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The Foreign Detective - Book

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Mon 2 Sep 2024 - 18:43

in my experience there is not much difference in how a bunch of police officers can think in variety compared to the same number from an average group of members on a crime discussion forum. training can be put pretty equal to dedication.
not so strange as they are still all humans living in the same period of time. it os a bit easier to tell your team members to keep it realistic.
and the same types of misunderstanding by abuse of the meaning of words is not that different.

if you look back in time, what the law means when we call someone a suspect, and to what most police officers use, and the public adapted to very well, is different, common language does not help much in that concept too. where it once and officially still is, is just a person that has information against him/her that could make it needed to look more into a possible role, that can be on two different fronts, an amount of guilt in a criminal event, not perse the case at hand even, or being a party that through behaviour has a liability to another party.

it is in origin a very soft state, usually starting from a reasonable amount of suspicion, there are no other more clear boundaries set in the law. the person is by law still fully innocent. and you want something found out about that person, and that person has to protect that being innocent
all rules around that are still to follow up very strictly. that state of being innocent has to be going on until a case goes to court, comes under the ruling of that court and only after the process a verdict will decide on guilty or liable or not.

still many police officers and the majority of the public translate it very early on into a state of being an offender, or worse the offender in a specific case, the person who did something bad. a must be guilty follows easily from there.

such things are only bringing on a mist of misunderstanding.

worse is what is happened to the meaning of evidence, that has made the same kind of route, and it is still under devaluation.
most you see it used when it is only information, and yes some information is more important over other, but there is usually not so much that make it into being evidence. and information gathered during a investigation will only get its full meaning much later on in court. investigations do not solve cases, they prepare the information for use in a court.

if i bring that back to the words of the writer also known as the foreign detective, his words in his interview present people he states to have seen as evidence of a grave site. in reality it is still information, there is nothing that makes it more than just that. there can be numerous explanations for seeing people on a hidden camera. there was no full investigation done in why these people showed up, and there is also still an extra human factor to take care of and that is correct identification of these people, after that can an investigation be done in looking what explanation can be the correct one. still this is half of the job, because the only conclusions about it are a privilege of a court, not the investigation.

if an investigator has the experience there is no need for a team to assist in that way of thinking, that is become second nature. if you have experience in criminal investigating you know all you have is still raw information, and the next step is use your mind and training to investigate, and a team is very welcome in that, what is not the same as filling the gaps with opinion and guesswork and tell the public it are facts and evidence of this or that. and this writer has not even to call it evidence, he has his cronies for that task.

and that is the very different from working in a team in a criminal investigation, because they know how to handle you with sincere doubt, instead of praise and bowing by cronies, you will hear things like; are you sure of that, i do not agree , i think something different, naa, it sounds not complete enough, or we still need more information. if you are lucky and enough reach just the beginning of a thought you could be right, the consensus will be let's investigate that further. teams are usually not made up with the easy believers, i liked that very much. i would not feel well if beliefs and feelings about what fits lead to take the freedom of others, even when that would mean not innocent people escape their punishment with it too.

some weeks ago a lady living locally already put a series of pictures and told, that area is also a popular spot for dog walkers, and to bury pets. not so much by digging in the spoil, but by putting stones over a dead pet. it was said to that that cremains of dogs been spread out there.
so why would finding a letter m laid out with stones not be just mean a memory of mopsi instead of madeleine. it is not as simple as pick what you like best.

and that is the difference between doing an investigation and telling a story.

also seeing it as a game, a contest, or competition sounds not very serious.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Spamalot Sat 7 Sep 2024 - 17:53

Yet the blind adulation continues unabatted in certain quarters, as with the Christian Brueckner debacle - it's taken on a life of it's own, I'd go so far as to say it's grown legs as time passes. A millipied?

The general consensus seems to be, create a scenario from the limited available information and build an elaborate castle in the air with invention, quite freqeuntly wild imaginings based on nothing but an idle mind. There have been quite a number of people with a 'profile' that should speak in their favour but in reality only discredits their profession and individual contribution to the subject matter. No names mentioned!

Truth be known, it's impossible to untangle a case such as that of missing Madeleine McCann with only the case files, as published in the public domain, to guide. It has been said on many occasions, both by the press/media and social media commentators, how the Portuguese police 'bungled' the investigation, seemingly because the groundwork is unknown, all that information gleaned over the year not published.

The weather conditions in Praia da Luz during the McCann's short holiday is still being pushed forward to find fault with photographs and testimonies, ultimately to try and prove MBM was not where and when she was said to be. Unless you were there at the exact same time and the exact same places, how can you possibly be sure - sure enough to presume fact?

From what I've ssen and heard that's precisely what the Foreign Detective has been working on all these years - castles in the air.

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Spamalot Sun 8 Sep 2024 - 15:22

Well, having a cursory look around social media, the Foreign Detective seems to be fast losing credibility - no surprises there, except in this enlightened age you'd think they would have wised-up sooner rather than later. Still, better late than never!

Some for the sake of courtesy claim to be keeping an open mind on the subject, nonetheless starting to question the tantalizing hype and mysterious half told revelations so far.  Or perhaps because they of a higher order continue to believe with little or no reservations - he's apparently been working on the case for about 7 years and he must be right because he says so!

Oh me of little faith.

Would you believe they are still trying to weave the name Christian Brueckner into the web of intrigue, along with other unrelated bodies who have been fished from the choppy waters surrounding the mythical island of Atlantis.

Still as they say, none so blind as those who don't want to see.

There is even talk about inner and outer reactions to the publication, like why the police haven't taken it seriously and why The Foreign Detective hasn't been sued for defamation (or some other legal definition) - good questions indeed, questions that require little thought to work out and answer for yourself!  Let's start with the police - more to the point why would the police take this seriously, a novelty book with little or no believable substance yet written like a murder mystery in preparation for the next installment?  Secondly, considering  the many publications, videos, social media sites, mainstream press/media outlets already circulating how can any fair minded soul even think legal action feasible let alone possible.  Still a few think it a sign of something big!

So I ask the question again - why did The Foreign Detective tell/sell his story in book form, on sale at a market place near you, rather than take it to the Portuguese police, the only official police force able to further investigate?

The same old names crop up again and again and again and again ad nauseam.

'The power of observation is often called cynicism by those who have not got it'
George Bernard Shaw

Pour me a drink ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Sun 8 Sep 2024 - 16:16

writing books about this case is never a way to get much fame and glory from it.

two weeks favorite is not even that bad at all.

i think there is at least easily a shelf of around 120 cm needed to have them all. okay some you have to keep up with the glue pot, but it is quite a long list.
at least the newer once have e-book versions too, not directly better for the environment, but it saves a tree for a new shelf.

i like real books still better, but a large influx of editing could work wonders of course.

i think amaral had the only international bestseller, but that was not only informative great, but written in a great and easy to read style too. so well deserved too.

but there been so many already, all promise a solution, but they are all different, and it is a real life case, so there can only be one.

and how easy so many walked away of their own works and thinking, that was quite surprising. printed in a book form itself or more pages does not really tell anything about the used theory.
and here the mystic elements may have played a bit overly in a first uprising.

but you cannot ask the mouse to wait for weeks on promised cheese.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 8 Sep 2024 - 19:35

That's the thing that's always stood apart from all else, the variations on a theme produced over the years with total disregard for the professional integrity and ability of Mr Amaral and his team.  Effectively, those who consider their alternative theory to be nearer the mark, are indirectly agreeing with the British tabloid press when said the Portuguese investigation was botched and bungled by incompetence.

You could almost think it a diverse way of indirectly supporting Gerry and Kate McCann by deflecting blame.

There has never been good compelling reason to doubt the Portuguese investigation under the supervision of Mr Amaral, why do these internet sleuths think they know better than the actual case workers?  They and they alone know all the investigation detail not included in the files released for press and public viewing so what right do these interfering armchair detectives think they have to rewrite history?

It's rumoured that Mr Amaral was sent details of an unofficial investigation undertaken by internet sleuths some long while ago - or perhaps the Portugeuse Judiciary as he left the police service after the parents McCann ruined his life, whatever, it never materialised into anything constructive - no surprises there!  It must be quite an insult to a senior police officer to be directly or indirectly accused of incompetence, not only do they get it in the neck from the missing child's parents through legal channels but also members of the public who, for some obscure reason, seem to think they know better.

Mass hysteria springs to mind.

The Portuguese investigative team concluded that Madeleine McCann disappeared on the night of 3rd May 2007, having completed a very thorough painstaking investigation (much of which was documented and released into the public domain) - how can anyone not directly involved think they know better?  We are not talking of witness here, we are talking of internet sleuths building castles in the sand.

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 13:30

This twiggery looks decidedly familiar

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Scree191

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Fri 13 Sep 2024 - 13:45

Rush whilst stocks last

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Scree192

Publisher Description

This book is based on The Foreign Detective's seven years investigation of the Madeleine McCann case.

The first part which is 2/3 is the analysis part, where the statements of the involved parties are scrutized and completely destroyed.

The lies of the faked abduction on May 3rd of 2007 will be exposed, and the evidence that Maddie died in the apartment the night before will be thoroughly laid out.

The author will also reveal where the body was temporarily hidden till it was moved to the hill East of Praia da Luz by using the car the parent rented three weeks after the alleged disappearence. the cover up of the accident inside the apartment is also discussed and revelaed in this book.

The last 1/3 of the book The Foregn Detective  shares his foot on the ground investigation where he found plausible areas for Maddie's grave. He looked for  symbols and put up trail cameras where interesting people showed up. He then started a cat and mouse game with the parents to trick them to the area so he could narrow down and get closer to the place he believes they buried their daughter. Truth stranger than fiction is a good description of this last part of the book.

The author's investigation confirms the conclusion of the Portuguese police except the timeline. This is the key thing about the case, the WHEN.

The author claims to have solved the four big questions in this case.

1) When Maddie died.

2) Where she was temporarily hidden.

3) When she was moved to her final burial spot.

4) Where the area and which likely spots it could be

Hasten Jason, fetch the basin!

Still the gullible believe which is in itself hard to believe - clutching at straws maybe, or is it the relentless armchair super sleuths on a new voyage of discovery ....

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Scree193
A ship of fools

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Spamalot Tue 17 Sep 2024 - 18:00

Admittedly patience for me runs thin, life is to short to waste on watching lengthy videos full of nothingness and reading books likewise.  Certainly I wouldn't pay good money for the doubtful privelege of seeing or hearing an apparent hawker selling his/her wares.

So The Foreign Detective is continuing to dominate social media as regards the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, it's even overtaken the long drawn out pretence of the German prisoners alleged involvement.

Why stand in the way of a good story!

However, it's not a case of standing in the way of a good story is it, the story is being propagated as a 'possibly' realistic saga of imaginings, the figment of a questionable mind - the core of which seems to be .... 'no abduction !!!'  Sorry mate you're too late, that ship went down with the Titanic - it's all in the PJ files if you care to look, not to be re-written nor misinterpreted for whatever reason.

Rumour has it The Foreign Detective has even been in contact with the PJ, or intends to at some stage in the future - presumably when sufficient tension has been built by the dribs and drabs, the installments I bellieve they are referred to, before the bomb explodes. Quiver quiver shake and shiver!.

I have watched bits here and there of the extensive 'you tube' (yes folks, you tube - that platform that strictly forbids mention of the name McCann - at least in the head of the theorist/s) video coverage.  The Foreign Detective said he's been playing cat and mouse (?) with Gerry and Kate McCann, covertly filming them on location (Portugal in particular), he also claims to have been filming and talking with a couple (man and wife?) he refers to as the Nuggets.  The Nuggets have apparently been filmed skulking around the black rock, the location where The Foreign Detective thinks Madeleine McCann is buried.  

Isn't that sort of behaviour referred to as harrassment and/or stalking - both matters for the police when connected. loosely or otherwise, to an unsolved case of a disappearing 3 year old child?

The entire story presented by this Foreign Detective that I've seen and heard, is very immature, very unprofessional, very hard to believe, very lacking in solid substance - like facts and evidence.

I'm sure we can all present ideas, possibilities, theories, call it what you like but the question is and remains unanswered - why are people taking this man seriously?  Why are they flying in the face of reason and logic just for the sake of yet another outlandish theory, interwoven with very unlikely claims?

It has been said repeatedly, you can't or shouldn't pass judgement if you haven't read the book.  Well I haven't (I doubt many have), nor will I waste any more valuable time trying to interest myself in another story - especially if expected to pay for the privilege but I have watched videos of the man talking of his theories (yes folks, that's all it is) and associated matters.  It's all too far fetched for my liking, roll over Enid Blyton - there's a new kid on the block.

Apparently this latest story is being related in some way to the Portuguese Judiciary, or perhaps the now retired officer who coordinated the original investigation back in 2007/2008.  No doubt the result will be followed-up with further rumours across social media of a state cover-up or some other juicy gossip to while away those idle hours.

I could be proved to be wrong but the way things are looking, I doubt it.

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 18:09

the concurrence never sleeps.

not only by having different stances or opinions on the same matter, they all have to have grown into the habit of doing the dogs leg up over each others product. at least all seem to have found a way to make money of opinion, so that would made an opinion a product i think.

looking for some comments about the latest of the guy without names, you get sometimes the wild idea there must be two different version distributed on the world wide web. some who been impressed a few weeks ago with the man from norway, have now praise for the man with no name doing a doggy up over their earlier victim of praise.

by that someone who speaks a most likely usa english, probably an ia or ai at work, but that present to be from portugual is quite busy with putting his/her/it own opinion mingled in. i think 9 parts already.

all simply do do little of their own, but make use of work done by many others. what is not the most fresh finding as the way to go.
it is simply a given in this rat race.

well it zzzooms around there will be a next interview with the man from norway, just a few weeks to go. more noise is grown into a silent whisper. not even a glimpse of a wild cam print with mccann related specimen in sight.

who knows until then we always can listen a bit more to simon and garfunkel.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 20:00

Scarborough Fair or The Boxer?

There appears to be a common thread weaving it's way through the new kids on the block, they all seem to be feeding off each other with little or no productive impact, together with little or no conception of reality.  What we now see is yet another repetition of similar past nonsense bandied across social media for the past 16+ years.

The latest, or thereabouts, the Deception Detective is now having a leak about the Foreign Detective having a leak about the retired detective having a leak about the investigative journalist having a leak about the forum armchair detectives - so on and so forth.  It's like a shaggy dog story - only not so appealing!

Did you know there is a mystery (another one?) gremlin pulling the strings of the ever gullible low grade press and media, telling them what to report and/or what not to report?  Or is it more likely a small group of like minded hacks working with a similar mind set/objective, rather than a monumental conspiracy to avert the course justice?  Whatever, MI5 and/or MI6 are never far away from the core of the mystery - apparently.

Who even started that questionable assertion in the first place?  There was something circulating social media many moons ago, that still hangs about here there and everywhere like a dank stench, that the one time suspect Robert Murat was working for MI5 - or was it MI6?  At the time there didn't appear to be good reason to harbour such a suspicion, other than the mischievous over zelous imagination of a social media spokesperson and one of lifes multi-talented failures.  The Portuguese Judiciary didn't report any such suspicion or even hint at such, they rank as the closest link you will ever get to facts and evidence, thus can be relied upon as the most trustworthy investigators - 'official' investigators!  Second thoughts, the case coordinator was reported (or interpreted/translated) to have once mentioned MI5/MI6 having all the answers but that was just another red herring.

At the end of the day, not one of these social media 'experts' are working police officers nor any other career position to make them believe they know better.  Nor do they appear to understand the way the press and media operate.  Still, why try and demolish a good solid garden fence that's so much more dependable than reasoned rationale - but don't mention moss, a lot can be built on and around one little word.

From little acorns do mighty oaks grow ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 20:28

bridge over troubled water if i may suggest?

i think the mi 5 and 6, the only bastion not translated in overly realistic comedy, was pretty quickly in the minds at the time, but i think amaral put some coal to the fire, or the odd turf, to tell martin grime was taken aside by one of the mmmmm or mmmmmm guys, when arriving for departure on the airfield. and of course amaral could have been right in his guess. or it was just the comity of the fbi to get him in their ranks, they use the same suits.

gremlins is so eighties. isn't that one followed up by the cookies monster, i am not sure if you escaped sesame street in the uk and i would not dare to look it up.

nothing really new in the turnings of the sentiments of course, isn't it always been when one mouth closes, the other will end up screaming for a time. it seems a bit of a contest in who can get the most groupies again.

i would be the last to protest about keeping on talking about a case like this is a bad thing. still i agree when you get into the fata morgana of thinking you just solved the case, buy a mirror and keep telling it only there.

there is not really something to solve by the armchair branch, that indeed has to be done by the official not paid per view selection of officers of the law, what would not easily will happen, too much politics in the way and some odd time waisting private projects here and there.

think about it as an armchair detective you have to step aside for the sardine munchers and the onion peelers. the currywurst chewers do not count for real of course.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 21:06

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Scree207

A national hero!

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 21:31

Or something lost in translation?

We are given to understand Mr Amaral doesn't speak English so chances of trickery are high on the list of probabilities.

Remember the Australian presenter showing a video clip of Gerry McCann said to be during an itnerview?

Australian reporter: Did you kill your daughter?

Gerry McCann: No and that's an emphatic no!

Believe that you believe anything - but yes, they did believe it.

Wasn't the revelation about MI5's involvement featured in the Netflix mockuplenty, there's about much truth in that production as there is circulating social media.

There is no problem discussing the case of Madeleine McCann, or any other case, providing one sticks to facts and evidence and well reasoned opinion - that's where it all goes wrong as has been seen over and over again across social media.

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Sun 22 Sep 2024 - 21:58

amaral indeed seems to prefer not to make use of the spoken english lamguage, but it is fair to take from his education on university level, it would have been hard to get through that without a above average understanding of that same english language, as most scentific papers used there are in english and often some others too, but portuguese alone could not likely be sufficient. all international used stuff on that level is also english.

so by that i think amaral must have enough familiarity with english to understand a lot.
and the guys of secret services still use badges, a bit smaller usual, and a glimpse would be enough.

i found it interesting he spoke of guys from mi 5, because mi 5 is only inland affairs, and that brings this case in a bit different light.

where it is used in one of the two productions i saw today there is a little mistake made, martin grime indeed wrote his own report, but he was not working on his own alone, during the searches with his dogs, there also been portuguese police officers present. so it never could be martin grime alone in reporting about the dog findings.

it is also important to keep in mind, there is no full footage of all the time the dogs were doing their work, there are many cut pieces in circulation on the internet. also the original source of the video footage is not without question marks. so all you can deduct needs the exact and correct references. otherwise you walk in misunderstandings and discuss no longer together but in parallel worlds.

i still have to look some chapters of the netflix thing, getting it to part 3 was hard enough and i was told after that is just get worse. i think mi 5 would be too political correct.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 29 Sep 2024 - 15:10

It's difficult to understand how any self proclaimed intellect can so easily put their belief and faith into the words of a total stranger, not even met in person but through contact by e-mail and social media.  This, in spite of the horrors heard daily about online deception, fraud, stalking, grooming - the list is endless, yet still people are drawn in like flies to a heap of dung.

There is a tendency for an egotist to get carried away with their own sense of importance, thus easily lose direction when lured by a predator.  Perhaps they are fed sweet words to soften that sharp feigned intellect, to break down barriers, to get into the mind of the target, not difficult for a predator to accomplish without being detected.

Here we find such an example with The Foreign Detective, who commences his voyage of mischief .... wait for it - yes, in disguise!  How can any right minded human being take such cloak and dagger entry seriously?

But alas, they do!

Excitement across social media festers whilst awaiting the next installment of The Foreign Detective's escapade, a new over stated meet with the social media opportunist James English, possibly closely followed by yet another exclusive of that name that fills the attentive audience with admiration and anticipation, Sonia Poulton.  All the old hands on deck come to the rescue of The Foreign Detective, should his five minutes of fame be swallowed by another hungry passing shark.

The intellects and their fan bases, so easily fooled by sweet talk in the past, again fall hook line and sinker - doesn't logic, even common sense, ever enter their brains?  Is common sense too small minded for the intellect, what is an intellect in reality anyway - a book worm, a studious home bird, a parrot? Whatever, anybody who allows themselves to be persuaded to walk the plank of destiny needs a reality check which can be so easily effected by descending the stairway of assumed superiority.

If looking to perfect the cultivation of the prize cabbage the internet is not the answer, you can locate and read hundreds and thousands of online tutorials and each and every one will give conflicting advice and information.  Indeed, the only way to learn cabbage cultivation is by personal experience - like do it yourself, then if or when it all goes belly-up you've only yourself and environmental factors to blame.

The case of missing Madeleine McCann is truly a shaggy dog story - as time passes the original Portuguese police investigation is laid to rest gathering dust and cobwebs in the dungeons of decay whilst social media is again swept along by a new revelation dictated by a modern day herald.

Eureka !!!

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 29 Sep 2024 - 15:21


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 29 Sep 2024 - 15:34


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Sun 29 Sep 2024 - 18:39

going by the case history and the chapter of all the books, there are plenty out already, so it is easioer on the mind to first play the game of wait and see, before investing in what is still another theory.

the writing down, nor the printing it in a book makes it reality. so i do not understand all the hassle. in the end it are not the stories told that solve a case, but the people who have to do it as their job. and as it is an old case, it means they cannot decide to walk in and start an investigation into each story they get on their desks.

if the guy his story has substance it still has not be answer to this case to end it. only no substance is shown that well at the moment. he also had no access to more than there is out in public. some points he reached during one of the interviews was from incorrect understanding, i agree not the most clear person to understand at times, but still it is his interpretation that is not correct. if you use such little things to put a date on, you walk a narrow plank.

i agree this case need solving, and i do not care by who or what as long as it is indeed by a truthful story. for this one it is a bit early days. he does not to be in a hurry, by his first steps in the big open world, he must already have reached a conclusion , the contacts he says to have had with the portuguese police must be not that fresh too by that. his maskerade was because he needed a publisher, it still does not agree with what i would expect from a serious writer, mostly because all this case does not have a need of is more drama.

this is a version that still needs a lot of people showing dishonesty, reality dictates that is rare to keep it hidden for all this time.
and i have seen nothing that makes this a standing out theory. or that throws the one of the first investigation out of the window. the pitfall is usually that it all hangs on what meaning you put on something, and meaning is very different from person to person, and none had to be right.

as always it will be wait and see, and the chance it will be back to the drawing board is still quite large.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 29 Sep 2024 - 20:42

Oh no no no, this is nothing short of the second coming anticipated for the past 2,000+ years - depending which tabloid your prefer to believe.

Social media is getting very frothy about this messiah with all the answers - apparently.  However, the bubble will burst eventually, that's inevitable without a well reasoned theory based on fact and evidence to favour as opposed to an omnibus of nonsense that only Edward Lear could equal.

It's more entertaining than the Edinburgh fringe and just as expertly cut and blow dried.

Let's await with bated breath for that explosion of a party pooper when folk realise they have been seriously duped!  It wouldn't be the first time, I doubt it will be the last, meanwhile watch and listen as the cogs keep clogging at every revolution.

Has The Foreign Detective revealed any of his secrets yet, or does he continue astounding his audience with repetitions of social media commentary seen over the past 16+ years, with a few tantalizing tales of his own making.

Trouble is you see the fan base has been this way before, embarrassingly duped or deceived by frauds leaving the fan base frothing at the mouth with vengeance a forthought.  No getting away with it, it's all there in black and white indelibly printed for posterity and all to see - that's what comes of having an ego the size of the Asian continent.  A loss of reality.

Sometimes the waiting game is nothing short of a pleasure ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Mon 30 Sep 2024 - 14:31

The stupidity is that some people can't understand why intercontinental police forces don't jump to attention every time a member of the public conjures up a new theory - whatever their efforts entail, to the social media super sleuth this inaction equates to a cover-up at the highest level!

Okay if a member of the public comes across something that could be or lead to vital evidence, rightly it should be reported to the police, otherwise it can be viewed only as a time wasting exercise - any seasoned experienced cop would soon see it's possible value.  An exploit launched in the public domain by a stranger in disguise calling itself 'The Foreign Detective' does little or nothing to inspire confidence, unless promoting an amateur Shakespearean tragedy staged at the local village hall, then it might have some impact.

The Foreign Detective has claimed to be playing cat and mouse with Gerry and Kate McCann, by artfully luring them into traps he has set-up in Portugal.  Now this alone is very difficult to believe, firstly from what we've seen of Gerry McCann's past performances he is not a man to be trifled with - very career focused and ambitious.  Would he have the time or inclination to keep running to Portugal every time an imposter snaps his fingers, after everything they've already been through?  Can anyone realistically see Kate McCann secretly flitting over to Portugal every five minutes to check on her daughters grave because an anonymity has been in contact with hints about this that or the other?  What of the press and media, as said before now, one whiff of either or both the McCann's making clandestine trips to Portugal and they would have been hounded day and night - 17+ years down the line would they ever take that risk, especially when being compromised by a 'The Foreign Detective'.

Don't people care about others any more, don't they have any compassion for the extended family and circle of friends that will ultimately be affected by year upon year of scandalous gossip?  Have a heart!

But I hear you cry - why is this book going unnoticed, why haven't the press and media covered it, why have the police ignored it, why aren't people taking it seriously - outside a handful of cyber sleuths?  The answer to that insignificant little conundrum is so easily explained if you care to think about it, sure you can manage that if you rid the mind of salacious nonsense and think rationally, without some hysterical poser influencing your every thought.  Crime is for the police to solve, not the public.  

Most definitely a matter for the police, it wouldn't much matter to the McCann's what might be revealed if a crime is being protected at the highest level.

Apart from having a good belly laugh down at the station at some of the theory presented to them, the police must be very frustrated by public interference.  A social media 'influencer' of sorts, who goes by the name of The Queen of Portugal, amongst other names, has had the audacity to visit the Portuguese police with tales of internet sleuthing.  Maybe they don't mind her sitting on the desk and flashing her pins for a minute or two but that must be where it begins and ends!

So here we are again, a state cover-up being promoted across social media just because some bloke in fancy dress publishes yet another book about Madeleine McCann, in installments to keep you guessing, just like the televised murder most horrid or Saturday night's Hammer House of Horror binge. We've been this way so many times over the years, one story dies and another is quick to take it's place - ad nauseam!  The Sudden Impulse is just that, a story, a sudden impulse to hit the star struck waiting for the next revelation that given time will die a natural, as they all do eventually.  

We await the day this story gets intertwined with the name Christian Brueckner, just to give that extra oomph !!! to keep it top of the box office ratings.  Take it to the police?  Has he hasn't he will he won't he - debatable, depends which tabloid you care not to believe.

Shock horror - roll up roll up, read all about it ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Thu 3 Oct 2024 - 14:07

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Scree233

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Spamalot Thu 3 Oct 2024 - 17:25

Is that the best the Norse Dick can do to sell his wares, an 'influencer' slash 'podcaster'?  

Maybe Panorama or Netflix could give him a slot - if you want to look big you've got to go big, then again he might be saving himself, better still he probably feels more comfortable with small fry.

I wonder if James Scottish English has 'read the book', because you know, by rights, you shouldn't comment if you haven't first read.

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sat 5 Oct 2024 - 13:08

Oh dear oh dear oh dear Meester AI, you're up to speed on the artificial bit but you really need to work on the intelligence. Better still, just go away!

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Scree239


Experiment to your hearts content - but not on my time.

It's like a number cruncher, only with words.

Rumour has it AI is being widely used in educational establishments and that includes exam marking.

Good luck with that ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Sat 5 Oct 2024 - 13:22

one was not even talking in compliments to the other, i his video series about the bs.

the problem with both is mostly none of them can prove their points, no one actually can. what you do need for that is not around for grabs.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 2 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sat 5 Oct 2024 - 14:26

There will be some very eggy faces skulking around social media when 'The Foreign Detective' is finally exposed (oooh Matron!) for what he truly appears - a conman. Again it must be asked, why is anyone taking his hype seriously?  It won't matter much to the anonymous internet community but those who float about using their real name are heading for a mighty fall from grace.

Is it worth it?

After everything that's gone on over the past 17+ years, all the attention the case has attracted at home and abroad?  The official police investigation, all the press and media attention, social media discussion, rumours, the Metropolitan Police, concerned citizens - high and low profile across the globe, the private detectives, the McCann's friends and family?

The only updates now on the McCann official website are high days and holidays, other than that it remains static.

Do people truly believe Gerry and Kate McCann to be separated, so what if they are?  Thousands of couples across the world separate or divorce for many a reason, what is it supposed to signify, it would have been believable if they'd gone their separate ways a few weeks or months after the fatality - what's the big deal?  Do people truly believe either one or both take regular trips to a fictitious grave site in Portugal, on the tip-off of some anonymity playing cat and mouse?  To be secretly photographed by said anonymity?  Do people even think it possible a Norwegian golfing enthusiast has all the answers to a case that has captured and baffled world attention for over 17 years?

If the McCann's are being protected by some higher being, as has been suggested many times over the years, it would be no problem if they reported this harassment to the police - surely?  The press and media are being gagged - what utter nonsense!

It just doesn't ring true but who knows, the next exciting installment might reveal all - don't hold your breath though, it could be catastrophic.  Some might say certain people are trying to stifle debate on the subject but there is a limit to everyone's endurance and this book pushes all the boundaries of that endurance.  As has the many many theories presented over the years - like this book 'The Sudden Impulse', you are expected by some to see something that's just not there.  Then when you express an opinion, you are no longer welcome if your opinion opposes that of 'the community'!

So much for freedom of speech, regularly advocated by that very same 'community'.  Perhaps that's where the outspoken go so wrong - they do not belong to any 'community', they are perhaps there as individuals with an individual take on life and all it's idiosyncrasies.

On that subject, it has been said that you can't, or shouldn't, comment on aspects of 'the book' if you haven't read it.  Fair comment perhaps if the entire world population was equal minded but it's not, we all interpret words and actions differently - one man's meat is another man's gravy!  Asides, this book doesn't command authority with or without readership, why put money in the author's and publisher's pocket just because someone/s on social media tells you to - or suggests you should.

Oh the hypocrisy!

So, where is the evidence ....

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