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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Empty Re: christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

Post by Spamalot Wed 25 Sep 2024 - 17:43

Yes madame, it is exasperating..

Another former cellmate tells journalists “Christian Brückner abducted Madeleine McCann”

Natasha Donn - 25th September 2024

Yet another former prison inmate has come forwards to suggest the one and only suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann had confessed to him (in the distant past) that he abducted the little girl from an apartment in the Algarve, in an area “where there are hotels and rich people live”. This latest source, now quoted in British tabloids, happened to be outside the Braunschweig Regional Court today, where Brückner is standing trial for unrelated sex crimes. Brückner has always maintained his innocence with regard to the German prosectors’ theory that he abducted Madeleine McCann, and all efforts by prosecutors to find the ‘evidence’ they say they need has this far seemingly eluded them. Thus, the press is offered, here and there, uncorroborated testimonies from ex-convicts.

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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Empty Re: christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

Post by Spamalot Wed 25 Sep 2024 - 17:44

Fake news travels fast..

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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Empty Re: christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

Post by Onehand Wed 25 Sep 2024 - 19:36

i see i only have half of the bild piece, both others have the same info.

only this bit is of interest;

Is the witness credible?

The fact that he now began to tell about kidnapped and abused children surprised even the public prosecutor's office. Especially since the witness had claimed before the lunch break that he hardly remembered anything.
His remarks became all the more accurate after the break. In connection with the kidnapped child, Brückner had asked him for advice, according to the witness: "He said that he had supported himself when he jumped out of the window. He then asked me if he could have left traces.”
Chief Public Prosecutor Ute Lindemann pointed out to the witness that he had testified otherwise to the police: Brückner had asked him if his DNA could be found on bones underground. True, the witness recalled: "Whether it concerns the child, I do not know. But he asked me that.”

so even the prosecution is not very much into this guy his words.

the gazet of antwerp noted this laurentiu c. is himself a convict in sexual abuse cases with minors.

i never have seen so much different news outlets nicking the same pieces, really all over the world, more special google shows them at least for my searches.


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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Empty Re: christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

Post by Onehand Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 7:29

sky news has a report of rob hyde, one of a few reporters that is known as being present in court instead of picking and nicking from others. he lives and works for many years in germany and austria, so it is very possible he has by now a good understanding of the german language. going by his reporting it seems he indeed has.

laurentiu c. or laurentiu codin in full is an former convict in sexual crimes against children to and joined cb somewhere around 2019 and/or 2020 the same jail as cb. lc is a 50 years old romanian, and needed a translator in court.

by information by bild lc must have been on the listing of witnesses the prosecution wanted to be heard in court at the start of this courtcase. but it is in germany the rule it is up to the court who will be heared.
after a further plea by the prosecution to hear lc, the judge decided he could.

the defence used the morning after a written statement by a girl from the playground case was also read in court, to ask and was granted to look at some video material, some of the english crimewatch and the aktezeichen with the appeal for information about cb. the defense wanted to show how people could get information from there instead in real heard and saw from cb stuff.

the prosecution objected to showing the video material.

it was a lawyer of the defence team that notices the declaration in court by lc was not in agreement with his earlier police statement.

going by all news outlet all beside maybe lc himself have some difficulty in believing this statement.
not one of the journalists or reporters known for being usually in court comes with a lc who said cb confessed in abducting madeleine mccann. it is quite a loose story, of cb and a helping hand, a van, an open window used to get in and out.

also that cb took young girls, always girls. asked about ages, lc would not guess to much small he changed to young, 9, 10, 13. and sky placed that part mostly in hanover.

cb supposedly asked also about false paperwork to get back to portugal, and to have a big house burned down. the big house translation into must be the old box factory is only a invention by the media too. some people think a house in portugal, others maybe germany, by that i guess there is no information shared to conclude what big house. it would be hard to call the little finca a big house, even in portugal that would be called a small house.

but to keep connection to the 5 cases lc saw a chance to get a tale in about cb hitting and strangling an old woman, because that was how he liked it. more as if lc has looked at the video production of julia rabe.

it is hard to find a german party around this trial that still thinks cb is guilty in these 5 cases or the madeleine case. most seem to have lost any longer any belief if they ever had.

lc also says cb stole in the algarve, or what comes more near lc his words most likely, he stole where the hotels and the rich people were. still cb never was caught for that type of offences, not in portugal, and not in germany. nothing with any substances had come up that breaking and entering was indeed something cb truly mastered well. not one in court was ever witness of such events, only goes by stories cb supposedly told about it.

i am always a bit concerned when reputations are only rest on word heard years ago. the criminal part of society is in that not so different, and keeping up appearances is known as even more common, often as kept vague stories that only suggest having a hand in cases that have some allure. you can not call these stories told confessions, because they lack all things that could be checked. bigger cases are often even made a lot bigger as they ever were, through media attention, to write from every word catched as if they working for a grade in school and putting in all effort they can.
the results grow so much out of proportion they end up to be false story telling at best.

the witness lc not only surprised the public, the media, the defence but also the prosecution, the last two have also the original statement of the testimony of lc to the bka before this case started. well it is going around that before the lunch lc had hardly any memory about all he later on put out in this court.

at least the media dived in as flies to a drop of honey. and it gives strange effects, a news outlet from suriname, puts in london as place of origin of this news and cites from the dutch news outlet the telegraaf, that cites the german bild. what can go wrong?

it is not known how much understanding this lc has of the german language, or in what language he had conversations with cb.
romanian is not a common language and we are not told if cb managed that, and to what level. the translated citations do not sound as a witness with more as a quite low level of education. things that often are not producing the best chinese whispers.


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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Empty Re: christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

Post by Wisdom Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 14:15

Oh lordy it's gaining traction across the world of fiction - the Daily Tabloid..

Madeleine McCann google search..

christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Scree210

christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Scree211

Christian Brueckner google search..

christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Scree212

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Deflate .... back to the drawing board.

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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Empty Re: christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

Post by Onehand Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 14:20

from this morning a bit more about or from around laurentiu c.

lc is just shortly out of jail himself. he wanted before not to talk badly about cb. only yesterday he seems to have been able to get a talk with a reporter that has no accreditation to work from the media area in court. after that his memories became what is in todays world news, or news all around the world.

so in 2020 around the time cb was presented as the man behind the madeleine case, lc did not told anything, nothing about taking a young child out of a hotelroom window, or multiple rapes on woman in hannover.

of interest of the defence team was that this laurentiu c. in 2011 already was convicted of faking a criminal event in the district of hamburg.

it could be that in germany earlier conviction of witnesses are not written about much, but the gazet of antwerp already made note this guy is also a convicted sex offender of children.

this was to get from an artikel in the braunschweiger zeitung online.


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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Empty Re: christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

Post by Onehand Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 15:37

okay, i found a copy of yesterdays news.

and the lc former cell mate supposedly must have answered that he did not know if the story of taking a child after cb supposedly found an open window was about madeleine mccann, so by that it was at least not lc who was mastering the game of connecting the dots most likely like all of us learned during our years at kindergarten, but a reporting unnamed source did.

also is it together a nice listing of crimes, but what is missing are the crimes and witnesses from that. i can understand a convict has dreams and wants from time to time, but translating you can take a young child for a day of 2, 3 and leave it after tha you have abused it, would be followed by at least one such event in the media. these stories have that by nature.

and do not think cases can rest fully on fantasy alone, at this same time, often i understood in that same court room as cb have been parents convicted for over 10 years jail time, and the mother even with secure upholding, but now after another accepted witness came forward and the case had a review both parents are declared innocent, not even the usual not guilty, but truly a declaration is given of being innocent, the daughter had the horrific tales just fabricated.

i did not really followed that case, but if you look for cb his case in the local news you get the headlines and bits in the same go.

this new witness in cb his case seems to already having a conviction of producing a fake crime. ex-convicts are often not the most believable witnesses, not even in germany. we now have a case full of them.

but as always putting the dots to a line with the name of madeleine mccann in it, who cares? it is simply a way of printing your own salary and some extra.

why have we to deal with such things, in this day and age, why not simply a live stream and/ or a daily transcript, they are always made, every word is always written down. why not share the real case to others.

the approach we see now happen is like a kind of cooking contest, there is a selection of ingredients and all are free to cook a story from that. at the start of this trial it was a full house in the media seats, but late spring that often died down to 4, maybe 5 regular reporting people. but there are over 100 pieces available without often clear where they took it from. and even without a correct citation the result multiple times removed is also as far as possible removed from the true words spoken in court. by people who maybe not even can put out on a map where braunschweig is.

and now we see it would not stop there, it seems the talk to a reporter that could not work in court itself, because of not having an accreditation, we have a mouth flowing over with words. so what means that for the role of lc, is this what we can call a press troll. in plain dutch we would use even a nastier title.

i found today an older dutch artikel from a magazine, well it was in a kind of pr different online magazine to promote it, i know now i would not buy that magazine ever again. so much mistakes, and suggesting as if it was a done deal this cb trial.
but many will read it and think because the original magazine has a reputation that was quite good based on their past this is the correct story behind this trial. but all it can be is first rate myth making.
where is the role of the media that was about informing the public gone lost?


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Post by YSTM Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 17:21

News that is not an exclusive or breaking news always comes from a press agent doesn't it?

Isn't it rubbish. I'm not very knowledgeable about the case of Maddie McCann but anyone can see how stupid it is.

All some people want to do is keep the case in the press.


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christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Empty Re: christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later.

Post by Onehand Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 17:47

there are certainly some news agencies, like dpa in germany, they serve many titles, but they all will make that known.
anp for the netherlands reuters for all, apf for france, besides therese there are large owners of many titles too, like reach in the uk, dpg in belgium and the netherlands.

so yes when one get something all usually get it. but it is very common reporters and journalists to write their own pieces, some actually leave offices to score it, others look at other material, but in that they all have to make their own story from it.
at the moment the quality in output is most likely ai inspired already, or cannot even reach that low quality.

in this case you see the short cut more often, often with in the back ground legalities, so they work somewhere where they got the content. but that is too often fully lost in handling this case.

i think the case of madeleine mccann and all its split off stories, like this one has by now a record for unnamed sources. only even the unknown source is leaving the pieces more and more.

but it is in itself strange if in a court is asked was that story cb told you about madeleine, and that results in a no, i di not know that, you read that back as cb confessed to a former jail mate in taking madeleine.
that title is simply not what the answer at all.

why would we want to be told what is explicitly is not said in court by news outlets?

all what was done was connecting some dots, child, window, portugal and that became madeleine. if you look at the other stories cb supposedly told this guy, there are no fitting other stories know at all.
telling about stories you supposedly heard makes them not legit by telling in a court.

the experience in this trial shows that ex jail mates or co-criminals are not very straight in what rolls of their tongue.
and memories they have do have some glitches when they become important.


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Post by Onehand Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 19:36

this is a part of an article from the gazet of antwerp, original in flemisch, but when that is officially used it is the same as dutch.

A day later, an agent at the same trial confirmed that Codin also told part of that story when he was interrogated in August 2020. Niko Müller (35) is a detective with the BKA, the German counterpart of the FBI, and helped investigate the case. Codin was identified as someone important because he was in contact with Brückner in prison. ‘That's why we approached him. First he told us that Christian Brückner had asked him if he could get him a fake passport and driving licence, because he said it would be good if he could go back to Portugal.’

Müller also confirmed that Codin had said Brückner had committed several rapes in Portugal. ‘He talked about two rapes in Portugal. On a 70-year-old woman in a hotel and another woman in Portugal.’

Yet there were also elements that Codin had proclaimed on Wednesday that Müller had not yet heard. Among other things, the testimony about the burglary of a flat and abduction of a girl Müller had never heard from Codin. But whether that was why it did not happen, the sleuth could not say.

with a bit of help of deepl of course.

i like the belgium customs, if a source or person has a name, they simply print it.

it could be they used the age of one of these stories for the case of the elderly lady estimated at 7- to 80 years in one of these cases. but it sounds strange to have someone presented as a witness for on of the 5 cases in this trial, to have blabbing instead about many other cases, including one that they maybe want not to talk about.
it is often suggested that it is the defence team that tries to get the madeleine case included, or at least trying to get the paperwork for that case handed over, but again it is a witness from the list of preferred witnesses to hear in this court for the5 cases that follows the habit all before had of mingling in the case of madeleine.

it has strange effects and it makes it not easier to follow what line the prosecution had set for this trial.


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Post by Onehand Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 19:39

to make clear what is the source for an earlier conviction of lc.

At the retrial, which may last until December, a former cellmate of the German spoke on Wednesday. Laurentiu Codin, who was himself in prison for child sex offences, spoke about what Brückner said he had told him when they shared a cell in the prison.


same news outlet as the material above, but from yesterday.


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Post by Wisdom Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 21:37

And that simple fact is what makes all the reportage about Christian Brueckner, since the beginning of 2024, so farcical - whatever or wherever or whenever the source!

The German authorities don't appear to have anything to present against Christian Brueckner on any of the said charges of rape or child molestation, apart from hearsay and the testimonies of a few fellow felons he's met over the years. This story, for story it is, has been rolling on for over four years and still nothing has happened. It past it's smell by date many moons ago but lingers on like rotting sea bass.

It makes you wonder if Brueckner is being paid handsomely for the part he plays in this masquerade.

We must wait longer for that trial of the century but will it ever materialise? No - and that's an emphatic no! At least not legitimately.

Of course the individual news outlet puts it's own slant on anything published by a press agency, in short they re-write history to attract their own audiences. That is how the press works, it's how they used to sell papers and now stories published across the internet - ad nauseum

The current lengthy trial is not about Madeleine McCann in any way shape or form - why then is the little girl so frequently mentioned in relation to the current trial?

As if we don't know ....


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Post by Onehand Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 10:41

today the psych is back as an expert witness.

there are already some news messages out, but it is hard to understand if they are from this morning itself, or based mostly on the earlier testimony of this witness.

cb has in no way or manner wanted to work with this expert, so all that could be used is from earlier experiences around court cases and the type of offences in his past.

this is a part from the braunsweiger zeitung and translated with deepl;

expert Riedemann reported that Christian B. behaved in a hostile and suspicious manner towards the staff member in custody. Several incidents and disciplinary measures have been documented. He rejected any attempts at exploration by experts. Those who have tried to assess Christian B. on the basis of the files attest to his high levels of dangerousness and sexual sadism.
Riedemann himself emphasises that he would not claim to really know Christian B., ‘I would like to ask him a lot of questions, but I only have to speculate about a lot of things.’ Based on the files, he tried to explore B. using various established methods. His findings: ‘He belongs in the absolute top league of dangerousness.’ The probability that the defendant could commit further offences in freedom within two years is high.
Text files were seized from the accused in which he described fantasies of abusing children and women. Riedemann did not want to quote anything from them in his report, ‘that belongs in the top 1 per cent of sexual depravities, and I have already read many such things.’

from his first offence against children just before he reached adulthood, there already was a psychiatric report made cb would never stop with being criminally active. so in itself it is not unexpected.

still it does not answer a question about being the guilty party in the 5 cases at hand. and as it are these that have the floor in court, that is what needs an answer. you can hardly use mistakes i the past, when orders to keep a guy like this not be part of a free society corrected by fixing it by deeds not guilty off.

what makes it a very hard case to deal with for all the judges too, damned if you do, damned of you don't is not a nice position to cover.

there is another party in court that have not really done what you expect in a court, the kind of witnesses and the way these 5 cases simply were used to rake in time for a bigger case, is simply not what comes together under the aspects of a fair trial.


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Post by Onehand Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 10:56

this is what all dpa news outlets have;

According to a psychiatric expert, the suspect in the Maddie case, Christian B., is to be categorised in the ‘absolute top league of dangerousness’. The application of various procedures leads to the conclusion that the 47-year-old German is in the top league of dangerousness, said the doctor at Braunschweig Regional Court. The sex offender, who has several previous convictions, is accused of three rapes and two cases of sexual abuse of children, which he allegedly committed in Portugal between 2000 and 2017.

The trial is attracting a great deal of attention primarily because the accused is suspected of murder in the case of three-year-old Madeleine ‘Maddie’ McCann, who disappeared from a Portuguese holiday resort in 2007. However, the Maddie case is not the subject of the current proceedings. The presumption of innocence applies. B. is currently serving a prison sentence for the rape of a 72-year-old American woman in Portugal, to which the Braunschweig Regional Court sentenced him in 2019.

According to established analysis procedures, almost 100 per cent of comparable sex offenders have more favourable prognoses than the defendant, the expert said. The probability that B. will be imprisoned in the next two years is 30 to 50 per cent. The 47-year-old's defence lawyers emphasised several times during the trial that, in their opinion, the accused should be acquitted of all charges.

on fridays they usually have only the morning for an active court, so we have to wait for more until october 2. after that there are still days reserved for 7 and 8 october, and 21 and 22 october. it is unknown what still had to be heard, before the judges and schöffen have to declare their verdict. december is going around, but in this case everything only comes when it does.


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Post by Onehand Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 11:05

the mirror males it into this;

Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner is in the “top league of dangerousness”, a psychiatrist told a court today.

The German paedophile is suspected of abducting and killing three-year-old Madeleine in Praia da Luz in May 2007. He is currently serving a seven-year prison term for raping an American pensioner in the Portuguese resort. Brueckner is standing trial in Germany on unconnected sex crimes allegedly carried out in the Algarve.

Dr Christian Riedemann, a leading forensic psychiatrist, said the 47-year-old German remains “extremely dangerous”. He told Braunschweig court that Brueckner’s dangerousness is in the top 1% of over 1,000 other criminals. Brueckner refused to cooperate with the respected psychiatrist while behind bars, he revealed. Instead he based his conclusions on prison files and evidence heard during the ongoing trial.

If Brueckner is found not guilty, he could be freed from prison in the early part of next year. He is accused of carrying out sickening crimes in the Algarve between 2000 and 2017. They include the alleged rape of Irish tour rep Hazel Behan, who was attacked in her Praia da Rocha apartment in 2004.

Brueckner is also accused of raping a teenage girl in his Praia da Luz home and raping an elderly woman in her holiday apartment. He also faces a child sex charge for allegedly exposing himself to a German girl on a beach in Salema in April 2007. His final charge relates to an alleged indecent exposure in front of an 11-year-old in 2017.

Prosecutors appear no closer to proving he was behind Madeleine’s disappearance - despite claiming they have proof she is dead. They face the nightmare scenario of seeing their prime suspect walk free if he is cleared in the latest trial.

A not guilty verdict would increase the pressure on them to charge Brueckner over the British youngster’s disappearance.


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Post by Wisdom Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 13:15

The Daily Twaddle wrote:The sex offender, who has several previous convictions, is accused of three rapes and two cases of sexual abuse of children, which he allegedly committed in Portugal between 2000 and 2017.

The trial is attracting a great deal of attention primarily because the accused is suspected of murder in the case of three-year-old Madeleine ‘Maddie’ McCann, who disappeared from a Portuguese holiday resort in 2007.

Where is the evidence?

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Post by Wisdom Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 14:16

Madeleine McCann timeline: Key suspect bragged about abducting child in Portugal

It’s now been 17 years since the toddler vanished from the hotel resort her family was staying in

Beril Naz Hassan|Nuray Bulbul|Jordan Page2 hours ago
27th September 2024

The former prison cellmate of the key suspect in the Madeleine McCann disappearance has told a German court that he heard the suspect bragging about abducting a girl in Portugal.

Sharing a cell with 47-year-old Christian Brüeckner in 2020, Romanian Laurentiu Codin said that Brückner told him a story similar to the circumstances of Madeleine’s disappearance in 2007.

Claiming that Brüeckner bragged about being in an area of Portugal “where rich people live”, Codin told Braunschweig Regional Court: “There was somewhere an open window, he told me this, and this was the reason why he asked me whether fingerprints could be left when he went out of the window.

“He said he went into the flat because of money and said that he didn’t find any money, but found a kid, and took the child, and that two hours, the place he was, it was then surrounded by police and dogs,” he continued.

“And then he went away, out of the area, I am just saying what he told me... and he took the child in Portugal in his car, and in the time when the police and dogs were there at the house, he drove away, and he was gone. He asked me if the DNA from a child can be found as evidence and I answered yes.”

Codin, 50, who was giving evidence in an unrelated cases involving Brüeckner on Wednesday, claimed he had told him about various rapes and convictions he had carried out.

The former inmate in the same prison as Brüeckner claimed he was told by the suspect that he had raped young girls near Hanover, had abducted a girl in Portugal, and strangled an elderly woman.

Brüeckner is currently in prison in Germany for raping a 72-year-old woman in Portugal.

The defendant’s lawyer, Philipp Marquat, rejected Codin’s claims. “All of these claims are completely new. All of them. He has never said anything like this before, and they all contradict each other.”

Prosecutors in Portugal officially declared Christian Brückner an “arguido” in 2022. It is thought he visited the area around the time Madeleine went missing.

Madeleine was three years old when she disappeared from the family’s holiday apartment in Portugal’s Praia da Luz back in 2007. Siblings Amelie and her twin brother Sean were sleeping in the same room the night Madeleine was allegedly kidnapped.

Despite the British Government dedicating millions of pounds to police investigations, Madeleine has never been found.

Here is a comprehensive look at the timeline of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.

On May 3, Madeleine’s parents Kate and Gerry left their three kids asleep in their holiday apartment in Praia da Luz as they met up with friends for dinner.

At 9pm, Gerry walked back to the apartment, which was 100 yards away, to check on the little ones.

At 10pm, Kate made the same journey for another check. However, this time, Madeleine was gone.

Hotel staff and guests searched the hotel complex while the police started the investigations that night. The next few days saw hundreds of volunteers and officials join the search.

The Portuguese police revealed they believed the little girl had been abducted but remained alive and in Portugal.

A family friend of Kate and Gerry’s, who was dining with them on the night of the disappearance, revealed she’d seen a man carrying a child on the night Maddie disappeared.

On May 14, an Anglo-Portuguese property developer was arrested. He lived just 100 yards from the holiday apartment Maddie was sleeping in.

Later, in June of that year, the Portuguese officials confessed that they may have lost vital evidence. In July, the British police decided to send sniffer dogs.

On August 11, for the first time, Portuguese forces said that Madeleine might be dead.

Weeks later, in September, after talking to her parents, they also made them official suspects in their daughter’s disappearance. In a matter of days after becoming suspects, the McCanns decided to fly back to the UK with their children.

In July 2008, the Portuguese police removed the McCanns and the property developer from the suspect list, while investigations continued.

The reservoir area is first checked. Portuguese lawyer Marcos Aragao Correia reportedly paid for specialist divers to check the Arade dam after he claimed to have been tipped off by criminal contacts that Madeleine’s body was in the reservoir.

In May 2009, the McCanns announced they would be taking the Portuguese detective in charge of the original investigation, Goncalo Amaral, to court, after he published a book that claimed Maddie died in her family’s holiday apartment and wasn’t abducted.

In November, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre in Britain released a video message in seven languages that showcased what Maddie would look like two years after her disappearance.

Madeleine’s parents launched a petition that asked for the Portugal and UK investigations to be reviewed after the two countries shelved their search efforts.


Gerry McCann published a book about Maddie’s disappearance on what would have been her eighth birthday on May 12.

Meanwhile, following the request of the then home secretary Theresa May, which was backed by then prime minister David Cameron, Scotland Yard launched an official review of the Madeleine McCann case.


In April, Scotland Yard officials revealed they believed Maddie could still be alive.

They released images of what she would look like as a nine-year-old and urged Portuguese forces to reopen the case. Portuguese officials, however, declined the request, citing a lack of fresh evidence.


In July, Scotland Yard officially launched its own investigation into Maddie’s disappearance, called Operation Grange.

They revealed that they had identified 38 people of interest, including 12 Britons.

In October, the Portuguese police shared that they had reviewed their original investigation and found new lines of inquiry, too, and would be reopening the case.

British detectives travelled to Portugal at the start of the year, with many believing they were about to make arrests. However, this didn’t happen.

In June, the authorities used specialist teams and sniffer dogs to search an area close to where Maddie was staying, but nothing of interest was discovered.

In December, the detectives started questioning 11 new people.

In September, the Government revealed that the investigation into the disappearance of Maddie had cost the taxpayers more than £10m. A month after the announcement, Operation Grange’s team was slashed from 29 officers to four.

In April, Kate and Gerry McCann marked a decade since their daughter’s disappearance by doing an interview with the BBC. They vowed that they will do “whatever it takes as long as it takes”.

The Government dedicated another £150,000 to the investigation, pushing the overall cost of the search to an estimated £11.75m.

In March, Netflix released an eight-part docuseries about Madeleine’s disappearance.

In May, the Portuguese media revealed that the police were investigating a foreign paedophile as a suspect.

In June, Scotland Yard revealed they had identified a 43-year-old German prisoner by the name of Christian Brüeckner as a suspect in Maddie’s disappearance.

The man was in the Praia de Luz resort on the night Maddie vanished. He completed a half-hour phone call shortly before she went missing on May 3, 2007, and re-registered his 1993 Jaguar vehicle the next day.

The German police revealed their investigations suggested Maddie was no longer alive.

Meanwhile, in 2020, Scotland Yard said they had now spent £12.3m of taxpayers’ money on the case and had no “definitive evidence whether Madeleine is alive or dead”.


In May, Kate and Gerry share a statement on the official Find Madeleine website saying they still hope to see their daughter again one day.

In April, Portuguese authorities also made Brüeckner one of their formal suspects.

In May, the McCann family said it’s “essential” for them to find out what happened to their daughter.

On October 11, Brüeckner was charged with three counts of rape and two charges of child sex abuse, unrelated to Maddie’s disappearance.

In February, an Instagrammer claimed she was Madeleine. By April, her claims had been universally dismissed and her account suspended, and a DNA test put an end to the saga once and for all, though she controversially gained more than one million followers.

In March, an additional £302,470 of funding for Operation Grange was approved for 2022/2023, and a Home Office spokesperson confirmed that another application had been made, although they did not disclose for how much.

Brüeckner then had the unrelated charges of rape and sexual assault thrown out by a German court because he lived in a different region of the country at the time of the alleged offences.

This means legal authorities in Braunschweig have no jurisdiction over Madeleine’s case, although he remains an official suspect.

In May of that year Portuguese police along with British officers searched a reservoir on the Algarve 30 minutes from where McCann vanished.

The search was requested by German authorities as Brüeckner reportedly visited the area around the time Madeleine disappeared.

A former cellmate, Laurentiu Codin, tells Braunschweig Regional Court, in Germany, that Brüeckner had raped young girls near Hanover, had abducted a girl in Portugal who sounded like Madeleine, and strangled an elderly woman.

Brüeckner is currently in prison for the September 2005 rape of a 72-year-old woman in the resort where Madeleine vanished,

He has never been charged over Madeleine’s disappearance and has denied any involvement.

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Post by Wisdom Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 14:17


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Post by Wisdom Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 14:18


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Post by Onehand Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 16:32

at least rob hyde was in the court. where the standard now as it looks like it given ai ghost names. i mean we would not have missed that gerry mccann wrote a book in 2011, or that the british police decided to get dogs in the portuguese investigation in 2007.

not the first time an ai exercise gave these results, so young and now already boring and still very incorrect, so the standards deserves a place on the list of do not trust at all media.

and it becomes funny, because there is only one rob hyde and all his outlets pretend he is theirs. suggesting they had their man in court, but all that happens is paying for the same words, and there has to be logic in that, because their can only be one series of words been spoken of course during court.

it seems to grow like a lot of articles in the supermarket, the packages are still a bit different , the prices usually too, but what you really get is exactly the same content.

maybe the old dutch verb ordi can used for such pieces, it was used during the eighties to call common things uninteresting, too much one of a kind, a bit pretentious without really showing quality. it would be the opposite for the classic pieces written with a undertone of the original founding base of the papers. what could be political, religious and/ or a more specialised subgroep in society, when you have to read through most of it, it would become so much less boring.


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Post by Spamalot Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 17:21

If it's allowed to continue as it stands now, AI will be the downfall of civilisation, of that I'm sure.

People (some, well respected people with intelligence and experience under their belt - allegedly) don't appear to understand the concepts of AI and how if affects use of the internet.

Simply put, above all else AI monitors the users location (be it actual location or VPN/proxy) to determine the source of information it thinks the user wishes to see - fundementally wrong but who am I to stand in the way of good intention.  In addition AI follows the users internet browsing history when showing search results - clearly it thinks it knows better than you know yourself.

Apart from that AI doesn't appear to know what it's doing, let alone what the user is trying to do.

Thus, Harry Potter hasn't waved a magic wand to remove specific people from specific websites, you only need use the search function differently.  This is not a new innovation, AI has just tightened the reins, not because it's spying on you in the interest of national security but because it's not very good at it!  Tiresome to say the least.

Anyway, back on track..

Christian Brueckner is not under the watchful eye and ear of the psychiatrist testifying in the court of law, indeed it's no more use than a speech analyst or criminal profiler.

Never in the history of mankind has there been such a stitch-up as we see here but hey, let's not stand in the way of some good idle garden fence gossip.  That prison cell that houses Brueckner must be seething with woodworm trying to find a way in and out.  Then again, I guess if it's only brownie points you're looking for then I say bravo!!!

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Post by Spamalot Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 17:29

Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner is in ‘top 1% of dangerous criminals’ with penchant for ‘sadism and paedophilia’, psychiatrist tells court

Laurence Dollimore

christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Mixcol10

MADELEINE McCann suspect Christian Brueckner is in the ‘top league’ of dangerous criminals, an expert psychiatrist told a court today.

Dr Christian Riedemann gave his assessment of the German paedophile during his trial at Braunschweig court on Friday.

READ MORE: Brueckner confessed to snatching girl from same Algarve resort where McCann vanished from, ex-cell mate claims

Brueckner, 47, is being tried for five separate sex offences, including three rapes and two child abuse cases, but not for the disappearance of McCann, although he remains the prime suspect.

Dr Riedemann, 54, told the court that Brueckner belongs ‘in the absolute top league of dangerousness’ and in the ‘top 1% of dangerous criminals’.

He called for the serial rapist to be held in ‘preventative detention’ if convicted, saying the chances of him offending within two years of being released were ‘high’.

Dr Riedemann, boss of the Lower Saxony criminal system, said Brueckner refused to meet with him or answer his questions. He did the same in 2019.

It means he has had to speculate based on the available evidence, which goes back to his first child abuse offence as a teenager.

The expert said, in particular, he had viewed the twisted drawings and diary entries of Brueckner, in which he detailed sexual fantasies involving children.

Dr Riedemann said: “They belong in the top 1% of sexual abnormalities, and I have seen a lot of things.”

The expert said Brueckner likely has a sexual disorder that gives him a preference for sadism and paedophilia.

He said if convicted, Brueckner should be locked up in the interest of public safety.

A fellow prisoner, who shared a cell with Brueckner in 2019/20, told the court this week that he had admitted to snatching children on various occasions.

Romanian cleaner Laurentiu Codin, 50, told the court on Wednesday that he had snatched Maddie from the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz.

He added he had also asked his advice on getting fake passports and driving licences and if DNA ‘showed up on bones’.

He added that at least one other prisoner also heard the claims.

Brueckner, who grew up in an abusive foster family, is said to have been beaten by his foster parents and became a criminal early on.

In 1993 he abused a child for the first time, before abusing a second.

In 1994, he was sentenced to two years’ prison for both attacks aged just 17.

But before finishing his three year sentence he fled to Portugal, where he was arrested in 1999 and extradited.

After his stint in prison, he returned to Portugal, taking casual jobs and committing petty crimes, including burglary and drug dealing.

In September 2005, he raped a 72-year-old American woman, but would not be sentenced for the crime until 2019.

He is now accused of having committed three more rapes in Portugal, including that of Irish expat Hazel Behan on June 16, 2004.

The victims in the two other cases have remained anonymous.

British toddler McCann vanished from Praia da Luz in the Algarve in 2007.

Brueckner was living and working in the area at the time of her disappearance and remains the prime suspect in the case.

The expert said, in particular, he had viewed the twisted drawings and diary entries of Brueckner, in which he detailed sexual fantasies involving children.

Dr Riedemann said: “They belong in the top 1% of sexual abnormalities, and I have seen a lot of things.”

The expert said Brueckner likely has a sexual disorder that gives him a preference for sadism and paedophilia.

He said if convicted, Brueckner should be locked up in the interest of public safety.

A fellow prisoner, who shared a cell with Brueckner in 2019/20, told the court this week that he had admitted to snatching children on various occasions.

Romanian cleaner Laurentiu Codin, 50, told the court on Wednesday that he had snatched Maddie from the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz.

He added he had also asked his advice on getting fake passports and driving licences and if DNA ‘showed up on bones’.

He added that at least one other prisoner also heard the claims.

Brueckner, who grew up in an abusive foster family, is said to have been beaten by his foster parents and became a criminal early on.

In 1993 he abused a child for the first time, before abusing a second.

In 1994, he was sentenced to two years’ prison for both attacks aged just 17.

But before finishing his three year sentence he fled to Portugal, where he was arrested in 1999 and extradited.

After his stint in prison, he returned to Portugal, taking casual jobs and committing petty crimes, including burglary and drug dealing.

In September 2005, he raped a 72-year-old American woman, but would not be sentenced for the crime until 2019.

He is now accused of having committed three more rapes in Portugal, including that of Irish expat Hazel Behan on June 16, 2004.

The victims in the two other cases have remained anonymous.

British toddler McCann vanished from Praia da Luz in the Algarve in 2007.

Brueckner was living and working in the area at the time of her disappearance and remains the prime suspect in the case.

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Post by Spamalot Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 17:43

The Andrex Press wrote:Codin told Braunschweig Regional Court: “There was somewhere an open window, he told me this, and this was the reason why he asked me whether fingerprints could be left when he went out of the window.

christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Purple10

For a seasoned master criminal Brueckner must be a bit thick if he needs to ask an inmate about fingerprints and DNA traces   You'd think a proficient burglar who could scale vertical walls naked so as to leave no trace of his coming and going, would know wouldn't you?

The court room today..

Part 1..

Part 2..


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Post by Wisdom Sat 28 Sep 2024 - 14:37

christian brueckner, christian b, christian brückner or in short cb, 28 june and later. - Page 5 Scree222

No, Christian Brueckner did not confess to abducting Madeleine McCann back in May 2007 - please don't insult our intelligence by suggesting otherwise!

There has been a breakthrough in the Madeleine McCann case after a man has claimed that his former cellmate took the young British girl back in 2007.

So again it must be asked, if this new latest witness standing before a court of law heard this confession back in 2020, as reported, why did he wait years before saying anything? This kind of revelation would be every tabloid journalist's dream, the witness could have been raking it in for such a story rather than waiting for an unknown future court appearance.

Is that a dead rat wafting across the airways?

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Post by Onehand Sat 28 Sep 2024 - 15:17

they never win doing cluedo!

it was not a cellmate, but a jail mate at best, lc had no name, place or year with the musings said in court.

the psych is a bit of a nuisance of course, i actually agree with doc c. in this, but if cb is not found guilty in these cases, he only spoiled his time. without a guilty verdict in one or more cases they cannot order that secure upholding in this way.
there seems to be another route, but that needs another route.

in itself the estimate that out of 100 other criminals he will be act out in a criminal sense is not that strange, i have taken down enough petty thieves you could say that from. most we knew they would simply do it again that same day.

and yes because of his past and upbringing the list of earlier convictions shows a guy that lost all respect for others, not that strange even. life is not fair and for some very unfair. still not an excise to become a burden to others, but too many do.
and yes that can makes such guys dangerous to others. he will simply never care about other people.

it is all but unique. it is no news about cb, there was already a psych that made a report during the trial for his first known abuse of a child, and before that trial was done he did the same to the next. and later on he was in germany for a third time convicted for sexual abuse of a young child.

that was 3 strikes under a standing prognoses of he will never stop with doing such things. and they let him walk out, they did not ask for treatment or secure opholding, and they could.

the raid on the old boxfactory is a complete up, they had to confess that during this trial, but again they had their chances.

so to play it know all by repairing the mistakes with cases that normally would never reach a court with this kind of witnesses is grasping at straws. very unfair to victims, even if they are not victims of cb. all are told he is their bogeyman, with a large hand in it from the media.

and i get the idea from the other cases i see getting their attention in the media from this jurisdiction, repairing mistakes becomes a habit there.

and now we have a romanian ex convict, just out of jail, who had hardly a memory about what he could tell, met up during lunch with a not accredited reporter around the court and simsalabim, magically the witness comes with full stories.
what could go wrong?

with the same connect the dots playing out you could fix the headlines in, ex jail mate got instructions from a journalist outside the german court. could still be a great write up of course, but we all know putting in madeleine her name is what will sell the adds. what actually is quite hypocrite. the same adds do not want to be near on fora when people dare to talk about the sexual abuse of children, something that is simply a reality and has even quite a profit from keeping mouths closed, but they do circle around the titles in the media about the same.

i hope there are pictures of the meeting with the reporter.


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