that.

but what we see now is what every police officer is lectured to the death with, because if you start to look only too much from one person, there is in all of us a massive wall of bias wandering into such cases. it is the best known example that can lead to a miscarriage of justice. and almost all big f.cked up cases are going back to this approach.

you know already you have a nasty guy in front of you, what makes it even harder, but it happens with fully innocent people too, but to be able to stay impartial is very hard. and the usual obligatory way of always to start from the case at hand, the facts and circumstances that are there, it is very easy to slip into a fitting the case to the person.

what only very recent came out was that when the german prosecution and police asked portugal if they had cases with the same mo as in the video stories and the 2005 rape case, and cases with young children, they asked specifically for still unsolved cases, there are cases inside portugal with the same mo, that have a conviction and are solved. just mentioned in a snippet in the german news.

for us as just the public, it means you have a big handicap if you are not able to read the german articles on this case, even when they also only get the big picture in court, they seems much less sided that the english media. what is not shy of making stories up, and they musy do that by choice, because there is at least one english, but very able to understand german on the media seats during each court day, one that they all must have the phone number of.

with the latest debacle of the email that connects cb to the madeleine case, words never spoken in that court, the german police has found indeed a lot of emails from long ago, they already had them for at least 4 years, but the officer in the stand could not tell about connections in the murder case of madeleine they maybe one day in future will try to get through court.

it is given that almost all witnesses and others in court have problem not to land in a now not there case of madeleine mccann, so it are not only reporters who have a problem with keeping track what this trial is about.

none of the 5 cases would have made it anywhere on their own to a court sadly, there is to little to work from.
it is even sad to see how they are used now.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 16:57

day 5.

april 3, day 5, 2024 started again with a motion of the defence team, they ask to get rid of the head prosecution officer, because under her lead, the defendant was spoken as guilty in public, what has lead to a media war, about the supposed murderer of madeleine mccann. the same head prosecution officer supposedly will handle that case.
there was under her lead a leakage of information from this case to the public. this is about the stories from das buch/das buch eins, that supposedly contains a story about the abduction and abuse of a mother and a 5 year old daughter.

by doing that there was no longer the presumption of innocence to the defendant in this trial, or a next one. and the material could influence the magistrate/lay judges, who cannot escape that information. even more because there are still no charges in a case about madeleine mccann itself and that means the defence still had no insight in the files to put out a defence against that.

the judge declared themselves not the proper organisation to handle that, the chamber of the court agreed to that, and the decision has to be taken up with the prosecution service itself.

after that the first of 2 witnesses on the agenda for this day appeared, the second will testify on a other day.
helge b. well known as the person by who's word and stories in 2017 to officers of operation grange resulted in 7 cases against cb. the 2005 rape case he is already convicted for, these 5 and the madeleine case.

it is hard to get a insight in what is exactly said in court, the local news outlet has one video camera, bild has even two. the story in points is pretty equal to what already is out in the media. only restricted too the parts for these cases, mostly the 2 supposed rape cases of an young female and a unknown female. that helge b. supposedly found on or with a video camera he stole from the little finca when cb was in jail after april 2006 and christmas 2006. helge b. gives indeed word to taken much more diesel from that place, where manfred s. got it to a jerrycan, helge got about 200 liters of diesel from a tank.

helge b, told he also stole a car from the terrain there. after the theft both guys had travelled back to their camp grounds and helge viewed with manfred the videos, they supposedly took. manfred indeed did not want to look at them and left, but when helge as he says saw the young girl on the pole he got back to manfred and both looked again at it. by helge his saying the videos had a date stamp.

another difference is that earlier both helge and manfred had said words about swimming goggles with painted glasses, in court that changed to diving goggles, still with painted glasses.

both witnesses gave a likewise testimony in the 2005 rape case about the same matter. it is not fully online, do it is hard to see how different they are now.

it could be a mix up, but some news outlet had helge telling that after the young girl on the pole told cb what he did was rape, before in the media it was said bordering rape, cb got to sit down on the bed and laughed, only the pole was in the living room of the little finca it all supposedly took place, no bed on any of the pictures, and all said about the little finca speaks about a separate bedroom.

by sky news, helge b. supposedly did not make a phone call to scotland yard, but to dave/david edgar, who cannot remember that.
dave/david edgar was one of the many rogue detective agencies the mccanns used through their madeleine fund company to work the case.
the defence asked if helge was paid 5000 euro's for his exclusive interview, that could be was the answer. in that interview, at least his biggest appearence inthe news in the video helge made with bild, he still told his public the call was made in 2008 to scotland yard to their special madeleine helpline. no sign such a tip line ever excisted shortly after march 2008 at scotland yard or the met police in the uk.

helge b. must had made quite an entry, he came in with by the german media some bodyguards, by uk media 6 guys with weapons, helge b also had his lawyer with him, frans obst, in germany known as a tv lawyer.
the uk media suggest helge b had need of that protection and was shipped in from a safe house, well as helge b. played out to be a unwilling aka hostile witness to the court and had regret about telling about what he knew now.
with the same act it could be that helge b, had been kept to secure he did took the stand in court, or liked the massive impact by just hiring bodyguards, what is also possible.
helge b. would not tell about his current place of stay when the judge asked for it in court.

the uk media chose to mix as much as possible to mix bits from supposedly much older productions by mouth of helge b, that more reflect on the madeleine mccann case. of course so they could told the public, this trial was not about that case as usual.
helge b. in court must be a bit of a bummer, the no milk today, at least no freshly bottled milk about anything.

well they have a busy schedule for april, twice a day in court each week, so we get the next date this friday april 5, 2024.
and some media tell helge b. will get a next date in court sometime in june.

and indeed after so much media attention, it would be hard to hear something very new, but this case could be better understood if a more traditional court reporter was used. for the most open view on it all , only a local news outlet offers quick updates and more impartial about the days in court. some of the uk media even still mix up years.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Spamalot Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 17:29

Well I don't believe a fraction of what the British media and press has reported about Brueckner's past nor his present, anymore than I believe a fraction of what's been allegedly reported in Germany.

I've seen snippets flashed about by people like Sandra Felgueiras in past documentaries - I don't believe them either.

Unbelievable what people will do for a few quid - that I do believe!

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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 18:23

that is why it is a shame, that there are no court transcriptions made available, they know it is of much more of interest outside germany.

and there is a lack of good and sound court reporters too, the braunschweiger zeitung is the best we can get in this trial, but they are only a local news outlet, but there is always someone present.

and we already had been lucky the portuguese process around mccann versus amaral had some good volunteers who have been willing to get all the notes out. in the german trial the members of the public are not allowed to use a laptop or phone to work on, the media can.

so it is in all just look for one source and find at least some that back some or most up in that.

and it is hard to follow, only the braunschweiger zeitung, dpa en bild are always present, and rob hyde a independent free lance journalist who understands german very well and often works with all kind of uk titles for german news.

but indeed there seems to be too much agenda and opinion instead of simply report what is said. the uk titles has also the difficulty of getting lost in translation.

i am just spoiled big cases, as in big in public interest usually have in the netherlands a great lady court reporter/journalist, that reports live through twitter/x. no opinion just factual. only being there yourself or a full transcript works better.

in this trial the translations of citations can not always be of the same quality as in original english spoken of course.

after day 4 most attention died simply down too, so it is each time quite a travel on the internet, and for most media outlets is it not front page and headlines news, so often it is just using their own search options to find it.

i think, i am not so much into believing or having to believe, still i think even when the 5 cases in this trial itself are simply stand alone events, it is much more how and why we see it handled in the way it goes, that will make a understanding of the role it can have in the madeleine case if it even will be reach a court.

and it is a nice way to understand what a german court accepts or not, and there are very little witnesses that had not intertwined madeleine in their statements.
i am not impressed by what the prosecution brings on. it is not the first german trial i followed, past and present. they have a bit of a talent for being sloppy and messy.

what makes it very different is the lack of regulations, yeah, words i would not ever had expected to write about something german, about what could be used in court, it is very much up to the judge(s) what of it will be accepted in the end.

and kate and gerry mccann could easily be convicted in the madeleine case ,if they were german or lived in germany, based on the pj files. what most of us will see as holes in facts and circumstances and lack of evidence is not something germans seems to care a lot about.

still if cb is not convicted in any of these cases and walks free, he maybe deserves that verdict in these cases, but it is still sad such people have a free roam in society. based on his list of convictions i think they could have handled that already much earlier and much better. that is the dual aspect of this trial.

but it is not the wild west or the jungle. they have the information about cb where helge b. connected him in already from late summer 2017, it is not just 4 years, they work by know almost 7 years on that connection. and than having the courage to call the portuguese justice system slow?
but in a true indizen prozess/ indications process you have not need so much as we are used to.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 7:39

from day 5 on it got more difficult to find information instead of british opinionated stuff, and i started to write on another forum at the time too. i no longer made count of the days, but lucky me, they have still dates.

written april 5,2024.

In the trial against Christian B., the main witness describes videos in which B. is said to have raped two women. The descriptions are rich in detail and consistent in the central points. This is important - because the investigators are also relying on him in the Maddie McCann case.

Brunswick. No, this man will not be told what to do. He makes that clear with every step he takes into the courtroom. Strong build, bald head, black polo shirt, glasses tucked into his neckline - that's how he enters. Helge B., 53 years old. A heavy watch on his left wrist, a gold chain on his right. Behind him is his lawyer, witness counselor, in a suit, bald too.
The first questions are formalities. Actually.
Profession? "Roofer."
Address? He won't say. "Take my loading address: BKA, Wiesbaden."
But that's not enough for Uta Engemann, the presiding judge. She could also take him into custody, she threatens Helge B. But that obviously doesn't impress him. "I've already been threatened too," he says, leaning back in his chair. That would have to be enough. And in the end it is enough. No address. And yet no detention. Which speaks against the judge's assertiveness. And in favour of his own.
Helge B. comes across as someone who doesn't like to be told what to do in life. And who usually gets away with it.

In the milieu of criminal dropouts
Helge B. is a key witness in the trial against Christian B., who is also a suspect in the Madeleine McCann case, the most famous missing persons case in Europe, which has been ongoing at Braunschweig Regional Court since February. He is the one who, together with a friend, claims to have seen the videos on which Christian B. is said to have recorded the rape of two women in Portugal. At the same time, however - and this makes his testimony interesting far beyond this trial - he is also the one who put the investigators in the Maddie McCann case on Christian B.'s trail. She "didn't scream at all", Helge B. claims to have heard from him about the girl who disappeared in 2007.
So if Helge B. seemed untrustworthy, are his statements in the Maddie case also unreliable? And vice versa: Is Helge B. a reliable witness, even in the Maddie case?

What Helge reports takes place in the noughties in the south of Portugal, in the milieu of petty criminals from Germany. At the time, Helge B. and Christian B. belonged to a circle of men with an affinity for drugs who specialised in stealing solar panels, diesel and burglaries of all kinds - and who had few scruples between themselves: When Helge B. and a mate hear that Christian B. is currently in prison, they drive to his house and take what they can. Diesel, "300, 400, 500 litres", says Helge B., then "a car, a video camera, a dino set".
"A dino set?" asks the judge. "A lock pick set," explains B. Whatever he found useful at the time. He took all this with him to the Outlaws Altrhein Germany caravan park. That's where he lived.

"Manni, take a look at this!"
However, two boxes of video tapes that he had put in at the time proved to be particularly momentous. They contained a lot of harmless, "tourist stuff", as Helge B. says. And then something that frightened him so much that he first called his mate. "Manni, take a look at this!"
The film showed the rape of an older and a younger woman. The older woman was lying on a bed, her nightgown pushed up, her eyes covered with grey painted swimming goggles so that she couldn't see anything. The man had whipped her, he had worn a balaclava, put on a condom and turned the woman onto her stomach. "You f.cking b.stard, you f.cking ass.ole", the woman shouted, but the man didn't let go. In the end, the man sat on the edge of the bed and took off his cap. "And I was quite surprised when I saw Christian there."
In the end, he pressed a pillow over the woman's face. "And then the video was over."

Irritated mood
A second video showed a younger woman tied to a pole in Christian B.'s house. "Hey Christian, this is rape," she said in the video. He knew then what was coming, says Helge B. The videos have disappeared, B. no longer knows where in Portugal they were lost, so it depends on his statement. Christian B. sits a good five metres away, between his lawyers, outwardly unmoved.

link to article in german;

the nasty words i have changed a bit and dino set is in german also dietrich set, is the set of lockpick keys.

there also was a bit going on about a member of the defence team and a journalist that supposedly visited manfred s. in ancona italia, and the journalist got his computer linked to manfred s his phone and supposedly got so his pass wort of his facebook acount, and helge b. is of opinion ff the lawyer of cb and/or the journalist tried to get in contact through that account to find out where helge was at the time. not really news, but this time it was said in court.

also german news outlets have heard helge told he contacted scotland yard in 2008, i have from the german side nothing found about dave/david edgar.

i like the citation of helge b. himself ; translated

we have all in spain not been innocent, but we never have harmed anyone bodily.

he can be right about their adventures in spain, but there is still a news bit about helge b. that did harm a homeless young woman by beating her up, and robbed her of her last 20 euro's.
so it looks a bit of being quite elastic with the truth.

another little bit of news about the case of the young lady at the pole is that she had long black hair.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 7:40

written april 5 2024;

today seems less popular to take a seat in court to tell us all about it.
and it is unknown if they will have their usual afternoons off on friday or not.

today it was michael t, to put his stories out. given as an carpenter from austria.

he had little news to tell, he met up with cb in the spring of 2006, because of help with his car, a bit strange wording, not clear if it was the car of cb or mt. we can say that escalated quickly because they together out to take some diesel from trucks, got arrested and put up both in jail in portugal.

today again it was hearsay and even more hearsay, because most was only supposedly told by cb to mt.

the story of earning his keep by cb to mt was about breaking and entering houses, tourist houses and hotels. climbing in even first and second floors, and doing that naked to leave no traces.
he, cb, did not care if people slept in the homes, and ones there had been 3 teenage girls sleeping in a living room, one woke up and start shrieking, so their dad had to scare away cb who was stark naked.

cb kept over 500 passports in the little finca, he had a hiding spot in a hole in the ceiling and also a stowaway in the kitchen. he kept a box with jewellery and watches from his break inns.

michael t. was only friends for about 4 or 5 weeks?

michael t. told cb kept whips and handcuffs and a balaclava lying about in the little finca.

and cb has told him a story about a girl of 14, 15 years of age, cb had kept for days on the pole in the little finca.

they also stole solar panels together.

so again stories, hearsay but nothing that truly does fit the criteria of evidence.

the rest of the media we have most likely to wait for until the friday office drinks are done, and a diner is done.

the braunschweiger zeitung has today's article behind their paywall sadly, the rest that had shown a bit of activity today are the mirror, rtl germany, and that spanish rag. nothing they have not written about before.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 7:42

written april 6, 2024

the uk media did even took that further, by first implying that the defence team tried to slow down the start of the trial, and after that telling helge b. has some big c. only he only had that diagnosis for some months, like two months.

and usually it is not even of much importance, witnesses have died before or being not capable to testify, well there are such things are come prepared, like making use of video statements, or court verified statements made in advance.

it is more terrifying if there is a so called death confession from helge b. brings on the guy did tell stories a bit different before in court. yeah that could blow all out of the water.
it is not a process as we are used to from most countries and law systems.

in germany it is possible purely based on indices to get a conviction. they do not need a confession, or direct- witnesses, but can use circumstantial indices to tell the story, so it becomes a bit of who has the best story out will win. it looks much like most civil court proceedings, only there the complaining party must took it up him/her to get the story out.

indices could be facts, but facts in itself even they can not be changed in itself, kan have a very different meaning, like if a person stands before you in a situation with a knife, you could think it was to kill you, but it could also be just someone working in the kitchen cutting up some bread.
or being seen next to a door, it is not sure proof you have broken in through the door later on.

there is a higher threshold in such processes, but not the usual proven by the evidence way we mostly are used to. it is still the story that has to be sold to the judges.

and large parts of this set of 5 cases already shows this can hardly be much more than a process on indices. the stories by the witnesses, 4 so far, tell hardly factual material. and it is mostly story telling, without any evidence to built these stories up.

some very week points two, i mean your back would remember you had taken 300, 400 or 500 liters of diesel, that alone is a lot of jerrycans to stack in cars, and it was going by the witness manfred s. not stacked all in his vehicle, and putting so many jerrycans in a old opel car is not very easy to forget.
so i do miss a better questioning about that. like how did you get the diesel in the jerrycans, we used hand pumping on the farm, and believe me, you know the difference between 300 and 500 liters!

one little point is prove by now, that goncalo amaral had seen the original police statements made by the duo helge b. and manfred s. the defence is written to have asked to been given a copy of these this week, but it is still unknown what the answer was. this was about the official statements hb and ms made for the 2005 rape case around 2018/2019.

all news outlets get some lines out, but that is not how i am used to follow important court proceedings, we still have journalists with lots of court experience that are able to use twitter to give in a very neutral way what is said in court and what is answered.
at least it would give a chance to form your own opinion about what is said.
think back too all the work volunteers had served us with during the trials around amaral his first book. even they understood what clear reporting does, and that such event have a need of it.

and the daily mail got it done, very distastefully, with the reading of the court charges, so it is not that they do not know how to do it in such ways.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 12:29

written april 10, 2024

even the germans seem to have a writers block about this case.

one of two ladies who have been in for a free holiday at the little finca, cb even got them from the airport, but decided they did not like him, and of course that is the evidence this trial needs.

so she and her friend just changed their lodgings. supposedly sometimes in 2003.

they seem to have another important female witness of nothing too, a female drifter in little germany, has heard stories of a story teller and another story teller friend, well without the fine print of the exact wording, not much adventure today in court.

maybe that is the use, to bore the judges so deeply, they simply will never risk it to get cb again in a braunschweig court, their court.

it all has so little substance, was it really needed to get it heard in court?
the judges do already have the files from the prosecution, reading such void testimony must be worse enough.

big chance this trial ends up in the tutorial for prosecution officers in how not to select witnesses of nothing at all.

but who knows if the german news outlets can make it a bit more. well friday new chances.

written april 11, 2024

bild had a bit of citation, it was the answer to the head judge when she asked, why she was forgotten to tell the bka she was afraid to get raped;

"He wasn't unfriendly, he wasn't ambiguous, he didn't harass us," the witness admitted. "We gave him the nickname 'Wölkchen'. Because he was an airhead who wasn't grounded. A fantasist who had exaggerated ideas about life. A petty criminal. He thought that was cool."

Wölkchen = little cloud

the usual happening from the defence team was this day, to ask the court to hear more witnesses, because it look like it that the star witness helge b, must have lied in court, so the defence team would like to get the lady in court who owned the only bar in santa clara, and also a former investigator of the bka, because that last one has no idea that helge b seek contacted earlier on.

even bild cannot write the story of the witness andrea b, in much more than a disappointed pair tourists who expected a nice little finca near the sea for a free 3 weeks holiday.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 12:30

written april 12,. 2024

okay, the former investigator the defence team wants on the stand can be anyone, there are getting more possibilities out, so it also could be dave edgar, the bka or another english police officer.

and a german judge to hear what helge b. told in the earlier 2005 rape case, on the stand about where video tapes been hidden and the caravan(?) of helge b. stood.

i am getting the idea, after each day in court the members of the media are handed a bag of words, neatly cut out by the court workers and that have been given a good shake.

so all start to lay the jigsaw as quickly as they can, but because of the pünktlich scissor work the words can fit in multiple spaces. so the results get a bit different at times. and can also explain why some news outlets need many days before they report about it, quite surprising to see some are after a week not beyond the helge b. statement in court, some even already got the michael t. in.

and the uk media always can make use of the excuse, they had to use google translate, their quick translation app on their phone, or a bungling translator of course, the last are very well known to the uk public.

and even german news outlets start to nick the musings of the uk media, they are not used to it, it takes almost a week to find the stories, but some do take them as gospel. most are at the moment only gotten to the story about the vans, i can understand that, that fairy tale was quite complicated. i mean try to tell the german public, they paid for a police force of 200 boots, and they overlooked a van during their raid of the old box factory, that also was leased many years after one case and scraped somewhere else, but also still in the liar of the bogeyman. or was it still the same white van, remember all the white vans in portugal 2007?

wait till they have to find out the next story, about the hospital minivan driver? not much in connection to the trials that are ongoing at the moment, but some reporting figures cannot have it to leave madeleine out of it.

well today is a new court day, the media outlets are not better informed as the public it is a bit of a mystery who is next in story telling. maybe cb his first love, or one of his many seconds. and it could be a usual half day too, because it is still a friday.

written april 12,2024

this morning it was about the event on the playground of sao bartolomeu de m. in portugal, in 2017.

the now 18 year old witness did not really understand what she had seen then, but can place it now as indecent exposure. cb was not aroused as far as the witness could state. but he made moves with his hand over his male parts.

cb was caught out with his trousers down before children between then 9 and 12 years old. the witness run to her dad, and they called for the police.
but it is said the dad and another man confronted cb, who had a packet of cigarettes in his hand and was on the phone, he tried to escape but they kept him where he was.

that is all there is out at the moment.

it was by title only described by a pay walled article that it would be a portuguese witness day in court.


written april 12,2024

yeah, but , but, but the mirror thinks the former copper must be dave edgar, really.

The detective hired by the family of Madeleine McCann may be called to give evidence in support of the man suspected of abducting her.

Christian Brueckner is on trial over a string of sex attacks in Portugal, one of which happened just weeks before the three-year-old vanished. His lawyer, Friedrich Fuelscher, wants detective David Edgar to help him try to discredit key prosecution witness Helge Busching.

In 2017 Busching told Scotland Yard of Brueckner’s alleged links to Madeleine. He claims that when they discussed the case in 2008, Brueckner told him Madeleine “didn’t scream”. Mr Fuelscher, told the court that Busching claimed to have contacted Mr Edgar. But he said he had been in touch with the detective who confirmed “100 per cent” that he hadn’t spoken to Busching and didn’t know him.

He said Mr Edgar told him: “Brueckner was in our system. His name would have been of immediate interest. I would have immediately established his history of sexual offences.” The judge is now considering whether to call Mr Edgar, 67, as a witness. The Belfast-born retired Cheshire Police detective inspector told the Mirror he would be duty bound to go to court. He said he did not speak to Busching, adding: “I know that 100 per cent. It was not my job to speak to people directly.

“It was like a police incident room. Callers were on the system whether information was relevant or not. I don’t have the records now. I handed everything over to the Metropolitan Police lock, stock and barrel.” Mr Edgar admitted there may have been some confusion due to the different investigations into the case by him, the Met and Portuguese police.

He added: “If I am called it would not be very pleasant but I would have to do it and give evidence. It will be down to the judge.” According to Busching, who has terminal cancer, Brueckner had videos in his flat near Lagos, around seven miles from Praia da Luz, which showed him abusing an elderly woman and a child of about 13.

Madeleine vanished from her parents’ holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in May 2007 while they ate with friends in a tapas restaurant. Brueckner, serving seven years for raping a pensioner in 2019, denies any involvement in her disappearance. His trial for the string of sex attacks on women and children in Portugal between 2000 and 2017 will continue today in Braunschweig regional court.


and more obscure german sources had it about a former bka police officer. but it is understandable, there are many former police officers up and about in this case.
maybe they want both. and just a bit less prime ministers, so mixing up must be easy and to expect.

if they want the scotland yard police officer who helge b. said spoken too, that would be much harder, how to find a police officer at scotland yard covering a special maddie helpline, that was not there in 2008.
helge b. only knew from his own interpretation of some words of cb, that cb must be the man who stole the child after they had a serious talk with some beers at the kite or dragon festival at orgiva in spain. that was end of march 2008.

but i agree a scotland yard former copper would be more interesting to hear from in court, or would he only be able to say no comment, maam, it is part of an ongoing investigation.

in modern law the uk has no legal ground to open up a full independent investigation in this case, but there could be a bit of antique law that they could use. the just used at least the golden rule of law, that of we simply would not tell the public what we are doing.

but it is all so complicated, because the mirror talks again about a flat near lagos. well you could with some fantasy call the little finca a bungalow and they are of course of one single layer on the ground, that could be flat. the other meaning of flat is just an apartment, well that does not sound anywhere near the little finca.

but there was a story going around many moons ago about a flat in portimao that cb lived in, that helge b. had been looking for, together with guys from scotland yard, but could not find back.

and after helge b. could no longer even remember where he left the stuff behind, in a scrapped camper van, or in a house he lived in too at the time, or as it is written the last weeks the caravan.

it is easy to get it all in a twist isn't it.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Wisdom Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 13:47

The entire fiasco is nothing short of a joke, I imagine Brian Rix walking in and out of bedroom doors wearing nothing but floral shorts and a paper bag on his head.

Where is the evidence?

I can't reconcile with the idea of any German court of law being such a farcical sitcom allowing anyone to walk in and say whatever they like to convince the presiding judge innocence v. guilt. Seriously, I've never heard the like, there must be some more reasoned methodology out there somewhere to get a better idea of how they operate? What a thoroughly shambolic fiasco.

Helge Busching and Manfred Seyferth - a comedy act personified. Who could possibly take either one seriously about anything, let alone petty and serious crime. I wager they don't know what they are doing half their lives, how can anyone expect them to be capable of relating a straightforward story?

"She didn't scream ...." Who is 'she' and how exactly were those few words spoken, if indeed they were spoken!

This will still be going on when Christian Brueckner is dead and buried - at least then a case against him can't be realistically argued.

Meanwhile back in la-la land..

I wouldn't trust this source of information either, not after the young lady from the Antipodes a long while ago spliced the video tapes of an interview with Gerry and Kate McCann to make it more spicy.

'Did you kill your daughter?'

'No .... and that's an emphatic no!'

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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 14:50

for the videos it is certainly when made professionally live for tv, always nice to keep in mind they are normally not just in one take or filmed in one piece. the australian series has it even worse, different camera angles for the people interviewed and the interviewer, so that makes it much harder to know if you look at just one story, or a lot of work done much later.

even a few shots with both parties in the same screen is no certainty. often you cannot even be sure the answers are indeed given to the same face you see on screen when broadcasted. and everything can be just mixed together to the most wanted effects. text and context can be lost.

even live interviews can be a few minutes behind, when nasty bits have to be taken out.

what you is what you get is not an given at all.

i did found a piece from a german news outlet, but i want to keep this topic at least a bit following the calendar, nice to have it all together, i think i make another topic for the days that still do come, but maybe there is no need if it is already decision time this week, tomorrow 28 june is the next most likely only half day in court.
but that piece has a nice overview of the atmosphere in court. but i have to find one of the uk pieces back to put it against each other.

it is nice to have it all in a bit of order of at least the natural flow. i agree on the 'what the heck is happening in german courts?', i am not impressed at all. i think sitcom is a good word for it. only they did a bad job when hiring the actors. and you know yourself it is bad, if your head starts making up jokes. not because you want or like that, these cases are serious matter with in 3 known victims, if it is the true perp is unknown. nothing else as just a way to cope in your mind and keep it sane.

and it is not getting any better at all. it still is only words, nothing that is hold up or to show in true evidence at all.
i would never have dared to bring a case in this way to the prosecution even, i would nothing else as a lot of harsh wording and asking if i was just mad, insane or too stupid if not all 3.
and words in itself are not even to accept as evidence in our own courts.

and my own bias is not what matters, i mean i am known i like such people who lay their hands on children best out of society forever, and i can understand they want that too, but in this way?

i can also not remember ever seen a tv series around the german justice system, or read a book about it, most countries have such things, not always that exactly copied, but still it would give an idea. reading up in articles in it does not explain what we see happen now at all. most you got on tv was in a tv program called brisant around dinner time, where only the walk of shame of the defendant to its seat with the usual file holder to keep the face out of public and maybe 5 seconds overview of the court room. with 1 to 3 minutes what the case was about.

they have as it seems a very strange opinion about what can go out of court in information, and for 99% that seems to be dedicated to the press and rest of the media. but there is little to use in check up in that. and the germam public gets the news about this case in a very different way than the uk public.

but going over all the sources i get stil the idea the judges are at least still have enough impartiality. the defence team got not even much critic, but the prosecution does. and by the reputation of their behaviour out of court from june 2020 to the start of this trial in februari 2024 that is less surprising.

i had also expected a much more traditional working court, that asked much more than just words. i do not feel very confident this leads somewhere my mind can understand and accept it.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 15:32

written april 13 2024
this was about the playground case of 2017.
the only new thing was really they both, the woman now 18, and her father a 53 years old electrician testified through a video connection.

the rest of the details is a bit of a quiz, with a phone and holding cigarettes, against using a packet of cigarettes as if it was a phone.

the district reporter looks after i counted the votes wrong to tell daddy saw it too.
and the germans keep it much less cryptic than the uk media.

the stuff about the motions can take quite a lot of time before they got an answer from the judges panel. they had their easter holidays too of course. only the ones that have a direct effect, like the one of the magistrate are handled directly. most will just be handled at the end of the trials.

and a lot of the motions have a need of witnesses, so it was not out of the blue there are month taken out extra to handle this series of cases. and of course it is why you want a lawyer working for you.

all in all there is little to be impressed by the witnesses.

at least the uk media have found the true exclusive interview of helge b with the greek paper, almost 7 years after the fact. a story that reached a journalist at the time by the weekly memo of the police.
they simply missed that notice, and by that 3 years of easy writing. greece athens even must have been such a better location to report from. and even if it is really true helge b. travelled to london, they missed that notice too.

have they found the police team already that did the raid at kennelblick gardens?


written april 15, 2024

so the list of witnesses the defence team wants to hear in court, are given by bild, the german tabloid.

the lady who owned the bar helge b. said he showed the video. in court from an email was the citation, she never heard of the name helge b. and if she was showen or told about such things she would have called the cops. pretty much the same as she said before in one of the documentaries.
her name is given as frances s.

there are two witnesses, at least one nadia p. that was heard in court, but bild gives also a jurgen r. who both told helge b. told about the video's, helge b. was almost in tears when he told it to them.
really? still told about video's. and from other sources nadia also should have told, that helge knew it must be cb, not that he recognized cb, but simply knew.

the next would be dave edgar, who also states never to have spoken to helge b. at least almost impossible, but it could have maybe been a co worker that helge b. spoke too.

the next is a female judge from landesgericht braunschweig, to be asked what helhe b. declared about where his caravan was placed, where he left the video tapes.

and unnamed also a police officer. so that could be one of scotland yard, operation grange or anyone working for the bka around 2017. different sources say different things, some have it on as about the story told to the bka from the uk police forces, others about how the uk police forces made the contact to germany.

bild also gave the link to their scoop with helge b. where he was telling on screen that he had called and spoken to the special maddie hotline of scotland yard in 2008. a hotline that is most likely only known by helge b. it is at least nowhere to find in the history of the mccann case.

and this all goes back to the tales of a convict helge b.

most sources are not direct sources, but just nicked stuff from others, or from parties that do not speak german, or understand over 4 words of a full german court day, that use translators or translation apps of unknown quality.
also german sources, only known by a nickname, that say they took a seat in court in the public zone, tell about very bad acoustics.

and the tales of the convict are not only about the madeleine case, it is to understand that the two cases of with the unknown supposed victims on the supposed once seen video tapes by helge b. are also part of these tales, so in that way it is still that helge b. is the witness who brought cb under attention.

what is unknown is if helge b. has something to gain from his tales. going by his former pal manfred s. helge b. had very empty pockets before the uk police officers talked to him, and had he pockets full again after these days of conversations. also was helge b. very much interested in the reward money.

well before helge b. was bought by the money from bild, helge b. was still telling the world he wanted no money, but was willing to tell his tales if an amount of 50.000 euro's was made over to the madeleine fund. he did not want to earn from it.

helge b. can hardly have been in a need for money at the time bild was his paymaster, because of all the tales about being in police protection from germany. usually that includes housing.

so it is still on topic in this trial and the defence wants to hear what helge b. exactly has declared before to others, and how that reflects the story told to the bka and during this trial.

i still have to look up if witnesses in germany are sworn in before they testify, there is not really a need for, because it is the duty of each witness to only speak the truth, it will just be that telling porkies in the court is contempt of court, and that is a misdemeanour, or if done in a truly misleading way it can be a criminal offence.

it would be less hard to follow if there had been court transcripts of course, the same lines are now often translated, or an interpretation by a reporter, that has no understanding of german at all.
and it is unknown what they do use to get it translated. or if they even been in court at all.
and a lot is first translated from the german in court to english, and a lot of german reporters translate that back to german again.

it gets harder to find open source quality reports from german sources, they love the paywalls too.

then there are the jokers in reporting, who just like us have to make use of what is covered by others. they are usually a full week behind.
it can be worse, on facebook there are some sources of low quality that are a full year behind the story of madeleine, they play out at the moment the polish julia theme as if it is happening all over again.
and some facebook pages just play news outlet, they are now at the arade dam expedition, what is just full click bait and even a full scam adventure.
many of the german possible sources are bound to just the same few press agencies, and it looks like a kind of tombola who can publish the same first and who is second, or third. usually from the third places it looses often out of a paywall, but it takes a lot of time before you can read the same stuff.


april 17, 2024

it looks the mirror is the first, so just use that as a start. the braunschweiger zeitung only had a title out of paywall, about a last rebel of the rebel farm in santa clara and his girl friend in tow for today, but the mirror found another one with stories;

A woman has told a German court that the suspect over the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, Christian Brueckner, befriended her on a dating site and allegedly messaged her about her "cute" daughter

Christian Brueckner befriended a mum in an online ‘paedophile’ chat room and swapped messages about her “cute” daughter, a court heard.

Brueckner, the prime suspect in Madeleine McCann’s disappearance, later met the woman and spent time alone with her child, it is claimed. The convicted paedophile allegedly asked for photos of the four-year-old and told her mum she should be a “model”.

He also drunkenly bragged to her about breaking into Algarve holiday apartments while naked and using a pair of tights as a mask, she said. She gave evidence in court in Braunschweig, where Brueckner is on trial accused of carrying out sex attacks on women and children.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said she met the German pervert online in 2013. “He wrote to me on a regular dating chat site, but I have since found out it’s where many paedophiles and sick people operate,” she said. “At the beginning I thought it was about me. But when I spoke to him, I mentioned my daughter. She was almost four.”

Asked by the prosecution if she noticed Brueckner was interested in her daughter, she replied: “Not at all, otherwise I wouldn’t have done that. He just said he found her cute and said she could be a model.” She said Brueckner spent time alone with her daughter when they went out on dog walks.

“He wasn’t threatening, otherwise I wouldn’t have allowed it,” the mum told the court. “I never had any cause to not let her go.” She said Brueckner was often drunk and would boast about raids he had carried out while living in Portugal. “He said he went into houses where people were sleeping,” she said. “He had tights over his head and had goggles on top. All this was not really for me, the idea of going past people who were sleeping, wearing goggles. I thought, ‘who does this?’.”

The woman said Brueckner, 47, claimed he had stolen a large amount of cash during one raid carried out with a female accomplice. “It must have been a lot,” she recalled. “I’m not sure if it was €100,000 but it was a lot.” Brueckner is accused of carrying out sex attacks on women and children in Portugal between 2000 and 2017.

strange the mirror use the same bit of law to explain why mummy has no name, but do make use of that of the other parties in court.

must have been quite a fashion outing when being just a burglar in the algarve. from leotard with balaclava, till naked with a sock on your head.
before we already had the guys with sloppy burgundy tops from a beer pr kind, with towels bound on its feet. one with a corona-save mask-type. that must have been a trend setter of course.

i was a bit misled by the first sentence by reading mum of a four year old on a paedo site. no, every adult that tells stories of his criminal past, real or fantasy, that is often drunk is excellent company for a 4 year old girl of course. she must have missed out the usual notice about 'be carefull who you are talking too in the online world. i forgot if it was actually france or italy, in one of them that could make you quite criminal, the other wants to make it criminal to share your children online.

and it is still strange that many online like to call cb ugly, head full of scares, still he looks never had much against him when it was about getting female attention. and they did see him in full day light too all of them. his first known one, silke b. is soon expected in court too, and his last in the little finca, marina f., who had packed already hid dirty movies to hand over to christian p. shortly after early april 2006. and there are at least 5 others still in the closet.

the duo females of last week, i forgot to mention, that after they told cb, they wanted to get out, he brought them with the car to a hotel in lagos, and later during their stay, they had still some drinks with the bad vibes man and even found the time to do a nice trip to a lighthouse. really the right things to do with guys you think are out to gang rape you.

none of these witnesses are under oath or promise in court, they still have the obligation to only state the truth by law.

april 17, 2024;

well, well, that was not the best afternoon for the prosecution. a 51 year old woman and a 61 years old man both told they have no idea who the heck helge b. is, do not know the guy, this must be the former biker and also called the last rebel, it was on their terrain helge b. supposedly left a caravan behind with supposedly/possibly/ not so sure the magic supposed video tapes.

helge b. supposedly has declared in court before they had been shown parts of the video tapes.

there is another party that maybe will make it to the court, the female bar owner in santa clara, that only had one single bar, also has no idea who helge b. is, and who already had said on tv screen she knows nothing about any nasty video's, because she would certainly have called the cops.

this from a series of lokal papers. bild has nothing yet, and it gets a bit hard to even find their stuff through their search bar, there are more christan b. 's at the moment, and another one who is suspected of crimes too.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Thu 27 Jun 2024 - 15:33

written april 18, 2024

trying to follow what is happening in court gets the look of a kind of quiz night.

so yes there was a lady in court called anja k, that was at a time one of cb his lady friends, she had a daughter at that time of 3.5 years old, and she got acquainted to cb through a chatting site called chat2000, that most likely was not really a pedo talkshow ever.

and this is the same mother anja that had a daughter cb ended up for in jail because he sexually abused her. there can be some misconception because it was always spoken about a 5 years old girl, but going by the years, anja befriended cb in 2013 in the time he still had the kiosk in braunschweig, but cb got a not guilty verdict the first round in court, and got a guilty verdict in the second round in court during 2015, so the misconception could be the girl was 5 in 2015 during the trial.

anja k. the german news outlets have no problem with giving the first name at all.
but it is this same anja who told the court cb was always friendly and helpful, he also was always under influence of alcohol at the time, and anja thinks he was on the bottle.

and it was the same mother who saw no problem in leaving her young child together with cb without her around.

she was not in court to tell about the abuse, but about behaviour and character of cb, and to tell about the stories cb told her under the influence of the booze, she never took it much serious she thought is was mostly just bragging. but one of the stories was about wearing a panty sock over his head and diving goggles over it, she does not remember if he was naked for the rest of his body.
another story was about a large raid he did for good money, but she does not know about the amount, but cb did it together with a lady friend. it is unknown if it belong in that story too, that cb told her too, that he found a whole lot of money in a laundry bag.
and that he cb, liked to escape over rooftops. that he got in housing where people slept.

well to get that together i have made use of at least 18 different sources, all slightly different, but more equal to that of the mirror got out. only a kind of usa sun got it worse, that told his public cb used the minors of a lady friend to make medical video's, with also a thirteen year old girl.

it is at least unlikely cb did that, and that this 13 years old female was the supposed victim in the supposed video on the post in the finca story, because by helge b. the date on the video was 2005, and he supposedly took the video's shortly after april 2006 when cb was in jail. and it is made known cb only got acquainted with nicole f. on a christmas party just after he got out of jail in 2006.
but there must have been a story of a 13 years old girl from a holiday camp that supposedly and as told by cb supposedly to michael t, during their shared jail time in 2006 caught and kep[t for a few days in a row.

it looks like it that even bild lost the stamina to get a nice court story out about wednesday.
i think i am landing in the idea there is not only a brand new starbucks opened near the court in braunschweig, but that a lot of the reporting is done from a solid old typical german beer garden too.

the story that the last rebel and his girl never heard of helge b. or know nothing about his caravan, most likely would not suit the uk media much.
at least it can only lower your fear for the ai marching in, if i said sloppy reporting that would still be a too big compliment.
a well. tomorrow new chances.


written april 19,2024

today an ex lady friend of cb was in court, 20 years older as cb, met in the authum of 2005 and broke of the relation early spring of 2007, because cb had met another lady friend.

she only once slept ver in the little finca in 2005, and had sex, unsure if it was that day, in the living room.

she had little bad to say about cb.

this is what the mirror thinks she told in court;

'We met in 2005, around October or November. He spoke to me when I was with friends in a bar. He was polite, he had money, he was independent. He worked in restaurants and he painted. But at some point, I found out from him that he also financed himself from burglaries. His house was full of rubbish, car parts and various electric things. Everything was lying around.

“It was just an old house. I was often in the house. I stayed over just once, on New Year’s Eve in 2005. I encouraged him to get a job, because he is not a stupid person, he was kind, nice, and approachable. He had little to drink and didn’t take any drugs.”

Asked by the judge if they had sex, Flache replied: “Yes, in the living room.” She later visited him in prison in Portimao while he was serving an eight-month sentence for stealing diesel from lorries. Flache said they split up in March 2007, just six weeks before Madeleine vanished from her parents’ holiday apartment in the Algarve resort. “It was clear to me that we were not really a pair, he had met someone, and he introduced me to her, and yeah, that was it.”

it will of course at least takes two more days to see if the mirror is correct in its reporting.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Fri 28 Jun 2024 - 8:28

april 20, 2024

so most of the reporters must have had enough time to get their pieces out about friday april 19, 2024, the last court day this week and the 10th episode in braunschweig.

so it was indeed one of the ex lady friends with benefits of cb yesterday taking the stand as a witness.
she is indeed about 20 years older and now well in her sixties.

going by the german news sources, this lady called marina f. knew cb was a hallodri.

let me just gave the wikipedia translation to english of the meaning of that word;

hallodri is a colloquial term used primarily in southern Germany and Austria to describe a light-footed, easy-going person who is sometimes unpredictable due to his volatility.
Hallodri is also used as a synonym for a good-for-nothing, good-for-nothing or windy dog who does not follow moral rules too closely, especially in interpersonal (love) relationships.[1] More benevolently, the word can also be used to describe a bon vivant, rogue or fool.
The term is probably a corruption of the term allotria, which first appeared in the scholarly language of the 17th century and comes from the Greek language.

but when both came together cb was a nice guy, a lovely guy even. they had a kind of relation, and also a sexual one.

when she was asked about her visits to cb in jail in portugal in 2006, there was a list shown to her, that cb writed out during his time in jail, with stuff that has to be taken from the finca, she could not remember such list, or that she had thetask to take things from the little finca.
but from the paperwork it is said that it was marina f. herself that gave this list to the german police herself.
she also supposed to have said during earlier statements to the german police, that she did not understand at all, why they would have to take stuff from the little finca.
when she was asked about cb asking her to clear out the little finca, she could not remember that was asked from her.

direct translation from an article of the german news outlet bild;

Marina F. (64), who had a loose relationship with Brückner in Portugal from autumn 2005. "I was often in Portugal, my parents lived there. He approached me in a bar." She visited him several times in his house in Luz and spent New Year's Eve with him.
The finca was "relatively tidy" and there were no stolen goods or burglary tools lying around. "I never saw any expensive jewellery or passports. But I never opened a cupboard either."

He later confessed to her "that he finances himself through small breaks. I knew that he was a hallodri. When we were together, he was grounded. Because I lead a completely normal life. Maybe he liked that. He's not a stupid person."
In spring 2006, her boyfriend was suddenly unreachable by phone: He was in prison for theft.

Witness Christian P. had previously testified that Brückner had asked Marina F. and him to clear the house of suspicious objects. Marina F. did not initially remember this in court: "I was not approached to clear anything out."

the judge and prosecutor were surprised by this. Prosecutor Ute Lindemann quoted from a letter that the defendant had written to Marina F. from prison on 1 May 2006: He had asked Christian P. "several times to remove all traces from my house as quickly as possible. (...) I am afraid that the police will become aware of the house. The more they find, the more they can accuse me of, the longer I sit here. So far I can still laugh about the stupid police. If this stuff doesn't disappear soon, they'll laugh at me."

A to-do list of the witness was also brought up. It was neatly written down: Jobs that had to be done in the house when Brückner was in prison. "2-3 large boxes and a few rubbish bags" were to be disposed of, the wardrobe, bedside table and chest of drawers were to be searched, cameras and films were to be taken away. -

next week there ids to be expected the judge of the 2005 rape trial, cb is now doing time for.
as far as i do know, marina f. not has been much in the media with her story.

the judge taking the stand is a win for the defence team, this court must have granted their motion that asked for that.

so far it looks like the most pressure from the defence team is laid out on discrediting helge b. his statements, not so strange, because that is how cb was talked in the case of madeleine mccann and directly in both cases of unknown and supposed victims on supposed videos. the case on the play ground in 2017 was a caught in the act at that time, only the act is still in question in this trial.
the 2005 rape case and the girl on the beach are more indirectly the result of helge b. his words, they come after the german police asked portugal for outstanding cases with such modus operandi.
the case of the holiday rep hazel b. came to the list as a result of the media attention about the mo in the 2005 rape case, it supposedly was a brother of hazel b. who saw that in a news story and told hazel b. about that. hazel b. sought herself contact with the police.

hazel b. told her story in her own words long before cb got in the spot lights, there are still older articles from 2015 to find about a interview on a irish broadcast.

helge b. only started to talk about cb in connection to multiple crimes in 2017.

the only other thing that happened in court this friday was that the defence team again made objections in court about helge b. for telling multiple versions of the story and that the defence team will take action through other witnesses and paperwork.
but that happens to become a tradition each court day.

well and there is the sun as spreader of news in their view too;

the sun does not believe marina f. broke off her relation to cb in march 2007, because they are by words of the sun pictured together in may 2007. pictured can mean multiple things as there is a picture of both at that time, or it is just someone who tells in a picturing way of a meeting between the two.

you have to read on to get it;

But asked about a photo of them together on a beach in May 2007, she bizarrely replied: “Maybe the photo just has this date on it.”

and the sun travels on by telling us, cb must have had two women in may 2007 at his side, well at least he is not on trial for that, and it is not something that is directly criminal of course. or a very unique happening.

the other woman must going by earlier media attention be nicole f. well both relations fit more with the friends with benefits relation style, than a living together happily forever after. and going by the media presence cb has no short list in lady friend attention at all.

the translation of the little finca to being a flat makes it not really clear to the readers of the sun.

but the sun tells marina f. also told the court cb was also into painting, the arty kind, and that she brought him stuff to do that in jail in 2006.

there are social media postings around, that give the impression the sun has redacted this article already. because they mingled up their years, and before there was a notation about emptying out the flat , so material around madeleine her case could be gone lost.

well i think i have to take a little dive in the internet archives to find that out.

even the fans of the sun must have understood that would be very unlikely, to work away traces of something that only could have happened a full year in the future in 2007.
cb was in jail in portugal from the start of the second week of april 2006 til around christmas 2006.

sometime in between the little finca was fully emptied out on behalf of the owner, still not of a known date, but the suggestion of that told on tv, it was still done in the first half of 2006.

but last week another finger in the news of the same holding hands called out that cb snatched a child in 2008.

these little mistakes in the media may look small, but think what the future ai-reporter replacements will do with it.

episode 11 is to be expected coming wednesday the 24th of april 2024.

and the forecast who takes the stand is not been very successful before.


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christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb. Empty Re: christian brueckner aka christian brückner, or in short cb.

Post by Onehand Fri 28 Jun 2024 - 8:30

april 19, 2024

VIDEO NASTY Madeleine McCann prime suspect Christian Brueckner ‘told girlfriend to clear out flat where he kept rape & torture vids’
Brueckner was romantically connected with two women around the time of the McCann abduction

that is about the same ex lady friend marina f. in the sun.

but i found what the sun first had put up in a quote on another forum, so it must have been in, it was on reddit too reused.

this comes from websleuth;

The monster allegedly ordered his former lover to 'clear out his flat' to erase any evidence that could lead to him being charged with Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

and this copied from a message on reddit;

Brueckner ordered former lover to 'clear out flat' to erase any evidence that could lead to him being charged with Madeleine's disappearance

two different sources, that has nothing in common to be the same poster, so they must have changed it later on.

on a german language forum it was already noted that the english news guys could have little understanding of the german spoken in court, reflecting about what made it in their articles in the media.

but it is quite a time consuming enterprise looking for the bits and pieces in the german media, the first good source was the braunschweiger zeitung, but that has all their cb articles behind a paywall now. and it is just being lucky you find german articles early through google.

still their ai thingy must keep up, i get now at least half of my adds in german.

i have now already 20 different titles bookmarked, and on most you have to use their own search bar to find bits about cb.
but even the uk mirror, who was this week the first with news i had still to use the search bar.


april 20, 2024

only the british are sloppy when wealthy enough to book through mark warner.

it was not even that expensive to have a stay in the ocean club. a two room unit like 5a did go for 225 euro's for a week at that time without the sporty activities and child care. most of that is lost, i found the price at the time at the site of a former dutch tour operator that was then already part of the holding thomas cook.

i paid more for a plot on a camping in spain that year for a week. not even with all day water available to shower.

there have been other housings available that been more upstanding. but it would at least in dutch eyes in 2007 not typed as a upstanding ressort at all. jewellery does not tell it price and worth, i mean it can look great, you can be fond of it too, but that does not make it's worth at all.

and it still is loot, and still stolen if it is made available. there is nothing to say it is not the usual quality you can buy on the market in amsterdam for a 10 euro's de bucket, same with watches and phones.

and going by the stories, cb must have showed a much larger footprint in living, still all we are shown is just junk too. he did not even own that little vw transporter camper van, and a second or how many more jaguars are not that populair they would worth that much. they are bad on the millage on sprit for the common second hand market. hardly the super crook status the media likes to give him.

and all his female friends indeed not very criminal. that he actually had time to do criminal stuff is a miracle in itself.

i think the mirror can do better put its money where its mouth was, and get asap these cheaper student reporters in. the sun is just a lost cause, but that cannot ever been different.


april 21, 2024

19 Apr, 2024 @ 18:49

‘Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner abused my four-year-old daughter during dog walks in the park – while taking sick pictures of her’
Jon Clarke (Publisher & Editor)

that is about the testimony of anja k.

she was not in court to tell about that specifically, and it is the same woman that never saw any reason to leave a guy she met through a chat and as i understand from the german public a dating site and a pretty standard one, and to leave her young daughter alone with.

there are sadly no court transcripts available, so it is guesswork what exactly is said during their statement in this court. a lot of media mix in older material and made a story from it, and it is very hard to know what is what.

and it is not a new story in itself, even stronger, cb already was convicted and did time in that case. it was also this specific case, i did found the paperwork for it some time ago, that cb got extradited after his arrest in the playground case in portugal.

and this court format seems to be typical for a so called german indizen process. instead of the usual showing of hard evidence, it is more the stories told, including hearsay that must result in a opinion of the court, and a verdict.

it is the judge itself, and in this case it is a higher court so multiple judges will be team judge, that decides who will be heard in court and when. the judge team already has the full files of the prosecution, including a list of earlier convictions.

the hearing of witnesses before the court are there mostly to answer questions the judge team still has, and can also be a control to their own earlier statements.
the defence team has the same full prosecution files also, and can ask by motion, during the case or before hand to let others bring on statements that usually are the opposite of a witness that was brought on by the prosecution. and during court the witnesses are simply witnesses of the court.

and the judge team has a lot to say about what can be asked, and ask what they want , when they see a need for it.

so that is very different from the traditional uk courts. and even different from court in other countries that make use of continental law systems.

the judge team, only the professional judges get the full prosecution files here, it is up to them what the two magistrates/lay judges can take a look at.
but because the judges have the full story from the prosecution already, it matters less in what specific order witness come in.
there usually is a preliminary list of witnesses, but the defence can simply ask by motion for getting others in too. officially the prosecution can too, but they do that mostly in advance, but it it will always up to the judge team who really have to come in and make a statement.

another different thing is, that witnesses are normally not under oath or promise during their statements, it can happen , but only if the judge sees a need for that.
it is already laid down in the law that witness only can state the truth. telling lies before the court is an act of crime, for minor influenced once it is mostly to see as a misdemeanor, for heavier influencing lies it handled as a serious crime. that too is already in the criminal code of the bundesland itself, so that replaces the standard of having to take the oath or promise to speak only the truth.

but because of the quite wild, sloppy and often strange reporting it will be hard to conclude what actually is going on by mouths of the witnesses in court.

going by other pieces by other reporters some sentences are a bit off, so they get a slightly different meaning in it all, or no longer are even what the witness said. and that is always much easier to fix to your liking when you do have to translate the words. and there is also the difference when a direct quote is used, or not. even easier with the in this case very common kinds of reporters.


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