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The Foreign Detective - Book

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Sat 5 Oct 2024 - 16:51

pat brown does not agree to his opinion, that in the book, she is said to have a book, but some suggest she did not read it, the same i have seen used against some others.

but in itself, after the interview with the high or lowlander of scotland, i do not have the information to decide on that fully, i think the cat is out the bag mostly. and dedication in the book of many pages itself, does not make it the only correct opinion there ids at all, there are simply so many different ones, maybe it is even better to say each and everyone has its own take on it, and by that you can expect diverse reaction.

walking over to the opposite direction of the street and indeed that did happen in places that had set their opinion in stone, or better raab concrete is more fitting, because there the complete roof did come down. more a case of putting the mouth where the money was made up on.

and writing just a lot of pages full into a story is not that unique, writers as james clavell, kenn follett and miguel de cervantes made a habit of doing that, wrote pretty realistic stories, but not so much presented it as the only true ones.

many voices will not be heard if you could only allowed to speak out when bought and read a book, it only is made available in english and portuguese, so all who do not manage one or both of them are excluded already, spoken words in the easy language as was used during the interview is a lot less difficult as reading an intrige on a timeline.

and the writer itself spoke up that his new timeline is the most important part, well he made use of the same material we all can, the pj files, if that is directly by using the portuguese originals, the translations or make your own translations, there are nowadays apps that work from pictures too was told to me, so direct from the original must be a possibility by that.

so if it is from the same basic material, i can work with the concise version very well, the same source and simply some checking already delivered a mistake, or lost in translation by the writer. such simple things mean i would choose to invest my money elsewhere. and i am always ready to listen to other opinions about the madeleine case, will take them at first even serious, but mistakes turn my attention quickly off.

and i have many opinions about bits of this case, but an overall problem solving one i still do not have, the reason is simple, what i need for that is not in the police files, and not in other sources available. so i do not have a full story to tell.
for others i like them to beat the standing one made by the first investigation, who had much more information than i have.
and i have not noticed one that was able to do that.
and most make their own version of this case bring it on the world in many different ways. i like to think even with at least starting from good intentions. only it still never goes from their opinion into reality.

and most opinions break up when tested to the hilt.

i do not think it impossible the government has also a cover up going on, i know by first hand experiences that simply does happen, but usually it is not to protect other people, but mostly only one and that is government itself. when it happens it becomes usually a ball that never stops rolling, even a golfer with a great handicap cannot stop that.

many of such lines can live happily besides the case of madeleine itself, touching hands at times maybe, but never about that case and child nor her family itself. if that was really going on, we would simply never have heard of them.

and if you open up your mouth about evidence of people doing things on a hill top, have filmed that even, and present it as what they did or came from can be seen on that, why would your public have to wait for looking at it. does a case of a missing, deceased young child have a need for cliffhangers? there is not even made that clear if that telling footage already is presented to the police in the area there. the book was out on may 2, 2024, it is already 5 months later.

so even when it is a story by opinion written in a thick book, there seems not much happened to make it any more than that.

also he seems not that able to impress his public. playing spoof showed a lack of talent too if all is true.

so 5 months in and still still is at the same level of wait and see, where it has to happen they do not care who did read a book and who did not.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Spamalot Sat 5 Oct 2024 - 18:00

Is this a classic case of 'he must be good because he says he is'? Been that way before.

Something tells me AI plays a hand in this..


Bernt Stellander

Media Civil Diplomat
September 11, 2024
10:01 am
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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Bernt-10

Bernt Stellander is a former military police officer from Norway, with experience in the Norwegian Army and UN forces in Lebanon.

Who is the Foreing Detective Bernt Stellander?

Bernt Stellander, born in 1967 in Graz, Austria, has a diverse and intriguing background that spans multiple fields.

His father, a Norwegian medical student, met his Austrian mother in Graz, and they later relocated to Tromsø, Norway, where Stellander grew up.

Tromsø, known for its Midnight Sun and Northern Lights, was his early home, and he spent a formative year as an exchange student in Missouri, USA, during high school.

Stellander’s professional career started in the Norwegian Army, where he served as a military police officer.

He also participated in United Nations peacekeeping missions in Lebanon. However, after his military service, his path diverged significantly into other areas.

He studied optometry in Kongsberg, Norway. He later pursued business and economics at the prestigious Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen.

Additionally, Stellander ventured into semi-professional football until a serious injury forced him to retire.

His inventive mind led him to the world of patents, particularly in golf technology, where he designed and patented golf club alignment tools and other golf-related products​.

The Jethro’s Civil Diplomat and his book – The Sudden Impulse

His fame grew due to his independent investigation of the Madeleine McCann case, which culminated in his book The Sudden Impulse.

Stellander has gained attention for uncovered key evidence surrounding Madeleine’s disappearance in 2007. He details these findings in his book The Sudden Impulse.

The Sudden Impulse is a nonfiction work based on Stellander’s seven-year investigation.

The Investigation Technique of Detective Bernt Stellander

Bernt Stellander’s investigation technique primarily involves statement analysis, ground surveillance, and psychological profiling to interpret the behaviors of individuals.

Statement Analysis: Stellander closely examines the statements made by key figures in the case, aiming to expose inconsistencies and lies. This technique scrutinizes the exact language used in interviews to reveal hidden or suppressed truths.
On-the-Ground Surveillance: Stellander set up trail cameras in specific areas of interest in Portugal, especially around Praia da Luz to lead him clues about the location of Madeleine’s body.
Psychological Techniques: He also used psychological techniques of behavioral analysis and investigative psychology​.

His investigation blends classic forensic and psychological techniques, with a heavy emphasis on self-directed inquiry and intuition.

Nowadays, the Civil Diplomat from Jethro Bernt Stellander are giving interviews around the world about his book.

If you what to learn more about Mr. Stellander’s investigation and techniques be welcome to visit the links below:

The Sudden Impulse Book – Full Press Conference, Q&A at NewsShow.TV
Has The Madeleine McCann Case Finally Been Solved?
Madeleine McCann was Not Abducted – Foreign Detective Bernt Stellander Tells All

Communication Civil Diplomat Jethro
Jethro International’s Communication Department selects the most relevant information about the actions of humanitarian civilian diplomats around the world. Stay up to date, follow and share your actions with us! Get in touch via

Jetrho Tull yes but Jethro the Civil Diplomat? That's a new one on me!



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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Sat 5 Oct 2024 - 18:28

you cannot say it is all flawed, from hill to the hillbillies can work of course.

i still have that book, it is not advised to read at all when you have 6 mangled and some broken ribs, i tried.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 6 Oct 2024 - 20:37

Social media is getting very frothy about Bernt Stellander and his complete mystery of Madeleine McCann - 'still missing and still very much missed' - unquote?

The Foreign Detective continues his reign of fame with hand fed tantalizing titbits for his hungry birds to keep the froth a'throthing, that's the touble with fame, it's very short lived if you haven't the talent to maintain interest.

It would seem social media across the board welcomes his hype and updates but that's also short lived without a constant feed, the flock will soon dwindle when there's nothing left to devour but stale crumbs - maybe that's why he's holding out on the grand finale, if there is a grand finale to be expected sometime in the future.  Not too distant let's hope, riddles can become very tedious if prolonged.

But what of the end result?  Are we to hope for a new breakthrough in the case or just another bout of breaking news, which will die faster than it took to reach the headlines.  Or are we to hope the new, never been seen nor heard before outside social media, will be onward transmitted to the Portuguese Judiciary - the only official police force legally in a position to persue the case of missing Madeleine McCann.  A free publishers edition of the book of course, along with updates and appropriate photographic evidence accrued during the said seven year private single handed investigation.  Quite a feat would you say - if The Foreign Detective manages to pull it off, eventually!

Let's hope the latter, the case has been dragged on and on and on by the many opinions profered across social media for over sixteen years. We can only wish for a satisfactory conclusion after all this time and wish the latest armchair detective on the case has the temerity to see it through and replenish any out of pocket expenses, inevitable when working from home - so to speak.

It warms the cockles of your heart to know people are decent enough to keep caring about a little child's fate after so many years, although in many cases there woould appear to be other agendas at play, not all of the decent type but we live in hope this gentleman is not one of the latter.  It's doubtful, he seems nice enough and genuine and has quite an impressive CV under his belt - no, his intentions are honourable .... aren't they?

We shall see!

Meanwhile he apparently prefers to nestle in a safe haven where he can't be attacked by hungry wolves, where he can't be faced with awkward questions or bombarded with negativity.  After all these years of wait, who can reasonably criticise others for being a trifle sceptical - even pessimistic.  Or perhaps angry?

Remember one of those former senior British police officers who liked to comment on the case of Madeleline McCann in the public arena, Colin Sutton?  Well, he was much the same only he did try to join in with social media by offering himself up for discussion and questions - needless to say it wasn't long before he skulked back to the safety of his bunker.  Trouble is, when you put yourself forward you must expect to be challenged, as you must put yourself forward to answer questions thrown at you, an equal playing field - it's only fair.

Otherwise what's the point?

Over to you The Foreign Detective, we await your next installment (hopefully the last) with bated breath - pass the popcorn ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Thu 10 Oct 2024 - 13:52

The Foreign Detective is an enigma of sorts personified.

Aside from any 'official' presentation of the next installment via video link with the 'influencer' James English, The Foreign Detective is getting more vocal across social media platforms about his modus operandi - but is this a good idea?

Guessing it depends on how you stand with this kind of 'thing', how you view or interpret the words and actions.  Some, who think themselves to be more knowledgeable about 'things in general' (like you've read something on the internet about the secret life of the woodworm thus know all there is to know about entomology) will have you believe The Foreign Detective's methodology is science and intuition (?) based.  Whether this opinion is born of intelligence or assumed intelligence of such subject matter, is a matter of conjecture and will no doubt never be known, so we must go with the flow until such times as all is revealed.  Don't hold your breath!

Meanwhile, snippets from the mind of The Foreign Detective are surfacing across social media, indications of how he came to specific conclusions which to the simple mind of Joe average, make little or no sense.  Thus we need the mind of the self appointed entomologist to investigate and guide us on our journey into the unchartered waters of make believe.

Either that or do as recommended - buy and read the book, how else can you fit all the pieces of the jigsaw snugly together to form a complete picture but is that really necessary?  Can't you get an idea of the general gist of the novel book to form an opinion - a valid opinion?  Alternatively there are the videoed interviews available for all to see where The Foreign Detective explains his rationale in broad terms.  How much do you need to see and hear to form your own opinions about a charlatan with a special talent for whipping-up social media hysteria.

Is humanity so spoiled that it can't think for itself anymore, do we really need guidance to rule every aspect of our life on earth?  Is it a requirement to bow down to the opinion of people we know or total strangers who present themselves as superior in their knowledge, can't we or are we not allowed to think for ourselves?

So, The Foreign Detective has a very long way to go if he wants or needs to be noticed.  Okay, he's mustered a small following of disciples who cling to his every word, like limpets to the hull of a shipwreck, but that hardly constitutes world fame - does it?

The limpets are at the right place at the right time - at the bottom of the ocean and still clinging to that shipwreck, made for life!

Such are the vagaries of social media ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Sun 13 Oct 2024 - 21:03

Would you Adam and Eve it, there's a love-in going on at a safe place they call home.

Peace man!
None other than The Foreign Detective (known in modern parlance as TFD) is waxing lyrical about his admiration of a fellow human being - no names mentioned!  Respect for privacy is always paramount when speaking of a very vocal narrator on the subject of a missing child, and other matters of possible interest.

Alas, TFD is still using that archaic 'drip! drip! drip!' method of torture to whet the appetites of the ardent followers - waiting with trepidation for the next thrilling 'who done it' episode.

Of course we appreciate the difficulties experienced when trying to coordinate such explosive material, after all there are others to consider who may have more pressing engagements to fulfill before devoting time, or more time, to another's project - albeit such an important project.  One that must be seen through from beginning to end, whilst wading through that vital lenghty tome that so maticulously explains TFD's rationale - if you can understand the enthralling verbiage that leads to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - give or take!  No problem on that score, an interpreter is always close to hand to iron out the technicalities and other foibles encountered en-route, in semaphore.

Such a shame one or more of the most reliable aids have jumped ship for one reason or another, a friend in need is a friend indeed and no one wants to be seen as a lone popeye the sailor when privately investigating a potential mutiny with or without the spinach - do they?  No of course not, they need all the help they can get!

Trouble is when vital information is held back, be it the authorities or a TFD, people start to get restless which leads to questions that remain unanswered but for more drip! drip! drip!  Slowly slowly catchy monkey - only this monkey celebrity seems to have already escaped the jungle.  

The full story is awaited with bated breath, let's just hope there are no casualties whilst we cling to the ships hull, before it goes down to the depths of the ocean - never to be seen or heard of again.

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Weight10


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Yesterday at 11:39

common the guy deserves some slack, there is a big revelation in his book, he is the first who found the free listening service acted by the nannies in the ocean club. so far no one ever found any sign of that, not even mark warner had any idea they had such a thing, in other places yes they had, but no baby bingo in praia da luz.

none of the nannies dared to confess they did such wild things as listening around.

well i think at that point most of the witnesses were very honest, and look at the lay out, not only the accommodation was dotted around over a very large area, not a gated area, just with public roads that were in use by guests, workers and locals, even residents used it to grab some groceries. it had a lot of dark points, lots of bushes, and even years later one of the more lightheaded nannies got the story out of the do not walk alone in the dark and even said to have gotten a nice whistle in case of the odd rapist had been suspected, so no even when mark warner had wanted it as part of the child care arrangements they had taken on by contract with the ocean club, it is less likely to send out such young women out in the dark on their own.

but it is nice to see that is is found at last. so you see you can learn a thing or two from everyone.

it is in the part with instruction in how to build your own mindfield, boem it is there. but now i have to waddle trough some more muddy waters to see if the next future vocal cord training, or hearing nightmare just depending on what end you be, has a momentum to bring on your burning questions to the writer, because as a curious one, of course i love to hear the indept story of the nanny listening in the dark. always nice to have something to look out for.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Yesterday at 13:18

Wait until high tide before paddling the mystic shores of detritus, or you might sink in the shifting sands.

Move over Agatha Christie, there's a new kid on the brick book block..

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Scree255

But credit where credit is due, you have to - that's to say you must, read the book before commenting, so say the author and cohorts.  Slight technical hitch there, the content is so steeped in mystery and intrigue by the time you get to page 20 (or there about) you've forgotten what went before.

Still, great poolside reading when lounging in the autumn sun on that weeks break on the Costa del Fortune! You don't want anything too heavy, content that is not weight, that would cost another fortune in excess baggage but you can leave it behind for the next sun lounger to read - free gratis and for nothing!

Typical tactic of the 'who done it' murder mystery author, keep you in suspense.  At the end of the day it doesn't really matter does it, it's only a story - an amateur dramatic, why let fact and truth stand in the way of a best seller.  Oh no, it hasn't quite reached that level of interest yet has it, still keep plugging and it might just peak and fill the empty pockets - hope springs eternal!

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players
William Shakespeare

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Yesterday at 14:00

As regards the reliability of witnesses, put yourself in their place.

An unexpected event, doesn't need to be a tragedy - the mind will react in the same way, puts you in the position of a witness.  You are questioned informally by the police or some other entity.  Very quickly you need to recall events that have transpired over the past hours, days, even years, what choice but to swiftly rummage through mental images to try and answer the questions thrown at you.

Impossible task?

Time at your disposal you think further, you build a picture in your mind of the circumstances under question - but are your recollections 100% accurate or have you filled the gaps with what you think might have happened, or you think did happen.  Was that jacket blue or light grey - no, I think it was pale green or maybe beige!  It matters not to your recollections but a police investigation will use that information as part of it's investigation.

When trying to recall past events, it's nigh on impossible to be 100% accurate, the police are totally aware of the inconsistencies of witness statements, they are not used as accurate accounts, only information to assist an investigation.

Understandably over time you over think what happened in the past, you start to doubt your own recollections, you invent or create new information that you think might help fill the gaps.  It's not deceit, it's a natural process we all experience every day of our lives.  Like the proverbial shaggy dog story, the more you go over it the more debris your recall collects - better to keep it simple and stop overplaying something you can't control or change.

If re-interviewed, officially or unofficially, your account of events will differ because you've been thinking too much about those questions, did you see what you previously said, were your recollections correct, was that jacket light blue or grey, what side of the street was it, what time was it?  We all do it in everyday life only it's not part of a police investigation - we hope.

A lapse in memory doesn't equate to lying, it's just being normal.  Think what a remarkable piece of human anatomy the brain is.  All that brain has to store over years of life on earth, can you really expect or even demand 100% accuracy? Even when concentrating on something potentially important most minds will go wandering off to something more pleasant or more pressing.

That poor innocent soul unwittingly caught up in a police investigation, asked to recall events of the past, events which you have no reason to recall in any detail - until now!

That information then finds its way into the public domain, the poor innocent soul becomes a celebrity overnight with accusations of complicity in a possible crime and it's not long before that lone witness is joined by many more lone witnesses in the exact same position - all stories varying, depending on the individual mind and its ability to memorize detail.  Enter the armchair detective!  Over the ensuing years, the innocent witnesses become major players, partners in crime, in the mind of the amateur and armchair detectives.

One or maybe two possible suspects through the eyes of the law, are multiplied by the outsider into a mass conspiracy involving scores of phantom players from walking the streets to the highest level of society .... the Pope?

Who doesn't like a fictional murder mystery or a science fiction extravaganza - but leave it right there, don't try to transform a real life tragedy into a novel!

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Yesterday at 14:07

well it is in the book in black and white, and a great find of course, all credits for finding the listening nannies in the dark are for the writer. such a find and it did not even got its very own chapter.

and i feel so naive now, that i never found it before, i mean after all the work on all timelines, plowing through the witness list and overlooking the nannies with the lanterns. maybe naive is too optimistic, plain stupid would fit marvelously well i think too.

at least i have a nice excuse to roll next door and lent the boxes with lego and playmobil again. do you think the nannies would mind it when i just use the nurses for them? most are getting aged by now, and most already looked quite gender free last time.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Wisdom Yesterday at 14:28

Clearly your perception of reality is clouded.

You must read to discover what has never been discovered, or revealed, before - even by a well respected seasoned police force.  

Know you place!

Seriously, is someone taking the myth?  If so, it's built a new mythological cult - not many still living can boast such an achievement.

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Scree256

Imagine being in control  - mass hysteria?  

Billy Graham reincarnated ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Spamalot Yesterday at 17:17

Oh dear, a sudden impulse is occuring, the epistle according to 'BS The Grate' will soon hit the bargain basement and before it's even had a chance to take-off, so to speak. If the ocean bed along with rest of the shipwrecks cargo doesn't get there first.

Oh joy to the world!

Is it wrong of me to laugh?

BS in a lot more ways than the obvious.

How I hate to say I told you so - but ....

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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Spamalot Yesterday at 17:51

Another aspect of The Foreign Detective is the company he keeps, his relationship across social media with old hands that refuse to leave the stage implies long term attachment to the case of missing Madeleine McCann, perhaps using different pseudonyms along the way.  There is also a need to look at his main promotional contacts, James English - a social media 'influencer' (speaks for itself?) and some odd place known as err ....

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Scree258

The Jethro’s Civil Diplomat and his book – The Sudden Impulse

Never heard of it until now, looking for some background information about the man himself.  Perhaps it's his own domain, a bit more work required there I think, as it stands this is where it begins and ends - hence the idea it might be his own doing.  He's certainly mysterious enough to earn the badge of honour - remember his debut, disguised?

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Scree110

Yes, sadly I think it is a case of anything goes!

You don't need to do as your told and read his book to see where he's coming from, there's enough information available to see a snake of the highest order, slithering about on its belly and nesting with anyone who will listen - on pain of death if you dare disagree or question the narrative!  'Hater' oooh how I detest that word and how he uses with such gay abandon!

I'm sure the law and local community in an around Luz don't look very kindly on being covertly surveilled by mystery man and his secreted cameras, stalking at best breaking the law at worse.  Spying some might say?

One day people will come to their senses and realise they have been conned.  Until such times just sit back and enjoy the spectacle.

Anyway, along with the motley.  Call me a sceptic but I do believe all this information has been out in the public domain for over 16 years, much of which stems from the original year long Portuguese investigation, with a lot of poetic licence thrown in for book sales promotion.  There's a lot of evidence out there to read about the case but little or no evidence of The Foreign Detective's proclaimed efforts.  A lot of innuendo.

Madeleine McCann was Not Abducted - Foreign Detective Bernt Stellander Tells All

Anything Goes with James English

In this podcast episode, Bernt Stellander, a former military police officer turned foreign detective, presents his theory that Madeleine McCann, the British girl who went missing in Portugal in 2007, was not abducted but rather died from an accident in the apartment where her family was staying. Stellander recounts his investigation process, including setting up cameras near the resort, sending anonymous emails to the McCanns, and analyzing their statements and behaviors for clues.

A major part of Stellander's theory hinges on his belief that Madeleine died on the night of May 2nd, rather than being abducted on May 3rd as her parents claimed. He cites evidence such as the cadaver dogs detecting the scent of a body in the apartment and rental car, as well as inconsistencies in the McCanns' and their friends' statements. Stellander also suggests a possible cover-up, involving the British government, to protect the McCanns.

Throughout the discussion, Stellander addresses various aspects of the case, including the McCanns' reactions, the timeline of events, the involvement of Portuguese and British police, and the role of the media. He expresses sympathy for Kate McCann while maintaining his theory that Madeleine is buried on a nearby hillside that her parents visited frequently.
Key Episodes Takeaways

   Bernt Stellander, a former military police officer turned foreign detective, conducted an extensive investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and concluded that she was not abducted but rather died in an accident on May 2nd, 2007.
   Stellander's theory hinges on evidence such as cadaver dog alerts in the apartment and rental car, inconsistencies in statements from the McCanns and their friends, and his belief that the McCanns visited a nearby hillside frequently to tend to Madeleine's burial site.
   Stellander suggests there may have been a cover-up involving the British government to protect the McCanns, and that their friends were involved in the alleged cover-up by lying about their statements.
   He expresses sympathy for Kate McCann's situation but maintains his belief that the truth needs to come out, even if it leads to consequences for the McCanns.
   Stellander self-published a book detailing his investigation and theory, which he claims is being suppressed by the McCanns and media, but hopes will still spread through alternative channels.
   The episode delves into various aspects of the case, including the McCanns' reactions, the police investigations, the media coverage, and potential motives or reasons behind the alleged cover-up.
   Stellander encourages open-mindedness and critical thinking from the audience, acknowledging that his theory is not proven fact but rather his interpretation of the evidence he uncovered.
   The case remains controversial and unresolved, with Stellander's theory offering an alternative perspective to the widely accepted abduction narrative.

Top Episodes Quotes

   “But there was one thing very strange, but anybody can glitch. It was Jerry in a spanish interview and Kate sitting next to him, and he's pointing to her and he's calling Madeleine her childhood. And he corrects himself, our child. That's the first glitch on that that could point to that possibly being a case and then the twins actually being his.“ by Bernt Stellander

― This quote points to a potential inconsistency in Jerry McCann's statements, which Stellander sees as a clue supporting his theory that Madeleine may not have been Jerry's biological daughter.

“So I hope people are curious to figure out what did this amateur military police ex do and why did he do it? Why did he spend seven years of that? Was it to make money? Of course not. Nobody writes a brick like that to make money. I mean, shipment costs. You wouldn't even, you know. But it is. There's something convincing about this guy, I hope.“ by Bernt Stellander

   ― This quote reflects Stellander's desire for people to be curious about his theory and the effort he put into investigating the case, which he claims was not motivated by financial gain but rather a pursuit of the truth.

Chapter Details
Chapter 1: Introduction and Background
The podcast episode begins with a conversation about the Madeleine McCann case, which involves the disappearance of a young British girl named Madeleine McCann while on vacation with her family in Portugal in 2007. The guest, Bernt Stellander, is a foreign detective who has written a book about his investigation into the case, and he believes that Madeleine was not abducted, contrary to the widely accepted narrative.

   The episode discusses the Madeleine McCann case, which involves the disappearance of a young British girl in Portugal in 2007.
   The guest, Bernt Stellander, is a foreign detective who has written a book claiming that Madeleine was not abducted, contrary to the widely accepted narrative.

Chapter 2: Stellander's Investigation and Findings
Bernt Stellander shares details of his investigation into the Madeleine McCann case. He explains how he found clues on a hillside near the resort where the McCann family was staying, suggesting that Madeleine's body may have been buried there. He also discusses his theory that Madeleine died in the apartment on the night before her reported disappearance and that her parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, were involved in covering up the death.
Chapter 3: Analyzing the McCann's Statements and Behavior
Stellander analyzes the statements and behavior of Kate and Gerry McCann, as well as their friends who were present at the resort. He points out inconsistencies in their accounts and actions that contradict the narrative of an abduction. He also discusses the forensic evidence, including the detection of cadaver odor and blood traces in the apartment and rental car, which he believes supports his theory of a covered-up death.
Chapter 4: The Night Before Madeleine's Disappearance
Stellander presents his theory that Madeleine died on the night before her reported disappearance, emphasizing the importance of the timeline he has constructed based on various pieces of evidence and statements. He discusses the crying incident reported by a neighbor on the evening of May 1st and analyzes specific statements made by the McCanns and their friends that he believes point to the events of May 2nd as the night of Madeleine's death.
Chapter 5: Doubts and Inconsistencies in the Abduction Narrative
Stellander expresses his doubts about the official narrative of Madeleine's abduction, citing a lack of evidence to support it. He discusses the inconsistencies in witness statements, such as the alleged sighting of an abductor by Jane Tanner, and the absence of CCTV footage or other physical evidence typically expected in an abduction case. He also questions the McCanns' decision to leave their children unattended and their behavior in the aftermath of the reported disappearance.
Chapter 6: Potential Involvement of Others and Cover-Up
Stellander addresses the potential involvement of others in the case, including the McCanns' friends and the British government. He discusses the possibility of a cover-up and the reasons why the friends or authorities may have been motivated to conceal the truth. He also mentions the alleged connections between the McCanns and influential figures, such as Gordon Brown, and their ability to garner significant media attention and funding for the case.
Chapter 7: Stellander's Book and Future Plans
Stellander discusses his book, "The Sudden Impulse," which presents his investigation and theory about the Madeleine McCann case. He shares his hopes that the book will provide a comprehensive and compelling argument that challenges the official narrative and prompts further investigation. He also discusses his future plans, including the possibility of digging at the hillside location where he believes Madeleine's remains may be buried.
Chapter 8: Closing Thoughts and Advice
In the closing segment, Stellander shares his sympathies for Kate McCann, acknowledging the immense pressure she may have been under, and suggests that she could potentially benefit from acknowledging the truth. He also offers advice to the audience, urging them to approach the case with an open mind and emphasizing the importance of seeking the truth. The conversation concludes with Stellander reading an excerpt from his book, reiterating his belief in his theory and the lack of evidence supporting the abduction narrative.

The beginning and the end?

Whatever, do not comment unless you have first bought and read the book.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Onehand Yesterday at 18:01

i do see the disclaimer, but haven't we all a need for glasses for such small symbols. and by its social media efforts i think he must have not seen them very well himself;

Stellander encourages open-mindedness and critical thinking from the audience, acknowledging that his theory is not proven fact but rather his interpretation of the evidence he uncovered.
The case remains controversial and unresolved, with Stellander's theory offering an alternative perspective to the widely accepted abduction narrative.


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The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Empty Re: The Foreign Detective - Book

Post by Spamalot Yesterday at 18:08

Slowly slowly, catchy monkey ..

The Foreign Detective - Book - Page 3 Animat10

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